A few reasons why I might be a bad blogger…

If you ask me what a bad blogger is, I will tell you that there is no such thing. I believe we are all good in our own way. We do our thing and put so much effort in to blogging, how can we be bad at it?

But when it comes to myself, there are a few things that always bother me, and lead me to think I’m not a good blogger:

  • I don’t always include pictures in my posts. I always include a featured image, that I get from Pixabay, most times. When I do include pictures, they are taken with my phone or with my pink, 3-years-old Sony compact camera. I don’t edit them at all. I don’t know which program to use and, to be really honest, I don’t really care. The ones I take are real and raw. But is that what people want to see in a blog? Probably not. People want to see beautiful, color corrected, no shadows, whatever (can you tell how much I know about photography?) images. Don’t they?
  • I don’t have a blogging schedule or a blogging notebook or a list of  blogging ideas. They just come to me and I write. I’ve just had this post idea while in the shower and here I am, 10 minutes later, writing. I blog whenever I feel like it, about whatever comes to mind, sometimes more than once a day (annoying bitch!!)
  • I have no filter. I’m the #queenofTMI, I write about any topic, good or bad and I say bad words, use sarcastic humor and just say whatever I want so say. I often ramble because I just want to write my thoughts, whatever they may be.
  • I don’t respect those nice blogging rules of 1000 words maximum or keep it short and simple. I write until I feel like I have nothing else to say and that the post is ready. Sometimes you get huge posts.
  • I don’t have a theme or themes. The world is my theme. You can get a recipe or a very Debbie downer post about depression or my health for days journey or something like asking for pen pals. Sometimes I come here just to tell you guys about something funny or nice that happened to me.
  • I overshare. I don’t have any issues with privacy. I’m always honest and open and tell you everything. I’m comfortable answering any questions you have, even if they are personal. What you get here, is what I am. I don’t hold anything back. Sometimes I plan things that end up going to shit but I don’t hide them at all. You get no sugar-coating or any ideas of perfection from me.
  • I care too much. I follow way too many people and spend endless hours reading their blogs. I love to be there for people and comment and actually read their work and that takes a huge part of my day.
  • I get frustrated by the numbers. I have no idea why I have almost 800 followers and only about 100 or 200 people read my posts, like, comment. I don’t understand this and it makes me feel confused. I’ve said this in the past but why follow if you don’t support, don’t read and don’t engage with the blogger?
  • I do too many tags and Awards. I had decided I would always accept them and do every single one but then I realized that might bore people to death (when you’re doing your Liebster number 87 it might get annoying) so I will just do the ones I’m already nominated for. I will also do any new ones that come my way and continue to nominate people for my tag.
  • I get anxious because I don’t have enough time to comment on everyone’s blog. I often want to say something, ask questions, give my opinion. But I follow about 700 people. There is no way.
  • To be honest, I don’t really think about what I am writing and don’t go back and edit sentences. You get things the way they come to my mind, as if I am talking to you. That’s why I probably sound rambly most of the time.

These are the reasons I think I don’t fit the pattern. I’m not consistent or professional at all. Will that ever change? I have no idea but I don’t think so.

What are your ideas on such topic?

What kind of blogger are you?

Are there any rules that you always follow?



147 thoughts on “A few reasons why I might be a bad blogger…

  1. I think they are normal concerns to have! I like knowing that people engage with my blogs and enjoy them and I too probably share a bit to much personal information and thoughts at times too but it think its all part of blogging about your life you almost have to include those things!x

    Liked by 4 people

  2. It’s okay cheila!! Rules are meant to be broken 😉. This is your OWN blog and you should write whatever you feel like sharing. I consider you as a really good blogger-friend!!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. It’s all about you and what you enjoy! If you have created this blog to interact with the world and share your thoughts, you are doing it! It just depends on what YOU want out of it. It’s funny that I’m reading this because I am going over what I think my blog should be and I have goals for it. I recently learned I need to be a bit more professional haha. It seems to me that you love to write and that it is therapeutic for you. I am starting to fall in love with blogging, and before I felt like it was a chore. Now to just get some followers hahaha.

