And the Winner is…

And the winner of the best love story giveaway is…

Amanda Dunn – Adventures With Amanda Dunn

I haven’t told her, I want her to see this post and be surprised 🙂

Here’s her lovely story:

Mine and Jad’s story is like film! 🙂 we have been best friend’s forever – both had other boyfriends/girlfriends but best friend throughout. Then in 2009 we spend more time together ans on a drunken night out we kissed 😐 ha. We were still buddies at this point, but slowly grow closer and closer. A few months had passed and we were like a proper couple, but kept up with our “just pals” barrier. Then one night, Jad was rushed to hospital and I had found out through his Auntie. I rushed to the hospital and bumped into his mum who had a note saying “tell Amanda” with my number on it. He was so happy to see that I was already there. There and then he said he loved me and that was it. We stuck by each other. Turned into a real couple, naturally. 💙💙 we always joke that he asked me to marry him before asking me to be is girlfriend haha! Anyway, we are now married. Been together for over 8 years and still best friends! 💙💙💙 such a soppy comment from me haha.

Thank you for sharing with us, dear Amanda!!

And here’s the gift you’ll receive as soon as I get your address:


Two key chains: One with A, for Amanda and one with J, for Jamie. I really hope they like this present.



250 New Friends + Mini Giveaway

I’m happy to report that I have acquired 250+ followers in less than a month. I got to 1000 on May 19th and today, on June 14th, I’m happily at 1252 + 7 email followers.

This means so much to me because I think, I mean, I know, I have been slacking a little. I’m not posting as often or as much and I’m not working as hard as I’ve been for the past few months.

I’m way behind on some people’s blogs. So behind that they have stopped coming to mine. Oh yes, I do notice these things. They may think I don’t care but the truth is, I’m just overwhelmed and behind on my blogging work. I’ll get to them and, hopefully, they will keep visiting my blog once they’ve realized I still care about theirs? I hate losing friends. On the other hand, I’m a little hurt that some people will stop commenting and reading if you don’t visit their blog for a few days/weeks. Moving on…

Being a current slacker, I’m happy that my blog keeps growing in numbers. I wasn’t expecting this since my views have been a little lower since I haven’t been posting as often and not reading other blogger’s work as often.

You may ask as many times as you wish, but I will keep telling you I have no idea where these people come from. I honestly don’t. And I don’t care, as long as they’re here.

Anyway, to celebrate another milestone I’ve decided to do a mini – giveaway. But you’ll have to work for it. Oh yeah. As I’ve told you, I’m doing a new vlog on Saturday, to answer the questions left by my readers on my recent poll. I would like to have a few more questions, so I’m giving away a 10€ Starbucks Gift Card for the most original question that you can come up with. 

If you want to participate, you just have to leave me a question (or 20) in the comments. The most original question gets the gift card. It’s not much, but I want you to have coffee or tea or a cookie on me.

I’m re-blogging my get to know my readers post, so my new followers can introduce themselves if they wish to do so. If you’re a new follower, I’d be so happy if you would answer my questions and leave me a few links to your posts.

Thank you so much for the support, old and new.

You make my days.


Health for days journey – May 23rd (I’m so behind I went back to 2016 edition)

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Are you having a good week so far? Too much work?

Come to my blog party if you want to relax, have fun and meet nice people!

Have you entered my giveaway? You have the chance to order anything from an online store of your choice, up to 25€. That’s right, I’m buying. Here’s the link:

Anyway, enough with the partying and gift giving for now.

I’m so behind on so many things!! You have no idea.

I’m about 5 days behind on my blogging challenge, I have about 20 award posts to write and there are a few things around the house that really need to get done but I haven’t had the energy in the last few days. The air mattress and the heat have really screwed up my back, my sleep and my energy levels. I need a reset button, so I can go back to being focused and full of energy. I’m dragging around the house like an old cat.



What should I get done today? (Focusing on the should and making no promises)

  • Catch up on my blogging challenge posts;
  • Make a new schedule for June (need some intensive studying)
  • Clean the kitchen: Put away dry dishes, wash dishes, clean fridge (it’s so full of things, I really need to make an inventory and meal plan), clean shelves, table and floor;
  • Make my bed, air the bedroom and water bedroom plants;
  • Laundry (I’m on it. The weather is perfect)
  • Take my supplements;
  • Drink 1,5 l of water (MANDATORY)
  • Do 20 minutes of yoga (MANDATORY)
  • Try Azra‘s tip of mixing my conditioner and my mask and leave them on my hair for 2 hours before washing;
  • Do some gardening;
  • Read blogs;


See you soon.
