Extra Blog Post: WordPress March Prompts – Most People Don’t Understand

What’s something most people don’t understand?

Most people don’t understand that…

Being a stay-at-home mom doesn’t mean I’m at home, living my best life, watching movies and doing nothing. I may not be working a job but I AM working. My life is go go go from 8 am to 1 am and, sometimes, I’m even up during the night. I don’t eat a meal that’s not rushed, I don’t get to drink a coffee in peace and I don’t really have a moment to use the bathroom without an audience. The home is my office and there’s always something to be done. The laundry is endless, the kids need to eat and diapers need to be changed constantly. I clean the kitchen over and over again and stumble upon toys all day long. My “job” is hard and stressful and never ending. I don’t get paid and I certainly don’t have days off. So no, I’m not working 8 hours a day for someone else, but I’m definitely working hard.

And yes, I decided to have my kids. I made the choice to become a mother but that doesn’t mean it’s not hard. I’m not even complaining, I’m just saying that my life is not easier or less stressful because I’m home with the kids. Now would it be easier if I was working full time while the kids are on daycare. Honestly, being a parent is VERY hard, regardless of what it looks like. We’re all doing our best.

Happy Monday + Plans For The Week + To Do List + Meal Plan

Good morning!

It’s Monday again and we must start another week.

My weekend was very lazy and not productive at all. I slept a lot while my husband spent time with the girls (I’ve been feeling more tired than usual for the past couple of weeks) and the only time I left the house was Sunday evening to go for pizza with our friends (Olívia’s godparents).

Last week wasn’t super productive either, so most of my to-do list is transferring to this week. It’s going to be an uneventful week so I’ll probably be able to focus on getting things done.

Here’s my to-do list for the week:


– Schedule Olívia’s 3-month vaccinations. She went for her 2-month ones last Friday.

– Reschedule my ultrasound.

– Schedule a dermatologist appointment. (Did try last week but there were no appointments available)

– Schedule an optometrist appointment. (This can be done via an app so I’ll do it as soon as I finish this post and before I forget)

– Talk to my psychiatrist about my constant nightmares.

– Find a new therapist.


– One load of laundry per day, as usual.

– Clean bathroom, deep clean shower.

– Wash couch covers and cushions. (Putting them in the wash today)

– Wash some of Dalila’s toys. 

– Deep clean dishwasher.

– Wipe down fridge, throw away damaged fridge magnets. 

– Vacuum and mop the whole house. 

– Dust living room.

– Water plants. Transfer the ones that need a bigger pot. 

– Finally try that bread recipe. 

– Clean and organize my desk and office space so I have a dedicated place to write, plan, work, journal, etc.


– Pick up clothes from the seamstress (we take our clothes to be ironed) and drop off more. Take a couple of pieces that needed to be mended (little rip, missing button).

– Go to the bank. (We’re going in a couple of hours)

– Drop off some other things I’ve sold on Vinted.

My Things:

– Schedule driving lessons.

– Dye and cut hair (SERIOUSLY, my roots are looking rough)

– Reply to everyone on Peanut (mom’s app)

-Create a Master To-Do List (more like combining and updating existing lists)

– Write book reviews on a couple of books I’ve finished.

– Sign up for a pediatric first aid course I missed a couple of months ago.


– Finish updating About Page. (In progress)

– Go through older posts, delete some, better categorize and tag others, choose some to repost. (In progress)

– Organize and rename blog categories. (In progress)

Meal Plan

(Some of it is from last week)

Monday – Pork roast with sweet potatoes and green beans.

Tuesday – Tuna lasagna.

Wednesday – Chicken soup.

Thursday – Pasta

Friday – Not planning for this day.

New Blog Schedule:

Monday: Happy Monday + Plans for the Week + To Do List + Meal Plan

Tuesday: Book Related Post

Wednesday: Mom life related post, unless I’m linking up for What’s Up Wednesday or Let’s Look

Thursday: True Crime Thursdays

Friday: Friday Favorites + Weekend Plans

Saturday: Informative or “How to” post

Sunday: Random, whatever I feel like

That’s it. That’s what’s happening this week. Hopefully, I’ll be able to be more productive than last week. And yes, I know that keeping a baby and a toddler alive is being productive but this moms needs to get more stuff done.