    Liked by 6 people

    • I love blogging. It’s my hobby and a passion. I write for me, but my intention is also to help others, to be there for people and to help other bloggers. I don’t think I will ever want to make it more professional. Thank you so much for your comment, it’s amazing to read everyone’s perspective!

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  4. I think good formatting and consistency helps with followers, but the sign of a great blogger is great content & good writing – both which you possess. And like the other comments have said, it’s most important to blog in the way which is best for you!

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  5. First of all I love your blog because you are just real. You don’t hide anything, you show us who you are and I love that. I think your blog is amazing because you create your own rules, you write what you want to write. 🙂 xxx

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  6. I love your blog because it is 100% real and honest. I’m all about that also. One thing that frustrates me so much is when bloggers follow your blog just to make you follow them. I mean I would rather give them a follow without that because I love to support others. This way it feels ignorant and disrespectful. xx


    Liked by 3 people

    • I couldn’t agree more. I would rather have 50 followers and know them well, rather than so many and only about 10% participate and actually read. Thank you so much for your kind words, you know I love your blog!

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  7. I don’t think photos need to be perfect – it is not a photography blog.

    I do not stick to themes either. Point of own blog is can write what you want, when you want.

    The 100-200 people who interact are they same 100-200 or does it vary? You have said self hard to keep up with all so that is why do not see all 800 all time. A worse sign would be losing followers.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You’re right, I don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a blog. I don’t have a theme either. My theme is myself. Whatever is going on with my life. The people are usually the same, there’s a bunch of them I don’t know at all. But yes, losing followers would be disappointing!

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  8. I’ve asked myself the same question and have come up with similar answers. I think you can only be a “bad” blogger if you have a very specific mould you want to fit into (e.g. a fitness blogger) and you want to monetize (e.g., get sponsored by Lululemon or something…). Personal bloggers are kind of free to do whatever they want, which is what I like about being a personal blogger. I have thought about trying to become a parenting blogger that is recognized and monetized, but that takes away the freedom. And if you enjoy blogging because of the freedom to write whatever, then keep doing what you’re doing!

    Liked by 3 people

    • You’re absolutely right. I love the freedom to write whatever I want. Of course I wouldn’t mind making money from blogging but I don’t see that happening with the kind of blogging that I do.

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  9. rules? I don’t need no rules. I don’t follow no stinking rules.

    1. I like your pictures just the way that you take them.
    2. I post when I feel like it and whatever topic I choose.
    3. I don’t worry about 3/4’s (or better) of my followers that are here one day and never comment. I think some are too wrapped up with getting thousands of followers anyway.
    4. If we wanted you to fit a pattern or a standard mold then we would get an off-the-shelf Cheila but that would be a boring version versus the cute one that we do follow.

    I think you’re fine just the way you’re going. it’s your style and it works for you.

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  10. I don’t think I fit either…my topics vary and like you said when I run out of things to write I wrap up the topic as well. i’d love to write daily but it isn’t possible with my kids at least. Good luck 🙂

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  11. I rarely follow blogging “rules” simply because I can’t be bothered to learn the rules. My posts are generally long and rambly, my pictures are awful at times, and I most definitely post way more often than some people would like (I think my max was 6 or 7 in a day). lol

    Liked by 2 people

  12. don’t get me wrong but this list is somehow depressing! I think 99% of bloggers are bad if we look at it from that perspective 😀

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  13. I didn’t know there were rules?! I think your blog is fresh and lively. Your style seems to be working well for you so far!

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  14. In my opinion, I don’t see rules as something that need to be followed when it comes to blogging. Everyone does whatever they want anyway. Lol.

