Health for days journey – May 5th (update)

Good evening friends,

So today you got 4 posts. I’m sorry if that’s too much for you. I had a lot to say, I guess.

I’ll try to make this one short.

Let’s go straight to my to-do list:

  • Water my desk and bathroom plants. I mean my desk plants, not the desk itself, I’m not sure I made that clear. Again… water the plants that I have on my desk and the plant that I have on my bathroom. Better? Thought so. – Watered the plans;
  • Put away the huge pile of laundry that I have (finally) folded. Some of it has been sitting on my bedroom rug (I have no shame, do I?) since before Easter; – Clothes are put away!!
  • Put away the dishes that I washed a couple of days ago and that are definitely dry. Wash the dirty ones. There aren’t many, so it must be quick; – Done and done;
  • Vacuum the living room floor. Either that or convince Mr. R to do it. I hate vacuuming. Give me a room full or laundry or dishes or 30 rooms to dust but 1 small room to vacuum and I lose my shit; – Didn’t get to this one;
  • Wash all the floors with bleach. Yes, I like to do that once in a while. I get a mop and a bucket and I use bleach instead of floor cleaner. – Didn’t do this either;
  • Make my bed; I have changed the sheets yesterday but I have yet to make it today; I should do it immediately after I wake up, I know. But what if I want to go back? Okay… – Bed was made. 
  • Answer a few emails and texts and I’m not used to do this anymore. When I had my business I had texts and emails and Facebook messenger and Whatsapp booming all day long. Maybe that’s why I’m crazy. – Didn’t do it;
  • Pack Rui’s bag for his little trip. No, he’s not dumb or useless and he’s perfectly capable of packing for himself but I like to do it for him. I always know where things are. I think it’s better to pack already instead of waiting for him to do it while asking me “have you seen x?”, “have you seen y”. What is up with men? It’s like they don’t even live at home. We always know where our shit is (and theirs). – Not yet. I’ll do it tomorrow before he goes;
  • Keep gathering the materials for my studying sessions; – Nope;
  • Go and pick up some lemons from the tree! – Didn’t;


Food and water:

  • Breakfast/lunch: My usual oatmeal plus a cup of Melissa and lavender tea;
  • Snack: A small apple and another cup of tea;
  • Dinner: Two small plates of whole wheat pasta with chickpeas, olives, mushrooms and sweet corn. A glass of fruit juice;
  • So, to drink I had: 2 glasses of water, 2 cups of tea, one cup of fruit juice, one cup of coffee with milk;

I still have almost no appetite. I had to force myself to eat an apple as a snack. I was feeling hungry but nothing sounded good. Dinner was actually delicious, so I ate a little bit more. I need to get better about my eating and drinking. I’m eating too little right now. I need more meals and more nutrients.


I’m grateful for:

  • Inspiration to write;
  • Great reactions to posts from my lovely readers;
  • A yummy dinner;
  • Getting a few things done, especially laundry and dishes;
  • A well-behaved dog (seriously, she was so nice and quiet today, I think she could sense mom had a huge headache);


To finish, I need to tell you that today I reached 200 posts!!


Who knew I could write so much? I had no idea.

See you tomorrow! I hope you have an amazing weekend!



39 thoughts on “Health for days journey – May 5th (update)

  1. Oh I had a massive headache too today. Mine came up because I am trying to write and work on photo albums alongside. I am beating it with some wine though 😉 What’s up with men? That is a good question. That happens to me All the time when Adi wants to do anything. I think it is sheer laziness! Big cuddle for well-behaved Rosa and her mistress xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Does wine help with headaches? When I have a big one, a strong espresso usually helps. When it doesn’t, nothing does lol I don’t know if they are lazy or just a little… I don’t know. Distracted? Clueless? Mine could never put laundry away and when he does the dishes things end up out of their right place. It’s a mystery. Huge hugs to you, love. Rosa sends a big, loving face lick!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • That helps. The lick. As long as she has brushed her teeth 😉 Tuktuk used to have the most bizarre breath that grew worse with old age. Wine helps calm me down – just a glass or two particularly when I am feeling cold (it is still quite nippy here). Otherwise I try tea which calms my nerves. Coffee should work wonders too I can imagine. I think wrt the men, it is a combination of all the factors along with a chunk of laziness thrown in. It drives me up the wall.


  2. Ugh! You’re to do list is far too similar to mine, except for the packing to go somewhere part. I wish I had somewhere to go. The “ugh” is my natural reaction to seeing your list, thinking about mine, and realizing that I can only (honestly) claim to have checked one thing off today. I got the dishes started. Just started. They’re far from done. And I’m out of time because I work tonight, too. Sometimes, the real world just sucks! Right? Well, keep at it. That’s the best we can do. And a little bit done is better than nothing at all. 🙂


    • That makes me so happy!! To know that I was able to help with just simple advice!! You’ve made my day 🙂 thank you so much for reading my posts! Hugs!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ok so now I am getting concerned about the no appetite thing. I know today you said you were hungry but nothing sounded good. Is it that way everyday or are you not hungry everyday? I had a chuckle about you doing the packing instead of him doing it while asking you where every thing is 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats on hitting 200 posts!! You’ve definitely been busy. 😀
    That’s so cool you have a lemon tree! My dad is currently attempting to grow two different types of lemon trees. The seeds have just begun to sprout, so he’s hoping to be able to transplant them soon once the sprouts are a little bigger.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. I have been writing away, haha! I love that!! We love gardening so that sounds like so much fun. They will take a few years to actually give you lemons, but it will be wonderful when they do 🙂

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