Daily Planner and Journal:August 30,2017

Hey there!!

How is everyone? I’m fine and in a good mood and busy. Which is probably why I’m in a mood. I’m happiest when I’m “busy bee mode”.

I’ve woken up early again, even before Rui. It’s been about 5 days of this, which makes me happy. I feel so crappy when I can’t sleep at all or when I sleep too much. Waking up naturally and early is my favorite.

I have a long list of work tasks for today, along with a few domestic ones, as always. Work takes priority, of course, so I’m not sure I’ll get to everything.

I think I’ll manage, at least, to do some laundry because I can be doing something else while it washes and just have to take 10 minutes to hang it outside.

I need to make a few calls and find a dentist (I haven’t been to one since we moved here so I don’t have one) that takes my insurance because I have a broken molar that is scratching my tongue, which obviously hurts.

I have a work meeting tomorrow (job number 1, 8th and 9th grade tutor) and they have yet to confirm the timing, so I might have to call for that as well.

Other than that I have to:

  • Finish task 1 for client 1: I’m confident I can do it today. Tomorrow is the last day to finish it, but I’m already at 75% so I think I can manage the remaining 25% by this afternoon; Send a report afterwords;
  • Do task 2 for client 1: It’s actually a 500-word article and I have today and tomorrow to do it, but I think I can finish it by this evening. I would prefer to send it early too;
  • Keep doing task 1 for client 2: I’ve managed to reach 14 of the 20 goals, just 6 to go and no deadline;
  • Begin task 2 for client 2: Some research and no deadline;
  • Get a first draft of a project for client 3;
  • Small task for client 5;
  • Begin project for client 6. Deadline is from today to September 3;

Tasks from yesterday:

  • I worked for the majority of the day;
  • I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher;
  • I cleaned our bathroom;
  • I did a quick kitchen cleanup;
  • I cooked dinner;
  • I read a little;

What else?

Oh my skin is acting crazy. It took me 25 years to realize that I have combination skin. I mean, it has always been dry but, yesterday, I casually touched my forehead and thought “hmm.. my skin is oily here”, I decided to check my nose and it was really oily too. To be sure I check my cheek and it was as dry as the Sahara desert. So yes, I guess I have combination skin. It can be combination and still sensitive, right?

Also, for one the first times in my life, I’m breaking out. I was a pimple-free teenager, I never touched the occasional one I got and I have 0 acne scars. For the past few days, there’s always 1 or 5. Weird.

Anyway, sorry to bother you with my skin issues. And dental issues. And mental issues as well, usually. Poor you, how can you follow me?

Anyway, must get to work now.

How is work for you? Are you very, very busy? Are you good at managing work and keeping a clean house, clean laundry and dishes and cooked meals? If not, join the club. There’s always something failing. Such is life, right? The joys of adulting.

Hugs and kisses!

Desenho sem título (4)

P.S. How is your skin?

21 thoughts on “Daily Planner and Journal:August 30,2017

  1. I have oily skin. Sometimes in the winter it will be dry but for the most part my skin is super oily.

    Tea Tree oil is the best (in my opinion) for acne. Just dab a little on acne before you go to bed at night!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I seem to have your sleep issues the last 2 nights where I can’t sleep at all! 😦 My skin is OK, I occasionally get a few spots but not too many but I too randomly find that my nose is oily but my forehead and chin is so dry :O I try not to use products and just wash my face (if I use stuff it tends to be tea tree based) because I think that’s better.

    The bulk of my dissertation is now done… I think! I’m waiting for my supervisor to approve my second draft but I’m so panicky about it. I’m such a perfectionist and always worry about my work and whether it is good enough which isn’t much fun. Which may explain the sleeping issue at the moment! I’m a bit lost at the moment though as I can’t do much work until my supervisor approves/looks at my work. But even then there’s no point going home again now until I have to move out on 15th Sept. But I’m not sure whether I’m happy or not at the moment because I’m panicking a lot about my work and whether it is good enough 😦

    My dissertation is due on 19th and I have to give a presentation on 22nd so I should and could be working on that at the moment but I’m struggling to find the motivation to do so! =( So basically I’m alive but not feeling it right now XD 😦

    So glad your sleeping is better and I’m so happy to see you back on here 😀 I missed you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh honey, you’re obviously stressed out and suffering from anxiety because of your dissertation. The waiting is not helping and then you’re afraid it ‘s not good enough. You should trust yourself and the fact that you’re a hard worker. I’m sure it will be good 😊. But I do understand that you are nervous and won’t really breathe until it’s all done. Maybe try doing something you like and that will make you relax a little? Enjoy your free time, you deserve it ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m hoping to go for a little browse round shops this morning when I go shopping and I’m planning a little trip to Cardiff in the next couple of weeks too. I think it’s the waiting around that is making everything worse 😦


  3. I totally understand your problem with oily skin, I managed to solve it with organic coconut oil. I would put it on my face, after washing it, before I go to sleep and in the morning it wouldn’t feel so oily anymore. So maybe you could try that, hope it works for you 🙂
    Also, I’m new in this all blogging thing, so it would mean much to me if you could check out my blog https://chickandchic.com/

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a great suggestion! I might try it only on my forehead and nose. For my cheeks I need some heavy cream because they are super dry. Sometimes I apply Vaseline instead of moisturizer. It works well. Of course I’ll check your blog. Welcome to our community. Any help you need, my contact page is yours 😊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. My skin has a wonderful mind of it’s own LOL. I only break out once a month but I use to have acne bad. Stress will do it, some medications will do it too. I use basic old school stuff. The best toner I found that won’t leave my forehead nose and chin oily, and it’s old fashion witch hazel, and jojoba oil for moisturizer. They are both natural, and are both found in all the expensive facial product that are out there. They have really worked at evening out my skin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I should try something like that. The simplest things are sometimes the best options. I’ve recently began to shower with a natural soap that my grandparents used for bathing and for washing clothes by hand. It’s nothing fancy, just some white and blue natural soap which has about 2 ingredients. It doesn’t make as much foam as the usual ones because it lacks the chemicals responsible for that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I had really bad skin issues as a middle schooler and teenager. I got acne really bad, but it got better as I left high school. Why can’t skin just relax and not freak out over the weirdest things? Our house is staying clean but only because we have people coming by most nights to view it since we’re moving before our lease runs out. The joys of adulthood 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My skin has been going crazy lately! I’m usually really good about sticking to my skincare routine, and I still have been, but I think my diet (and time of the month) made it break out a bit more recently. It’s annoying, but I’m doing what I can to get it back on track. Good luck with yours xoxo


  7. Hope you found a dentist to help you with the molar, sounds painful! My skin is super dry “as the Sahara desert” as well lol and I do get the combo skin like you a couple days before my Aunt Flo comes to visit. And a few small bumps that go away in a day or two if I don’t mess with them!


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