Daily Planner and Journal: 27.10.17 “Birthday Party Eve” Edition

Good morning dearest friends,

It’s still 10.30 a.m but I feel like it’s already afternoon. I woke up early because Rui decided to go for a run in the morning instead of going after work. He has taken up running about 2 months ago, maybe more and he’s currently doing 12 km every other day or every 2 days. He loves it and I’m very proud of him.

Anyway, I woke up when his alarm went off at 6.45. He told me he was going for a run (he had told me but I don’t even remember my own name when I wake up in the morning so…) and that I could sleep for another hour or so, which I did. It was a terrible mistake because then I woke up after 8 and was feeling extremely sleepy. I had to swallow an espresso as soon as I got up, otherwise I would be sleep walking.

We have been pretty tired, especially me. I think it is because of my medicine and because I was at home for 6 months. I get up early and then, by 8/9 p.m I’m dead. Really. I can’t do much once I get home from work.

I thought I would watch an episode of this GREAT new show I’ve discovered Mindhunter, which I really want to watch, but I was just so exhausted. I ate some dinner and went straight to bed. We were in bed at 10.45 p.m, which means we’re definitely old people now. I am not happy about 26 at all. It just feels so… close to 30. So late 20’s. Sometimes I think I’m still 21.

Anyway, enough with the whining.

I really want to tell you about this awesome show:

Resultado de imagem para mindhunter



Set in 1977 – in the early days of criminal psychology and criminal profiling at the Federal Bureau of Investigation[4] – Mindhunter revolves around FBI agents Holden Ford (Jonathan Groff) and Bill Tench (Holt McCallany), who interview imprisoned serial killers in order to understand how such criminals think and apply this knowledge to solving ongoing cases.

I mean… Need I say more?

I’m fascinated by serial killers, especially American ones. I don’t mean fascinated in the sense of “Oh sir, I love your work. You’re definitely extremely talented”, but I’m very interested in reading about them, as well as watching documentaries and movies. Zodiac is my favorite because we have yet to know who the fuck he was, which makes me both curious and angry. Pretty smart and sneaky bastard.

Anyway, the show is already in its second season but I had never heard about it until now. I can’t ever remember how I came to know it but I was immediately intrigued. The first season deals with Edmund Kemper, Jerry Brudos, Richard Speck, Dennis Rader and Monte Rissell which are, apparently, famous serial killers who I had never heard about. My knowledge only goes as far as The Zodiac, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and that’s pretty much it, which makes me even more curious about the series. Second season will deal with the Atlanta child murders, unknown to me as well.

Have you heard about this show?

Have you watched it?

Are you interested in the plot?

I’m writing this post at a coffee shop, while I wait to pick up a package from the post office. Something I bought online and which was to big for my mailbox.

There’s a strike going on so the kids don’t have school today, which means they come to us earlier, after 2.30 p.m. My colleague is going to be late so I have to take her place and start at 2.30 p.m intead of 5 p.m. I’m with them until 7 p.m and then I have to replace my boss and take a 10th grader, because she has a meeting. I’ll be off at 8 p.m. I was supposed to work from 5 p.m to 7 p.m but I’m filling in for 2 people so I’m working a few more hours. I never refuse extra work and I’m always willing to replace or change shifts with a colleague.

Tomorrow I have to wake up early and organize my party. We have to clean up the house and the patio and get the food ready. Our guests are coming after 5 so we have plenty of time. Rui’s brother is staying with us today, which means an extra set of hands. About 15 people are coming. We’ll have a barbecue and snacks, as well as dessert and cake. It should be fun.

I am supposed to take a cake to work today and I really wanted to bake one but I was so tired after my scans yesterday, mainly because of my anxiety, so I’m buying one and calling it a day. We’re still baking one for tomorrow.

I bought a couple of plant pots because some of my plants need a bigger one and I have also been to the post office to (finally) send some postcards. I went by this place to ask about a few sewing workshops to and then I came to the cafe for breakfast which I hadn’t had because I didn’t have any milk at home.

The CT scans and X-ray were fine, not as bad as I was expecting but still kind of hard on my anxiety. I have this weird phobia about anything that involves radiation and cameras. I was going through a machine that was sending the equivalent of 100 X-rays into my body and that made me extremely nervous and freaked out.

My eyelids were shaking so bad, which I thought was happening because of the machine. I asked the technician about it and she said it was not possible because we cannot feel radiation at all. I realized it was my nerves. I was so anxious and nervous that I couldn’t keep my eyes shut because my lids were shaking like crazy. It’s that bad. The fact that I knew there was a camera above me and that the lady could see me didn’t help either. Radiation and cameras together. Shit.

I was already nervous before I even entered the room because there were so many doors along the hall with “danger, radiation” signs, which is enough to put me on edge. Really weird, right? I know. It’s done now so it’s fine.

I think I don’t have anything else to tell you now, so I’ll go and get my package from the post office. Then I need to take the bus and stop to buy a cake somewhere.

See you soon.

Desenho sem título (4)

12 thoughts on “Daily Planner and Journal: 27.10.17 “Birthday Party Eve” Edition

  1. Oh my goodness, did he say, its not easy butchering people, takes a lot of work…wow. I love learning about things like this, I always feel like it helps me spot them 😉 hehehe. Hubby said we can probably download it on our amazon firestick. If not he’s going to find it for me some how. Zodiac was a trip and I think it was the guy he thought it was, Arthur Allen. When he was identified he had a heart attack, and died. There was never another letter after he died. Coincidence, maybe.

    So glad your scans are done. That is one of the most nerve racking things ever. I had to have an MRI done. When they did my vitals, the first question was did you take you medicine(nerve) Me: yes. Them: here take another. And we had to wait for it to kick in because they couldn’t do it until it did.

    Your party is going to be the best. A great way to end your week, with people who love you and want to celebrate you. :):)


  2. I’m glad the scans all went okay, at least you have them out of the way now and can stop thinking about them until you get any results. You’ve done really well and it’s not surprising you’re tired at the moment; take some time to yourself, to rest up, especially with impending party prep – hope all of that goes well!
    As for Mindhunters, I’ve seen some ads online for it but never knew anything about it so thanks, will have to check it out! 🙂
    Caz x


  3. You got through the scans!! Well done Chey, I’m super proud of you 😀
    Also tell Rui I’m super proud of him for doing those runs. Or is that weird? Who knows? Let Rosa know I’m proud of her for just existing. Hope you have a good birthday party! 😀


  4. I loved the Zodiac Killer movie. Have you ever watched Monster? 🙂 I’m very interested in serial killers too, I don’t have Netflix right now but if I did, I’d def be watching that show!!

    Glad your scans went well and I totally understand why you had anxiety!! Radiation scares me too, I try my best not to microwave things, if it can be put in the oven–I will wait that extra time.


  5. You’ve got a lot going on–good luck with everything moving forward 😊I definitely relate to feeling old… I just turned 23 a couple weeks ago and I’m having some of the same thoughts about approaching 30 as you are! I also get really nervous and anxious or scared when I have to have medical procedures done. X-rays would make me shake, too! Anyway, thanks for sharing this post 🙏🏼



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