Aaaaand… we are 600!!

Wow, I keep getting more and more friends!! I want to cry with joy. I also want to cry because I follow you all back and that’s a bunch of reading to do!! kidding, I love it!!

I love my blog, I love blogging, I love writing, I love you guys!! I’m so in love right now. Creating this blog was the best thing I have done in years!! I’m just so happy!!

If you are a new follower, please know that I would love to get to know you better!! Introduce yourself in this post or in the one that I wrote last night, asking questions to my readers. You can be sure that I read every single comment, every single post. It’s important to me to be close to you!

Thank you so much for all the support!

It has helped me so much in so many areas of my life. It has given me motivation (to be completely honest, before the blog I was at a phase where I didn’t feel like I had anything to live for. I wanted to disappear. Just sleep, forever. I am not embarrassed to say that I wanted to die. Because I didn’t see a point in living. I’m sure many of you have felt like this. Now I just look forward to every day, so I can blog and interact with you all. What a great blessing you have given me), so much joy, so many funny moments, happiness. Everything you can possibly imagine.

Thank you so much.

I love you guys with all my heart!!


89 thoughts on “Aaaaand… we are 600!!

      • We are a family blog. There are three bloggers in this family but only two know how to write. The other blogger is still struggling to write long sentences. He gives us stories though. 😀 We live in a border town of Texas, known as El Paso. Have a wonderful Monday followed by a great week.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Your dedication to really connecting with people- reaching out and allowing yourself to be reached- is what got you here. Your motivation and love for blogging, sharing, connecting is so admirable. Keep up the great work. Also, don’t burn yourself out Cheila! Big hug.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! That is my favorite part, connecting with people and really getting to know them. I do a great effort to always read everyone’s posts. I spend hours but I don’t care!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations!! I just launched into blogging after putting it off for years! I decided it’s time to set my dears aside and show my boys you can conquer any fear you have!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course you can!! I’m glad you decided to start! You will love it. We have a great community here. I will read your blog later today 🙂 Thank you so much!!


      • I just purchased a site and domain name, so things will be changing in a bit. Trying to get everything together at the moment. Extremely difficult task since my tablet is off for repair :/ I’m nervous but excited (:

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! You deserve every single one of those followers and more! Your posts are so lovely and you’re so kind!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Damn, lady, you are astounding! 😀 Congrats!!
    I’m so happy that your blog keeps continuing to grow and bring you so much happiness. ❤
    Feeling the way you described is the absolute worst and I'm so glad you've made it through that and found so much joy and something to be so passionate about.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Cheila ! ✨🎉 That is so amazing (and well deserved of course), only 400 more to go for a thousand ! It’ll be done by tomorrow 😚💕💖

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations Chelia for the 600 !!
    You know you were the first person to like and follow my blog. It was a great feeling !!
    Like a bawse !!
    I love reading your work and you deserve every bit of it …
    Congrats !!!


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