New Blog Schedule!

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well.

I’ve decided to cut way back on my blogging, mainly because I don’t have a lot of free time now that I’m back at work. I’m working no more than 10-12 hours a week, but the kids and the house keep me pretty busy. I’m also taking driving lessons, having weekly therapy sessions (they do take a toll on me) and now studying for a biology exam I’m taking in May (I’ve just been accepted to take a college admission exam and I might finally transition to a healthcare career in the next couple of years). I love to keep busy and promise I’m thriving on having so much going on. Blogging is simply not a priority right now. Honestly, with whatever free time I have, I much prefer to spend it reading books.

With that said, my blog schedule is now:

Tuesdays: Top Ten Tuesday (my absolute favorite bookish linkup)

Fridays: Friday Favorites (a linkup and weekly update)

Occasionally: Book reviews, random life stuff and WordPress prompts, whatever I feel like.

I’ll see you tomorrow for TTT.



February Blog Stats + My New Favorite Blogs

February is over and it’s time to reflect on this month of blogging. Let’s first look at numbers because, even if everyone says they don’t pay attention to them, that’s probably not really true is it? We all write to be read and interacted with, otherwise we’d make our blogs private.

February 2024 Blog Stats

Number of posts: 59 (average of 2 posts per day)

Number of views: 3920

Number of visitors: 1857

Number of likes: 1637

Number of comments: 341

Number of new followers: 109

February 2024 Top Posts

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 23.02.2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – Our Budget

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 16.02.2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – My To-Do List

Friday Favorites 02.02.2024

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 09.02.2024

Let’s Look At: Little Things We Do Every Day

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had

What’s Up Wednesday – February 2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – Mom Break Needed

2024 Blogging Goals: Update

1. My number one goal is to keep writing every day. Even if I’m just answering some random blog prompt or telling you how my day went, it’s important that I keep my writing flowing.

Yes, I have been blogging every day!

2. I’d like to get to 3000 followers. I’ve been at 2700ish for a long time and would love to grow my audience.

I’m getting there. Currently at 2,866.

3. I’ll probably go self hosted at some point. I’ve been wondering if I should do it for years and it seems like the right thing for my blog. I’m just waiting on a specific domain to become available again.

Still waiting for my domain to become available.

4. I mean to start taking my own photos. I use a mix of stock photos and photos taken by me and I intend to use only photos I take myself.

Not really. I need to focus on this.

5. Back in 2017, I had 80.000 views. I really want to top that in 2024

Not sure I’ll be able to top that but we’ll see.

6. I want to go through all my posts, delete the ones I no longer want out there, reorganize my categories and add appropriate tags to all of them. Maybe I’ll repost my favorites.

Slowly going through all my posts.

7. I want to come up with a set blogging schedule.


8. I would love to find new blogs to follow and to connect with other bloggers. We used to be such a community and I truly miss it. Unfortunately, most of my favorite bloggers are no longer active and we’ve lost contact, which makes me really sad.

Yes! Which leads me to…

My New Favorite Blogs

Mama On The Move

Vegan Book Blogger

Frigg And Frog Crochet

Curiosity – Start Something

Baby Blue Rascals

Leah’s Books

One Reading Nurse

This was my blog’s month of February.

How was yours?

I encourage you to share your favorite blogs in the comments so we can all check them out and find new favorites.

Thank you for being here!


How to Use ChatGPT for Blogging While Keeping Your Content Original

Ever felt intimidated by the idea of using AI for your writing? Yeah, me too. I used to be VERY intimidated by AI in general. But let me tell you, I’ve had a total turnaround. Turns out, AI—especially ChatGPT—is not just some intimidating tech monster; it’s actually a super helpful tool for bloggers like us. I used to shy away from anything AI-related, but after giving it a shot, I’ve realized it’s a game-changer.

And yes, you can totally use it while still keeping your content authentic. I do not use ChatGPT to do my writing for me. Instead, I use it to make my writing better. Here’s how:

Grammar and Spelling Check

Having taught English for over a decade now, I’m pretty confident in my abilities to write a half-decent text. However, I’m not a native English speaker, so I still might make some mistakes. ChatGPT helps me with checking my English and making sure that every comma is correctly placed.