    I do think that planning could go a long way for someone who has the kind of blog I have, (but that’s just me, I like to be organized). But everyone is different and blogs tend to reflect the author, so your blog will never be like someone else’s, and if you tried, you wouldn’t be yourself and therefore would be dishonest to your readers.
    Anyway, don’t worry about numbers. That’s actually a pretty normal thing around here. Not everyone reads your posts and some people only follow to get followed back.
    In terms of reading blogs, I usually follow people I know I will read lol. In fact, for my blog, if I have people following my beauty posts I don’t expect them to like or read my lifestyle posts and vice versa. It’s too much of a headache to try and write posts for everyone. I write for myself and you should too. Don’t write to please people.

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  15. I don’t think I’m all that than a bag of chips. have over 50 followers now, and it’s a challenge to read; like; and comment on everyone’s work. The fact that you have hundreds of followers in the short amount of time you’ve been on here shows how good you are. I try to be equal with the reads, comments, and likes so it seems like I’m not showing favoritism. I don’t have a schedule either. Maybe I should, but I’m worried I won’t stick with it. Besides part of me likes to be spontaneous and unpredictable with it my writing.
    Sometimes I think I’m too “churchy”. I always mention God somewhere. I don’t mean to turn off non believers, but at the end of the day I remember consider that is my blog. Write what you feel. Good post! I can relate!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, you’re very kind. You can be a non-believer and be a follower and a reader anyway. And like you said, it’s your blog. You choose what you talk about!!

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  16. Blogging is about what makes you happy. So overshare, say bad words, write over 1000 words because it’s your blog and you can do whatever the hell you want. I do most of these things, too, as I think of the rules as suggestions. What makes your blog good is YOU, Cheila!!! 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  17. 😅 I agree when you talk about having so many followers and only a few actually read and comment… I say the same thing to myself, “Why follow if you don’t support. ”

    To make it easier on myself I stopped following back the ones that don’t comment or like.
    That way I can focus on building a relationship with the ones that do.
    Life is so much easier now.

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  18. Everyone is going to have their own style and sensibilities. For me, I’ve always been a writer; before I was a blogger I was a writer. Going through my writing and making corrections, figuring out the best way to say something makes me feel like I’m presenting my best self (not walking into the street in my pyjamas) and I feel like it shows respect to readers who come to my blog. I want them to have the best. It’s not a rule. Not everyone cares about that. But I guess because I do, I impose it on myself. Blogging helps me develop my writing skills, which helps me better communicate my ideas, thoughts, experiences and connect to others, all reasons why I blog. Sometimes I post a comment and realize a grammatical error after I press send and it sends a shiver up my spine lol.

    When I started, I was rigid about my theme, but now I write about whatever I feel like and that has made me feel so much more free and I enjoy it a lot more. I’ve gained a broader range of followers which I love. I’ve started adding more photos recently. My earlier posts had none at all. I just feel like it adds to the mood or story that I’m trying to tell. And I love art, so why not have it all? Again, not a rule but a preference.

    In the end, we have personal blogs to reflect who we are personally. We aren’t trying to get published. If a ‘rule’ adds stress, takes away the joy then leave it behind. But I think doing our best is always the best way to go. I am always amazed at your dedication to following and engaging other bloggers to the extent that you do, Cheila. It’s astounding. I think many of us read something we love and follow with the best intentions of keeping up with them, and there’s just so many hours in which to do so. I sometimes feel guilty that I don’t follow more bloggers, but I’m afraid of getting overwhelmed or not keeping up (as sometimes happens already). There should be a day dedicated to reading through blogs we follow that we haven’t visited in a while.

    Wow, this was long winded and probably beyond a thousand words!

    Liked by 3 people

    • You’re lucky I looove long comments! Thank you so much for sharing you’re experience and thank you for the support. I have been unfollowing people that I don’t know that well and who never comment or write that much and I feel guilty.

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      • Haha! I think I broke a record. I don’t agree that you should feel guilty for unfollowing. You value being part of a blogging family and when you are spending time reading or amassing tons of posts in your reader and distracting, you should cut down to what’s valuable to you.

