Monday: 15.04.2024 The One Where the Living Room Lamp is Murdered

Today was a good day.

I was up later than I should have been (I had set my alarm for 7 am but hit snooze until 7.45) and had to rush getting dressed, washing my face and drinking some coffee before teaching a private lesson at 8 am. After the lesson, I worked on some things until about noon, while Rui spent time with the girls. I assigned some homework, uploaded some worksheets to Google classroom, scheduled a driving lesson and a dentist appointment, updated my planner and just took care of some online errands.

I joined my husband and the kids in the living room, had Nutella toast for lunch (please someone call the police, this meal should be illegal) and then started my endless cycle of daily laundry and tidying up. I made our bed, vacuumed both bedrooms, put on a load of Olívia’s clothes, then a load of Dalila’s bedding, then a load of delicate laundry. I folded a load of Dalila’s laundry I had washed yesterday put it away, as well as a load of darks.

We all moved to the kitchen for lunch and Rui and I talked while I wrote down a list of things we need to get done before his paternity leave ends. He cooked and managed Dalila’s lunch and tidied the kitchen while I moved to the living room to put Olívia down for her nap. Lunchtime was a little dramatic and tantrum filled because Dalila was bitten by a mosquito (why is there no word for “melga” in English) last night and was scratching her mosquito bites nonstop. We kept trying to get her to stop because she had actually drawn blood on her face but she just wouldn’t stop scratching. I had the brilliant (as usual) idea of trying to put a bandaid on it and she absolutely lost it. Honestly, you haven’t known stress if you’ve never parented a toddler. Eventually, she stopped scratching her face because it was starting to hurt and she figured it would probably be best to leave it alone.

After lunch and cleaning up, Rui took her to our bedroom and tried to get her down for her afternoon nap but she definitely wasn’t having it today. Meanwhile I took a shower while Olívia happily watched from her swing, which I placed near the shower. It’s funny how different my girls are. Dalila used to scream like a banshee if I so much as looked in a different direction but Olívia is content as long as she can see me.

After an unsuccessful nap attempt, Rui went for a run (after we sat for half an hour debating where we’d go for dinner) while I stayed with the babies. Olívia napped in Dalila’s crib while I tidied up the living room and cleaned behind the couch. At some point I looked away for two seconds and Dalila managed to pull a glass lamp from a side table and it broke. It wasn’t a big deal because nobody got hurt and we moved to their bedroom so I could prevent her from getting into the glass shards on the floor. We played while Olívia napped and daddy cleaned up the broken lamp when he came home from his run. He then showered and gave Dalila a bath while I fed and changed Olívia. We all got dressed and went to dinner at this Japanese/Chinese buffet. Olívia slept the entire time and Dalila ate her weight in noodles, crab legs and strawberries.

After dinner, we stopped by the pharmacy to get something for Dalila’s bug bites, fully knowing she wasn’t going to let us actually apply anything to her face. I’m now writing this after getting Olívia down for the night while my husband is putting Dalila to bed (we alternate putting them to bed).

I’m very tired but still have a few things to do before bed and I’d like to read a little and maybe spend some time with my husband. Hopefully, I won’t be too sleepy to do my skincare routine.



5 thoughts on “Monday: 15.04.2024 The One Where the Living Room Lamp is Murdered

  1. I will apologize in advance for laughing my head off at your adventures today 🙂 but with a title like “the one where living room lamp was murdered ” you most certainly understand my tears from laughing. My grandson acts like any insect is the end of the world. He will continue to point them out and let you know his distress until you vanquish the bug. Heaven forbid is one actually touches him. He doesn’t throw a fit about it but he will let you know he is displeased with it until you do something 😂 I might need a nap being quite worn out from laughter and ALL the stuff you listed shew! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m happy you are amused by our family antics 😂 we currently live in a mad house and the lamp ended up paying the price. Haha Dalila doesn’t mind bugs but she thinks the word for fly is “annoying” because I say “so annoying” when a fly is bothering me and now she goes “annoying! Annoying!” when there’s a fly around 😂 I love that your grandson goes all “please deal with this” when an insect is bothering him lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like you had a really good and productive day. Love your posts as I’m nodding my head yes to all the memories this brings back. I had no one of my kids who every night would poo every night take off their clothes and diaper and smear it all over themselves. Of course this involved the screaming in the middle of the night when they realized what they were covered in. Potty before bedtime didn’t work they still did it. Of course this involved a middle of the night bath, a sheet change , a laundry load being done so the clothes and sheets didn’t stain and actually getting them to fall back asleep. I finally started putting the onesie in backwards so they couldn’t take it off. I’m glad she finally grew out of that .


  3. I have to admit I was laughing while reading this because I can totally understand the chaos you and Rui went through that day. Thank goodness no one got hurt from that lamp breaking, I always hate breaking anything glass or ceramic. I always feel like I never get all the little shards. And btw, it’s very impressive that Dalila ate her weight in noodles, crab and strawberries! I really hope Valeria is a great eater like that.

    It’s so funny to see the different personalities on the girls already, I think you have a bit of a free spirit in Dalila and a calm observer in Olivia. Both unique and charming in their own ways.

    Sending positive energy to all four of you! ❤️


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