I’ve got this – 07.06.2017

Hello everyone,

I’m so sorry I’ve been so negative lately. I’ve definitely been in a mood, for many reasons but especially, for nothing. I just get like this sometimes. Overwhelmed and grumpy. Add being sick 3 times, with 3 different things in a little over a week, exam stress and blogging stress (because a few things and a few people have been bothering me) and you get me a tired, pessimistic, boring me. It’s just a few things, really. I’ve been really sensitive too. Anything can make me cry these days. I’m just having some weird days/weeks/months, but I’ll be just fine. I do feel so much better today. My stomach issues are gone, I have no sickness to report, thank God.

I’ve decided I won’t call my posts health for days journey while I’m picking up the pieces and getting back on track, which is probably going to be this week. So you get “I got this” as a tittle today.

I’m late with my Perfect Party Series, so I have decided I will pick it up next week, if you don’t mind. I’m sorry. I hate to delay things or to fail, I do. But I need some time to get updated on things, get this house back on track and organize a few things. These posts take time and so I’m going to take the next few days to write them and they will be published from Monday on, starting with the person that should have been featured yesterday. I hope you don’t get mad at me, friends. Especially those who are going to be featured. I’m sorry you have to wait another week.

I’m not one to pretend everything is okay and brush things off. I’m human and honest so, when I’m not feeling it, I let you know. Maybe it helps you a little? To know that you’re not alone, that everyone fails and has issues. Maybe you can relate to me if you’ve been having a rough day or week.

Do you have moments when everything just seems too much?

Anyway, today it’s Wednesday and I love my What’s Up Wednesday post, which was apparently created by Shay over at http://mixandmatchmama.com/.

The first time I’ve done it was because I read it over at Hannah‘s blog, so I always give credit to her. I believe some other girls are doing it, as Angela mentioned in her last post. So I should also mention JennyBritt (I’ve just discovered them through Angela) and my soul sister Lee. I had forgotten to mention my dear friend Cherylene because I didn’t remember she has done it, so I came back to add her. Sorry, Chery!!

If you like this kind of post, these are a few bloggers who do it, so go over and check it out. Angela has a fresh one up. She says she’s doing this once a month but I wish she would join me every Wednesday.

So, what’s up?

What’s Up Wednesday



What we’re eating this week:

This: https://pinkfordays.wordpress.com/2017/06/03/thursday-meal-plan-and-recipe-share-2-3-days-late-just-like-everything-in-my-life/

What I’m reminiscing about:

Nothing in particular. I miss school, though. I wish I could have been there this semester instead of studying on my own. I love going to class, listening to the teachers, taking notes, doing homework. Am I weird? I’m weird.

What I’m loving:

The weather. Crazy wind is almost gone, sun is shinning and it’s kind of hot too. Perfect for my plants and garden, perfect for my laundry, perfect to be outside, feeling the sun on my face for a minute.

What we’ve been up to:

Just watching movies, lately. Taking naps (Rosa and Rui), gardening. Rui says we’ll have ripe tomatoes in about a week. Yay!!

What I’m dreading:

Cleaning the whole house, folding a bunch of laundry, German.

What I’m working on:

The garden, getting things back on track (were they ever?).

What I’m excited about:

Studying. Going to the beach soon.

What I’m watching/reading:

We’ve been watching movies. We watched Get Out on Monday, The Day After Tomorrow (for the 100th time) yesterday (sorry, that sentence is weird). I think we’re watching Cinderella Man today, because it’s part of my American Cinema list for the exams. By myself I’ve only been watching random TV shows, such as Married At First Sight (shame on me), Adoption Stories and Medical detectives on CBS Reality. I also watch Ink Master with Rui because he likes it, although he has 0 tattoos. I’m also watching YouTube videos.

What I’m listening to:

The washer. Literally. Not some cool band.

What I’m wearing:

Old H&M staff t-shirt from when I worked there, old Primark dark blue sweatpants and Havaianas flip-flops, with pink socks. Shame on me so much!!

What I’m doing this weekend:

Studying? Blogging? Don’t know yet.

What I’m looking forward to the next month:

When exams are finished and I can start focusing on getting my driver’s license.

What else is new:

My mom has got a new kitty. Her name is Daisy and she’s super cute.


95 thoughts on “I’ve got this – 07.06.2017

    • I don’t 😦 I’ve been meaning to take it since I was eighteen. I’ve been enrolled in several schools, I’ve lost money I had paid because it expired haha And I need it so much now. I live 2 km away from any kind of transportation, down the hill lol She is so cute and she is so sassy! She tries to play with my mother’s big cat Gatsby and she hisses at him. Thank you for saying that, honey 🙂

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  1. Yay we finally got to see Daisy! 😀 Glad to know that the stomach issues are gone. I’m sure that you’ve got this. Everyone has these moments when you feel like it’s getting too much for you. Take a deep breath. It’s going to be alright. Things fall apart just before they fall in place. We’re rooting for you. Take care, dear. ❤🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Glad to know you’re feeling better, Chey. And take all the time you need. We don’t mind. We’re all human. We all get bad days sometimes. It’s what makes life fun for me – the moods.