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  19. Hi, Cheila! I happen to think you are a great blogger. You post every day (I wish I could). You are very open (that’s awesome in blogging). You have 800 followers. I get the frustration with only a small amount of followers interacting with your posts. I have ~50 followers and consistently hear from about 10 (one of which is you, Lovely, thank you!) So, girl, it could be worse. 😛

    Anyway, I love your blog just the way it is. You don’t have to plan your posts. It’s like someone said above, as a personal blogger you have more freedom to write what you want when you want. I’ve pigeon-holed myself by only writing about fitness. You’re doing great!

    I’m a bad blogger in that I don’t make enough time to read other blogs every day. There’s just too much going on in real life right now. And I don’t plan ahead on my posts, though I try. Would love to have a posting schedule, but I don’t know how to do that without taking off from my blog for 2+ weeks in order to get ahead on writing new blog posts. Taking that much time away = death of my blog.

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  20. I think all the reasons that you listed, is what makes you a great blogger!

    I tried the schedule thing, it doesn’t work for me. Some days I’m just not that creative or inspired, if that falls on one of my “scheduled” days, it would bring me stress or force content out. I appreciate organic and you have it!

    I love that you have no filter, I curse a lot in real life, so it spills over to my blogging a bit… Oops. Like a damn lady 😉.

    Your photos are beautiful, the ones you share and the ones for topics. We are bloggers! Not photographers, who had time to edit photos when we have to write! 😉 But seriously, you are doing great my love! Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s wonderful!

    I wish I could help in terms of the mass ghost followers? I’m still small scale so I don’t have hundreds of people just watching? Perhaps they like to view your snippets as they scroll by, or perhaps a specific post touched them in some way but has been waiting for it to roll around again? I’m not sure! But they could say hello! You are a nice lady and certainly don’t bite 😂❤️

    You’re a great blogger, never forget!

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  21. I think people get too focused on blogging ‘rules’, but what really matters is what YOU want for YOUR blog. And I really enjoy reading yours 😀 it’s refreshing to read more personal, genuine posts xx

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  22. Blogging is different for all of us. Some people my only come on a few times a week or month, then there’s that handful that is here every day constantly (i’m one of them). That’s how I explain the numbers dilemma. And I think everyone just runs their blog the way they want to. I think only a small number may look at this ‘professionallly’, while the most of us are just talking about what we want, when we want, and hitting post to share with whomever wants to listen. I stress that I’m posting too often everyday, with no real coherent theme, beyond whatever popped into my head. But in the end, I’m having fun with how I run my blog. So if you’re happy with what you’re doing, keep doing it 🙂

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  23. Nope. I’ll rephrase – that’s what makes you such a great blogger and an even more amazing human! I love the fact that you try to there for people, reading and commenting on so many the blogs. I don’t follow that many blogs and even then, it takes me a lot of time to catch up!!! I can’t even imagine how you manage to do this, dear but it’s so kind and thoughtful of you to do so. Although I’ve a theme of the challenge I’m undertaking currently, my blog doesn’t really have a theme either. It’s random stuff, just like the name implies. But lately, I’ve been really obsessed with flash fiction! I’ll admit that. You’re just starting out. Your blog is your space. Just because some people are doing something doesn’t mean that you have to do it too. So picture or not, I’ll still read your blog. 😊 My posting schedule is also quite erratic. (This month is the sole exception​!)

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  24. Hey, it’s okay to be a “bad blogger”! And these things don’t make you a bad blogger. And agh, I get you on the followers problem! I have about 270 followers, and not all of them follow. I TOTALLY agree — why follow if you’re not going to read or interact, and only like? And sometimes, they don’t even like posts! They’re just ghost followers. 😉

    Girl, you blog the way you want to. It doesn’t matter if you cuss or if your posts are 1000+ words long or if they have no pictures! Blogging is supposed to be your own thing, and YOURS only. You can do it however you want!