I’ll see you tomorrow for Top Ten Tuesday.



Photo by Pixabay

Weekend Plans: 23.02.18

Happy Friday fellow bloggers,

Let me tell you I’m very ready for the weekend. Not that I had a bad week or a particularly tiring one, I’m just in need of some sleep and “do nothing” me time.

I was out too much last weekend, which wasn’t that much, I just went for dinner twice, coffee once, a doctor’s appointment and a walk on the beach.

Our house needs some cleaning, desperately. I’m sort of behind on my freelance work project, meaning I’m on deadline but not where I’d like to be by now. My plants need some attention because I’ve been neglecting them for the past few weeks, while it’s rainy and still Winter. The weather is getting better and I need to make them ready for Spring.

Next week is going to be harder because the kids are preparing for their second and lasts tests of the second trimester. There will be so many hours of English, Portuguese and History tutoring. Fifteen kids for two teachers. Fifteen kids that are, more often than not hyperactive, overtired, nervous and anxious and nervous about the exams. Oh, have I mentioned their attention span issues? I’m in for a treat. Not that I mind, actually. I do love the business, endless worksheets, silly questions, dozens of exercises, hugs, jokes, kisses on their favorite teacher ever (yeah right, kid), gum begging, cracker crumbs, cellphone sneaking and laughter attacks. I love them, I have to admit. They are one of my biggest joys and sources of entertainment. However, they’re children. They’re 13, 14 or 15. They’re needy and childish and chatty and impatient. They complain and throw fits and call for me endlessly until I finally direct my full and undivided attention to them. They test me and push my buttons and make me mad. That can be harsh on your body and mind. It makes me tired for sure.

All of this to say it’s going to be a harder week. I don’t mind and I like the faster paced days but I get tired quickly and each day is a little more difficult, which then turns the weekend into a sweet, sweet reward.

Anyways, we’ll talk about next week when we get there, right? It makes more sense.

Tonight I leave work at 8, and we’re meeting friends for dinner, which always makes me so excited. We have come so far. When we were all working and going to college or having those entry level demanding jobs we would go 2 or 3 months without seeing each other and now we have dinner once a week, almost without fail. I love it. I’m feeling like pasta today, I think 🤔

It’s almost the end of February and I’ve done almost nothing of I what I wanted to do this month, so I know I’m not killing it when it comes to goals. I’ve been more active as a blogger and as a follower/reader, which is more than enough for me.

This weekend I really want to:

  • Deep clean/organized the bathroom;
  • Deep clean one of our bedroom walls that is getting moldy (there’s this perfect detergent that cleans any trace of mold or humidity marks without any damage to the surface);
  • Deep clean/purge our kitchen;
  • Laundry, always;
  • Make a dental appointment;
  • Schedule a vet appointment;
  • Force Rui to schedule an eye doctor appointment;
  • Meal plan and prep for next week;
  • Charge my power bank;
  • Work on my freelance project;
  • Clean living room;
  • Clean bedroom;
  • Change bed sheets;
  • Get two gym bags ready in advance;
  • Get my clothes ready for the week;
  • Do a little grocery shopping;
  • Do some gardening;
  • Watch a movie or two;
  • Try making homemade granola/cereal bars;
  • Get my eyebrows done;
  • Write a few letters;
  • Sell a few things online;
  • Get something for my dry ends;

I know it looks like a lot but I’ll have help for the household chores. Rui does a lot and his brother, who is staying with us, is helping too.

Have a good weekend!


A Week in The Life Kind of Post – Updates

Last time I posted any kind of planner and journal was on Wednesday morning. As usually, I didn’t follow through with everything I had planned, but I think I got quite a few things done.

On Tuesday Evening, I promised I would show you how our dinner experiment would go and if it was tasty. Remember? Trying this Indian store bought sauce for the first time?


It was really good. Not too spicy at all. Really yummy!! Would definitely buy again. We ate it with broccoli and rice. That’s sparkling water with lemon and red currant syrup.

I had to go to work for two hours on Wednesday morning and then I came home to this:

(I mean before being folded)

And this:

Nap hard, play hard.

I then worked for a few hours and got a few other things done, before taking a break and watching an episode of a show before they boys came home.

