Health for days journey – May 26th (My dog is snoring edition)

Good morning my friends!

I woke up really early (early for me) today. It was at about 8 a.m. I got up and made breakfast from Mr. R and I, drank some water, took my pills and vitamins and have been reading blogs ever since.

Yes, I have been catching up on blogs for about 3 hours now.

Rosa is sleeping next to me and snoring like a grown man. She’ such a lady.

I didn’t sleep very well but I slept better. I took my pills early and only went to bed when I was feeling really tired which was at about 2 a.m. Not very good, right. I got about 6 hours of sleep which is not good enough for me, so I might need a nap soon if I want to get anything done later.

Last night, after publishing my update post, I put my green clay mask one, did my 20 minutes of yoga (my back is sore so it was either really good or really bad), took a shower and sat on the couch reading blogs and then watched an episode of Big Little Lies. I don’t know if I like it yet. I’m loving this little bedtime routine I have going on. Face care, yoga, shower, some TV. I might throw a little reading in there. I also have a midnight snack which I not it’s not ideal but I need to indulge a little otherwise I reject my healthy food.

I ate very healthy yesterday. For brunch (I wake up late so I have neither breakfast nor lunch, but brunch) I had my usual oatmeal with a banana, assorted seeds, a bit of honey and cinnamon, my coffee with skimmed milk and stevia and an apple. Then, several hours later I ate a piece (they come in single doses) of dark (85%) chocolate. For dinner I had Russian salad (potatoes, boiled eggs, beans, green beans, carrots and tuna) and some side salad (lettuce, tomatoes and carrots). Then, when it was time for a snack I had some chocolate cereal, just a small amount. Before bed, I was super hungry (I don’t think I ate enough calories during the day) so I ate some crackers. I met my water goal of 1.5 l.

They sad it was going to rain but it’s just cloudy. I don’t have much to do in the garden today, although I need to water our vegetable garden so I need to throw an extra workout in my routine, besides my yoga. I might do my favorite 15-minute pop sugar workout.

My to-do list for today:

  • Priority: Pack Rui’s bag because he is travelling today. He has a wedding tomorrow and I need to make sure his suit, tie, shirt and shoes are impeccable. I also need to pack his bag with his toiletries and a change of clothes;
  • Make my watercress soup, so I can have for dinner and tomorrow as well, since I’ll be alone. Rui is coming back home on Sunday so I’ll be alone for two nights;
  • Priority: Catch up on my challenge posts. Angela and Maggie are doing so much better than me. I’m way behind;
  • I have a bag of walnuts and a bag of almonds I need to crack to take the shelves of and store them in glass jars. They’re cheaper to buy with shells on and come in a larger quantity. This is boring work and will take a long time.
  • Make my bed;
  • Do some laundry. I didn’t think I was going to do any since I thought it was going to rain today but apparently not so. I also need to fold and put away 2 baskets and wash some blankets;
  • Answer emails;
  • Publish a list of dates when each of my beautiful party goers posts are going to be posted;
  • Pay for and email my winner’s Starbucks gift card;
  • Deep clean my kitchen. Today has to be the day. Does this count as a workout? I need to clean my fridge, wash and put away some dishes, clean the microwave, clean one of the coffee machines, clean the oven, clean all of the shelves and clean my cabinets if I’m feeling adventurous. Clean the floor as well.
  • Bathe Rosa. I mean, I will try. I haven’t done it on my own since she was a baby but she needs a bath. I cleaned the bathroom yesterday and things might get wet but such is life;
  • Water both the garden and the veggie garden. (They’re separate)
  • Get 1,5 l of water. 2 l is a bonus. (mandatory)
  • Do my workout and my yoga. (mandatory)
  • Talk to a few students.
  • Prepare my Guest Post Sunday and my Guest Post Saturday. That’s right, I have two lovely people this week.
  • Start drafting my June schedule.
  • Dust and vacuum the living room if I have time.

Why is my list so big today? I usually start at about 2 p.m and get plenty of things done. Today I’m starting much earlier, having already read so many posts and publishing this earlier than I normally would, so I think I have time to be really productive and active.

Talk to you soon?




41 thoughts on “Health for days journey – May 26th (My dog is snoring edition)

  1. Just a thought, you know you’re struggling with drinking water? I have this 750ml drink bottle that makes it so easy to drink lots in a day, have you tried something like that? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lots to do but you can do it. Pace yourself. Looking forward to your update. In terms of drinking more water, I like to have my water close to me I’ve found that keeping it in my direct line of sight makes it more difficult for me to forget to drink it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Woo lots to do! I love to read blogs, I spend hours doing it too. If it’s the weekend (like it is now yay), I spend at least two hours reading and commenting. And then another couple of hours writing and scheduling posts. Say hi to Rosa for me. I’m looking forward to reading your update post soon when I get up to it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hope you get everything done, looks like a busy day ahead! Please email me about the guest post, I can do it soon if you would like, depends if you have somebody this weekend? X


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