    P.S. I love Daisy. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’ve been having messed up emotions too of late. I’m getting the hang of it now and I even had to write a post about it to feel better. I’m glad you do feel better. We all have to keep fighting.

    Stay strong dearie. You got this!

    Liked by 3 people

      • Yeah, Ive definitely not been quiet about it!😂 Awwww even thinking about that makes me so happy! I’m such a cat lady at heart…a cat lady without cats😂


  4. Glad your feeling better Cheila! I feel you on blogging being stressful which is something I realised a couple weeks ago for me personally. I started getting upset that such a fun hobby was causing such ‘un-fun’ moments for a lack of a better word. So I ditched my schedule which was 4 pm here in Australia Wednesday’s and Sunday’s. I’m so very glad I did as when I go to write posts now I feel so much more free rather than OMG I have to get this done in only an hour,etc. Also realising that hatters are gonna hate and you can’t please everyone has really helped me. I’m simply just sharing this with you to hopefully encourage you. 🙂 I hope your exams go well too! Many Blessings, Grace. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much for sharing, Grace. I feel that now that I try to be more consistent with blogging schedules and such and trying to look more “professional” the stress is building up. Maybe the problem is there. Thank you for always being so kind. May you have a blessed week. ❤

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  5. Don’t apologise- I think it’s great that you are open with us and that you don’t hide your bad days- that’s what makes you a great blogger! Even if the last few weeks were not so good, I’m sure the next few will be amazing. Feel better ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  6. There is no need to apologize when you feel down. You are entitled to how you feel. I wish there was some magical thing I could tell you that would make it all better but we both know it doesn’t work that way, been there done that. When I’d get that way, I tell myself it’s like having a cold, it shows up, you have it, and it will run it’s course. That’s the best advice I can give. Bright side, you’ll have tomatoes next week 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Don’t let blogging be unfun. It’s a hobby. You do achieve so much and good you write lists of what achieved. I have had to write a list today of what I achieved, starting with that I got up because it was one of those days.

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    • You’re so right, my friend. I just have such a difficult mindset where I see everything as work. I run my house like a business, I try to make everything productive. And I’m like that in general, no rest for me. Blogging used to be so much fun and it still is, but then perfectionism gets in the way. I want to do everything and to do it well. It’s impossible, there’s only one of me. I’m sorry you had a rough day. Getting up IS an achievement. Some people can’t even do that, you’re strong. Tomorrow will be a much better day. ❤

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  8. Daisy’s cute. I quite like this idea of What’s Up Wednesday. There’s music in everything around us, non? Even something as prosaic as the washer. You could invent something like the washer rhythm. I sense potential here C xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You’re not alone there! I had laryngitis two weeks ago and then got my wisdom teeth out last week and this week it’s my time of the month! So it wasn’t exactly all at once, but I haven’t been able to catch a break. Glad to see a pic of the kitty (: v cute

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, girl!! Do they do body transplants yet? We should apply for one lool We’ll both be fine next week. I hope you have the best week ever, after three really uncomfortable ones. Sending love and positive vibes your way, dear. ❤

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  10. Hey! Sounds like your days are slowly coming to a middle, which is good to hear 🙂
    As for doing the What’s Up Wednesdays, I feel like not enough happens each week for me to write one, which is why I originally wanted to do it once a month. My life is fairly routine. However, in two weeks, I’ll see if anything exciting has happened, then maybe I’ll up it to every two weeks instead of once a month. Sound like a good compromise? Yes, no, maybe? 😀

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  11. I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon. There’s no shame in taking some time off for yourself, that’s perfectly healthy. If others don’t understand, oh well. If the subjects are interesting I look forward to studying and look forward to going to class at all, so I can relate.

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  12. What’s Up Wednesday is a cool idea. It is a chance to clear your mind and get what you are feeling off your chest. Moods and emotions are fluid. They come and go. Keep writing. Keep sharing. Enjoy fun and beautiful things like Miss Daisy.

    I know I am a day late but I just have to share what I would have said yesterday if I had not been swamped with baling hay and kiddos ball schedules.

    One of my greatest dreams came true last week. I visited Nashville with my mom and sisters and, when offered, I took the opportunity to sing on the stage of the Grand Old Opry. My voice was a bit shaky at first but finished strong. I think I am still euphoric from the experience. Please accept some of my joy and energy.


  13. Never mad at you for being human💗 many of us are going through the same so we understand. At least I do. Take your time getting the posts back on track.
    Daisy is ADORABLE!😻💛💛


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