I can’t really remember what I did on Thursday but I obviously had to work so I did that for sure. I went to hydro gymnastics on Friday morning, worked and then we went out to dinner with my friends. My pregnant friend is already showing and I’m so happy for her. We had a good time.

On Saturday, we had to get up earlier than usual because I had an appointment with my psychiatrist at 1.30. I talked about it here:

I Have Great News

I looked like this:

That evening, we had dinner with one of Rui’s friends. I should say our friend, otherwise he’ll get pissed at me for saying he’s only friends with Rui, although they have known each other since high school. There was a game on and we watched it while having dinner.

On Sunday, we invited that same friend for coffee at our favorite cafe. Rui’s brother, Tiago, came with us this time. Rui’s friend really wanted to buy us a drink so we drove to the beach (10 minutes away) o have something.

It was a beautiful afternoon. We went grocery shopping and I making dinner while looking like Hulk.

It was really yummy!

Oh, I forgot to say, I made some spaghetti with the store bought sauce for the boys lunch and they said it was pretty good. I didn’t eat lunch so I have no idea.

Monday – I started this post, and wrote this:

I am in a good mood and feeling positive despite not sleeping a wink and having had a bad day tomorrow. My mom had to take my grandmother to the hospital yesterday. They called an ambulance and were there from 7 p.m to about 1 a.m. I wanted to go there but my mother said there was no need because only person would be able to get in and we would just be waiting outside for hours, having to get up early for work today. So we stayed home and I went to bed but I kept waking up and texting my sister and mother. My mom finally texted me saying she was home at about 2.30 in the morning and I fell asleep, but woke up several times after that.

So, about my grandmother. You know she suffers from dementia. Most of her brain cells are dead and it’s simply getting worse. She was also somewhat dehydrated. She is really thin because she has no appetite and doesn’t really feel like eating. That’s why my mother took her to the hospital. Unfortunately, there’s no getting better for her and we all need to make peace with that which is really sad. Heartbreaking. If she were to see herself now, God. But she doesn’t,  which is a good thing, I guess. She can’t tell how bad she is. But we do witness everything and it hurts.

My grandfather passed away when I was 19, a week after my birthday. He was old and sick but I wasn’t expecting it. No one had ever really died. Not my people. But then he did. It was pretty traumatic, let me tell you. My family pretty much fell apart and was never the same after that. I guess he was the glue and we had never realized it.

I met my father’s mother but she was very old. She used to visit me when I was little and I think she was in her seventies. Then she passed away. I don’t remember that much about her, other than she would visit me. I never met her husband, my grandfather. He died before I was born. Everyone tells me he was extremely violent towards his wife and children, so may he rest in hell, I hope it’s warm and cozy there.

I’m closing the sad subject here.

Thank you for reading.

I was able to wake up earlier on Monday and go to the 9.15 a.m hydro fitness class. It was a lot of fun and harder than usual, which I like and my lower back didn’t.

Well, let me tell you, I’m 90% sure the teacher was high as a kite. Oh yeah. He was looking at the horizon rather than looking at us, he would smile and laugh alone and close his eyes for way too long. He was also enjoying the routine way too much. It was so funny. I’m going again next Monday to confirm if he’s a stoner or if he just looks like one.

I had plenty of veggies for lunch:

I worked, worked, worked, got home and went to sleep.

On Tuesday, I wanted to go back to the pool but was still sore so I just went to work and decided to go back on Wednesday, which I did. The class was pretty intense but with a different teacher. Because it was Wednesday, I had to wear pink:

Joking. It was a coincidence.

So, today is Thursday and I’m still sore from yesterday which feels pretty good. I stayed home and tried to sleep in because I haven’t been sleeping at all. I couldn’t get more than 30 minutes to 1 hour of uninterrupted sleep. Don’t know why.

I’m about to get to work, I’ll work from 5 to 8 and then head home.

Tomorrow I plan on going to a hydro gymnastics class and then a swim class as I’m trying to improve some techniques. I have to dedicate some hours to freelance work and then work from 5 to 8 again. We’ll have dinner with friends after work.

As promised,

Here are some pictures of my planner:

Would you be interested in a post on how I organize it? I would love to do one.

To finish, I’ll leave you with some Springy pictures. Thank you for reading.