Help With Tags

You should ALWAYS add relevant tags to your blog posts, as that is how your post will be found by readers and categorized by WordPress. ChatGPT is a great tool to help you come up with the right tags.

Finding a Title

I don’t struggle with this myself, but I’ve seen people complain about how hopeless they are at coming up with an appropriate title for their blog post. ChatGPT can totally do that work for you. All you have to do is say what your article is about and it will come up with several options of titles to choose from.

Suggesting Prompts

Have you ever felt the urge to write but were unsure of what to write about? Now you have the option to ask ChatGPT for a writing Prompt. It will offer several options and one of them might just be the inspiration you needed.


Say you actually have a topic in mind but want to make sure you mention all the important information. Just ask ChatGPT and it will tell you what you need to include in your post.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

If you’ve been a blogger for a while, you’re probably familiar with this. If you don’t know, SEO is what you use to make your blog easy to find on the internet. SEO organizes your website so search engines like Google can easily find it when people search for things online. It involves (among many other things) using the right words so your website show up higher in search results. ChatGPT can help you in coming up with the right keywords.

Overall, ChatGPT is a great tool to help with your writing. Of course, you could also use it to produce content for you, but where is the fun in that? I don’t think I will be using it to write my blog posts anytime soon, but I’ll keep taking advantage of it as a helpful resource to have on hand when writing.

Are You on Substack? I’ll Follow You There

What is Substack?

Think of Substack as a platform where writers and creators can send out newsletters directly to their audience’s email inboxes. It’s like having your own personal magazine or blog, but delivered straight to your subscribers’ emails.

People use it to share all sorts of content, from news and analysis to personal stories and advice. Plus, subscribers often pay to get exclusive access to premium content, making it a way for writers to earn money from their work.

It’s become pretty popular because it’s simple to use and gives writers more control over their content and income.

Are you familiar with Substack?

I’m giving it a go because nothing sounds better than a social media platform for writers. It’s another place to share your content and to meet fellow writers.

Here’s my Substack profile:

Maybe I’ll see you there?



Transforming Blog Followers into Dedicated Readers: A Guide

As a blogger, your ultimate goal is to cultivate a community of loyal readers who eagerly anticipate your next blog post. However, turning casual followers into dedicated readers requires more than just attracting attention. It involves nurturing relationships, providing value, and creating a memorable experience for your audience. If you’re looking to transform your blog followers into committed readers, here are some strategies to consider:

1. Create Compelling Content: The cornerstone of building a dedicated readership is producing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re sharing personal stories, offering valuable insights, or providing practical tips, prioritize quality to keep your readers coming back for more.

2. Encourage Interaction: Actively encourage interaction and feedback from your blog followers. Invite them to leave comments, share their thoughts, and engage in discussions related to your blog posts. Respond to comments promptly and thoughtfully to foster a sense of community and make your readers feel valued. Be kind enough to follow people back and read their blogs too. Essentially, be part of the community and be there for your readers too. You’ll meet lovely people.

3. Promote Your Blog Content: Utilize your blog’s social media channels to promote your content and drive traffic back to your website. Share teaser snippets, captivating images, or compelling quotes from your blog posts to entice your followers to click through and read the full article. Consistent promotion can help keep your blog top of mind for your followers. I’ve personally opted out of this one because I choose not to be on social media. Is that hurting my blog growth? Probably, but I need to prioritize my mental health and wellbeing.

4. Optimize User Experience: Pay attention to the user experience of your blog to make it easy and enjoyable for readers to navigate and consume your content. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, load times are optimized, and navigation is intuitive. A seamless user experience can enhance reader satisfaction and encourage them to spend more time on your blog. Make sure your blog is easy to read and pleasant to look at. Don’t overdo it with too much text, check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

5. Deliver Consistent Value: Consistency is key when it comes to retaining readership. Stick to a regular posting schedule and deliver consistent value with each blog post. Whether you’re sharing new insights, updates, or entertaining stories, maintain a level of quality and relevance that keeps your readers engaged and coming back for more. I personally like to post every single day and have found that works for growing my audience. The most important thing is making sure you keep showing up and posting regularly.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively transform your blog followers into dedicated readers who eagerly engage with your content and support your blog over the long term. Remember, building a loyal readership takes time and effort, but by consistently delivering value and fostering genuine connections with your audience, you can create a thriving community of dedicated readers and supporters.