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  25. I know what you mean about the pictures. I always feel my photos are rubbish. I want people to have pictures but I don’t have the time to get them perfect. That’s not what everything is about

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  26. I think that’s what makes people like your blog, you don’t care about preconceived rules ! And that can be relatable 😊 Also don’t care too much about the people not commenting but still following, there will always be a silent majority no matter what, in any case not only in the blogging sphere (youtubers seem to have this ‘problem’ too)

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  27. I think I’m a bad blogger. I’m only just starting. I named myself the rambler and I def fit that. I ramble. I also don’t always post on eye opening topics just general things. I also don’t post pictures all the time

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  28. A “bad blogger” is like beauty. It’s 100% in the eye of the beholder, and there’s no one standard for everyone! Personally, I love your blogging style. When I’m in my reader, I see a whole bunch of the same type of post/writing and it’s always nice to see a break with some personal things! I love your blogging style and I don’t think you should change it for anybody!

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  29. I think you’re a great blogger. 🙂 You’re honest and write from the heart which is very admirable. And no worries about photo quality. I love seeing the photographs you share in your blog just as they are. Besides, if we all followed the rules of what makes a “good” blogger everyone’s blogs would be the same and that would just get so boring so fast. lol Variety is the spice of life! 😉

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  30. Blogging is all about who YOU want to be. Forget the rules forget the standards and forget the norm. At the end of the day you’re blogging because you enjoy it, so if you want to share a lot, go for it, if you don’t want a schedule do that too! Do what makes you happy and forget the norm because at the end of the day this blog is YOUR creative part in life and no one can tell YOU how to run YOUR space ! X

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  31. Cheila, I really think you are an exquisite blogger. I don’t say that just because you write what you think or have a wide variety of interesting topics. I say that because you have what I think of as “flow.” Reading your blogs gives me the feeling of being on a wonderful boat. Sometimes, we drift, sometimes there are rapids, and sometimes we stop somewhere for a nice meal. Don’t overthink it…keep your flow.

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  32. I am a fear blogger – I write to journal to get a thought out, but the become afraid of what I have said (at times). I want to be loved and interacted with. How do you get to that point? I don’t know, it would be nice to just write but then I would need to be living in a tin shack in the middle of the wilderness and I don’t think my family would go for that.

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    • hahahaha you’re always funny, Raegina. Don’t ever be afraid to write. Be fearless. If people don’t like it… well… fuck them. Fuck the world, you have the write to say what you think. To get love and interaction, just do the same for other people. I would love to read some of your posts. Would you share some link with me? Of your favorite posts? (Excuse the language, you’re a mom, you probably don’t talk like that, but I can’t help it lol it helps getting the point across)


  33. If these make you a “bad blogger”, I am not a good one either XD I want to write better content and take better pictures. I think it is wonderful to know anything we think we are not enough or “bad” so we can get better. I care the number sometimes but I am like whatever. It is like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Sometimes people just not interested in using it anymore but their account still there. Or they just follow too many people that they couldn’t engage every blog they followed. Don’t worry. We love you ❤

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  34. I am an old rebel and seldom follow the rules 🙂 Your blogs are interesting, intelligent and enjoyable. Thats all that matters.

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    • Thank you so much, Ruth. What I love about my blog is the interaction with people. The fact that I know your name, for example, is more important to me than the number of followers I have!


  35. I remember the anxiety 🙂 Just breathe. It doesn´t get any better as you gain followers 🙂
    At certain number, it´s impossible to read every blog.
    Big hug, David

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  36. Look at all the love you’re getting in the comments, you’re not a bad blogger. I too don’t have a schedule or a plan or use images. I just blog when I feel like it and about what I am feeling at that time. I think you need to take a step back and read your own blog as if it was written by someone else, would you think it was a bad blog then?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think it’s a bad blog. Sometimes I just feel like it’s all over the place and I don’t fit the norm. I love your blog because it’s so personal. It’s like you’re telling me how you feel and I can support you and say something nice and comforting. I love our interaction!


  37. Cheila, you are good at what you do and it is your unique style of blogging that draws people to you. Never change that! I respect and admire how open you are and you always try to engage your audience. I understand your concern about having so many followers and not seeing the numbers adding up in terms of how many people read, liked or commented on a post. Does this mean they did not like it? Does this mean they are losing interest? Did I not make my point clear enough? I have moments like this as well. .