Daily Planner and Journal – 09.02.2018 “Smelly, Paranoid, Stormy, Hairy and Cold + Love You Jack Pearson Edition”

It’s Friday everyone!!

You happy? Hope so.

You know I’m only half mean girl, right? But the truth is: I’m on the bus and someone really smells. Not sweaty, more homelessy. It’s making it hard for me to breathe. I refuse to breathe through my mouth because if I don’t want to smell it, I certainly don’t want to eat it. I’m probably going to hell. I hope it’s clean there.

Oh, I just got a sign. The driver decided to turn on the heating. I’m not making this up, you guys. There’s hot air coming from the vents. Just what we needed in this crowded, smelly bus.

Moving on…

We’ve finally watched This is Us. Rui loves the show as much as I do but he was not too impressed with the Super Bowl episode. I wish I could discuss this and not spoil it. I loved the episode. I cried a lot. Let’s leave it at that.

It’s the just the best show. If you aren’t watching it you’re 100% missing out, both on the show and the endless changes of conversation with the rest of the world, since everyone is talking about it.

By the way, doesn’t Mandy Moore have this beautiful good person smile? In every single picture.

I’m finally off that awful bus, thankfully. Yes, I’m working. I’m with a student. I do blog while they’re doing their exercises. Or I read or pretend to update my schedule. I think it’s DEAD CREAPY to stare at them from across the table when they’re working. They get 100% my full attention when I’m helping them, teaching, explaining, answering questions, but I give them some “privacy” while doing their worksheets or writing.

I remember sitting across from a teacher countless times and some of them would look at me while I was working (or worse, taking a test) and I would get paranoid: “Why are they looking? Can they read what I’m writing? Can teachers read upside down? (WE CAN) Is she looking because I’m doing something wrong? Does she think I’m stupid? Maybe I shouldn’t write this, she’ll judge me”.

So, you see. The paranoid student became a paranoid teacher, who doesn’t like to stare. I’m not as discreet if we’re working as a group because I look around at everybody.

Did you experience such issues as a student?

Remember I told you I had to work on about 1500 beauty product descriptions for a website. I’m lucky I can write because, apparently, I cannot read. It’s 1000 actually. I didn’t work too much yesterday so I’m still at about 320, I think. Thankfully, it’s work I like to do. I was hoping to work this morning but I took my pills too late last night and I slept in (and still feel very snoozy). I think I’m working a little tonight. Or maybe I’ll leave it because it’s Friday night and work on Saturday and Sunday. I’m hoping to be done by Sunday, that would be great.

If you (not so) secretly follow the Kardashians (which Rui always uses against me) you probably now by now that Kylie Jenner had given birth and that she named her daughter Stormi. I mean, when I first saw it I thought it was cute because I thought it was short for something. Nope. It’s her name. Okay, it’s kind of nice that her parents like butterflies and that butterfly effect shit about causing a storm but I don’t know. I like candy and I’m not naming my first born “Skittle”. I guess I’d like it better if it were spelled “Stormy” or “Stormee”. I’m not feeling the final “I”. Just needed to discuss this with someone, obviously not Rui 🙄

I’ve began reading this book – which means I’ve got it, opened the first page and haven’t touched it yet. The app is new too, for my non-kindle ebooks that I get somewhere online.

Are you familiar with this tittle or author? I picked it randomly and have no idea what to expect or what’s it even about.

It’s Carnival here on Tuesday, which means people get costumes, get drunk, there’s parades and parties and such. It’s similar to Halloween but scarier because there are a bunch of dudes that decide to dress up as women so you see way too many manly, hairy legs in skirts.

I haven’t celebrated since 11th grade since my girlfriends and I dressed up as FBI agents. I’ll probably get back at it once I have kids and dress them up as little bees and such.


At least we get Monday and Tuesday off. I get Wednesday too (Rui doesn’t) but I need to get to work in the morning for this tutoring session for a student who needs extra help.

I’m sitting at my classroom with my colleague and exactly two students. Everyone else is either gone already or not coming. It’s usually like this before a holiday.

It’s freezing and it’s going to rain but that doesn’t seem to stop the parades or party goers.

Yes, it’s cold for us. And it gets way colder at night.

It’s taken me 3 hours to write this post.

I would love to hear about your past costumes!!
