Top Ten Tuesday: Petty Reasons Why I Did Not Finish a Book

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Today I’m linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and telling you all the petty reasons why I DNF a book. Here’s my list:

1. Poor grammar and too many spelling mistakes.

If the book is so poorly written that I’m spending most of my time mentally proofreading it, I definitely won’t finish it.

2. It makes me angry.

Looking at you, Fifty Shades of Gray. I mean, I wasn’t expecting a literary masterpiece, I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. If you know me, you know I don’t like being told what to do, so it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that I tossed it aside as soon as I realized Christian had a set of written rules for Anastasia. Because I clearly don’t learn from my mistakes, I still watched all four movies and hated every moment.

3. There’s a very obvious male saviour.

If you read a lot, you’re probably very familiar with the concept. Nice girl is in a bit of a pickle, meets a kind man who’s going to make everything better. He’s usually kinder than any men she’s ever met and will treat her with all the love that she’s always deserved but never got. It’s very sad that this is usually written by female authors too. I’d rather read about a strong woman who WANTS a man but DOES NOT NEED one because she’s more than capable of handling her own crap, thank you very much.

4. Too many clichés.

I mean, if it feels like I’ve read it before, it’s not for me. Even though I’m a millennial, I also get SUPER annoyed if they mention basic millennial things too much. If the characters call each other babe, speak in hashtags and drink nothing but Starbucks and watch too much Netflix, I get very mad. Am I petty or what?

5. The book is just too boring.

If the story is putting me to sleep (and I suffer from insomnia), I’m going to put me out of my misery and just find something more exciting.

6. It’s too painful for me as a mother.

Since becoming a mom, I can’t read books about kids losing their parents or vice versa, it just hits too close and I keep picturing my daughters going through the same. I made the mistake of reading The Midwife of Auschwitz (a wonderful book, btw) while pregnant and I’m still recovering from it. I guess this is not exactly petty but it’s definitely one of the main reasons I might not finish a book.

What about you? What are your main reasons for not finishing a book?

I’d love to know what books you were unable to finish and the reason for it.

See you soon.



10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Petty Reasons Why I Did Not Finish a Book

  1. Great list, so many great reasons to DNF! Grammar and spelling mistakes bug me too but usually I only come across loads of those in ARCs in which case I am a lot more forgiving because I know they’ll be fixed.


  2. As a mother, if a book has characters who have lost a child (or parent), that hits differently. What I hate is when they toss that information in, and it has NOTHING to do with the story. If the loss of a loved one has nothing to do with the story, why mention it? Another thing that bothers me is when the parents are so nonchalant about their kids.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!


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