April WordPress Prompts: A Very Positive Change

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

One of the most positive changes I’ve made in my life is getting rid of excess stuff.

I used to keep things just in case I might need them some day, which never happened, so stuff would just pile up in my small house. Suddenly, after my first daughter was born, I felt this urge to throw out, sell or donate everything I wasn’t actually using. I ended up tossing about 75% of my belongings. Do I miss any of those items? Absolutely not.

The list of things I got rid of includes:

– Occasion dresses I wasn’t planning on ever wearing again (outfits I had worn to weddings, for example)

– Shoes I had never even worn.

– Clothes that didn’t fit.

– Supposed sentimental items such as postcards and such.

– Old notes, books and materials from school and college.

– Books and materials I wasn’t using for work.

– Old electronics and appliances.

– Books I didn’t like or was never going to read again.

– Beauty items and unused cosmetics.

I’ll never be a minimalist but I have now gotten used to have less stuff around. I’m constantly purging and I have reached a point where I think twice about bringing something into my home. I still enjoy shopping but I no longer something just because it’s cute and cheap.

This change has honestly had an impact on my life, mental health and stress levels because I don’t do well in a cluttered environment. I still have a long way to go but I’m happy to have taken this step into simplifying my life.

What is a significant change you have made?

Photo by Pexels

2 thoughts on “April WordPress Prompts: A Very Positive Change

  1. There are definitely things I wish I kept such as baby items (sadly my ex didn’t). They are my only regrets. However, I now keep less and it is empowering. I am sure I could declutter more. great post


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