    From time to time when I find myself questioning my contribution to the blogging community – I remind myself why I blog in the first place. Blogging makes me feel good. I like to share my thoughts and if other people like it that’s good and if some of them feel comfortable enough to leave a comment great but I don’t let people’s feedback or lack thereof steal my joy.

    We are all talented in different things and bring different gifts to the table. My suggestion is continue letting your passion for blogging drive you no matter what the numbers say your ‘true’ followers would be there with you. 🙂

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  38. I think these are what actually makes you a great writer Cheila! And yes they are pretty normal for many of us. But being yourself is the best way to be, it’s good that you don’t force yourself on a blog schedule, themes etc.. none of that matters because you’re here every day posting, sharing your life and ideas with us and engaging with many bloggers! You don’t need to follow any rules because you have your own way of doing things that is comfortable for you. That’s what makes you great. Sometimes I try to set a schedule and get frustrated when it’s time to do something and I’m not ready. I also don’t know what kind of blogger I am yet because I just post whatever I’m feeling at that moment or anything I feel will be good to share that others might want to read. It is sad that some people just follow to get a follow back to up their numbers. At least read and like ONE post- at least! But sometimes like you said, it is hard to read everyone’s post when you’re following so many. I often don’t see many posts, even yours and I’ll have to come to your blog to see if you’ve posted or not. Can’t do that with everyone though because you’re not going to remember to search for everyone’s blog you might have missed. This was a great post, as usual✨
    Btw, you already know I think your pictures turn out nice! Natural is beautiful! You don’t need all of that editing. But I’ve been thinking about making a few posts on some of the things I edit with.

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    • You’re so sweet, Lee. It makes me so happy that you search my blog just to see if I have posted something. I do that with you too, and with my other favorite bloggers or the ones I’m closer too. I have a new rule. If you follow me, I won’t follow back unless you introduce yourself, read and like a few things, tell me about some of your interesting posts. Follow to get a follow back won’t work with me. You’re very sweet. Remember one of the first times we talked we said we would be great friends because we had blogs with “pink” on the name? I think we have so much more in common, my dear. That makes me so happy!! xx

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      • Omg yesss I definitely remember that! It’s amazing and I’m glad that you do! This really touched my heart, something so simple❤️ so wonderful how things have come in a short amount of time and how much we’ve both grown as bloggers. I truly hope to keep in touch with you.
        I also think your new rule is golden!✨ i’ll even consider introducing myself from now on when I follow a new blog and telling them what made me follow.

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  39. I really just do my blog for fun so I don’t really follow any rules. I tell people it’s a “lifestyle” blog and I write about anything I want! Haha it’s more fun that way too 🙂

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  40. YES YES YES TO ALLLL OF THIS!!!!! GIRL- I am just like you. I didn’t even know many blogging “rules” really existed when I started out so inevitably I broke them all basically haha. But your blog is such a personal space, and so I love that you do you!! Love this post. It made me feel better about being so unconventional hahah. PS. LOVE your blog, Cheila! ❤

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  41. Cheila, honey, you are not a bad blogger. I see no cause for concern because we love your blog. If we didn’t we wouldn’t have been following you and reading your posts.

    I consider myself a random blogger. I’ve been trying to stick to a schedule when I first started to blog, but to no use. Most of my photos are from Pixabay, Pixels or Unsplash. Whenever I include a picture it’s taken from my phone too and I don’t like editing them. I can’t always read everyone’s blog so sometimes I read some blogs for about 2-3 hours and leave the others for the next day.

    You’re real, you’re open, honest and raw. What we see is what we get and I love this about you. Keep doing you.


  42. All of this makes you an excellent blogger! You’re true to yourself and that’s all that matters. Plus, I think it’s great that you come up with so many great ideas on the spot and that you post as many times a day as you want to. Your blog is perfect because it’s what you want it to be.

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