Saturday lazy day… not!!

Good morning folks,

I’ve actually woken up early today. I guess less meds is working and I’m needing less sleep, which is really cool. More time for procrastinating.

So far I’ve had my oatmeal, 1/3 of the water I need to drink for today (can’t let my little plant die) and some coffee. I’ve also broken a glass. My drying dishes pile situation is usually on point, but there was a slip and… well… may his soul rest in peace. His 11 twins shall miss him.

I have big domestic plans for today, like the middle age housewife that I am. Stay-at-home mom to Rosa and my one surviving plant. I’ve even manage to kill a bamboo. (Not making fun of housewives or stay-at-home moms, at all. I plan to be a stay-at-home mom one day)

Saturday’s fun list:

  • Fold and put away the biggest pile of laundry EVER!
  • I need to finish doing laundry, I still have about one load to do;
  • Go through our clothes, decide what’s to donate, what’s to trash, what’s to mend, what doesn’t fit and needs to be put away (My weight changes a lot, not going to throw everything that doesn’t fit away), maybe sell some things (would you like to shop my closet? I have a ton of unworn items!!). Also go through our underwear and pjs and  throw away things that are too old, too used or in bad shape. I obviously don’t mend or donate socks and panties/boxers. Organize all the existing clothes!
  • Make rags and wash cloths out of old towels. Keep some towels for cleaning emergencies, leaks, etc;
  • Do the same with shoes;
  • Finish cleaning my kitchen (clean microwave, dry and put away yesterday’s dishes, clean fridge, clean open shelving, clean table, clean floor, clean counter, clean oven and stove top, clean door);
  • Find a way to force the damn chicken breast to be departed with the freezer. I won’t give up on my chicken curry for tonight!
  • Take pictures of all the things I want to show you;
  • Do all of the Award posts I’m nominated for;
  • Call the library;
  • Clean the bathroom;
  • Read all the posts that show up on my reader;
  • Come up with a schedule to start applying for next week, one that includes my study hours and exam preparation;
  • Do my yoga;
  • Change my sheets and make bed;
  • Put away the billions of things I have on my dinning table that don’t belong there;
  • Drink 1,5 l of water;
  • Cut up some pineapple, Rui loves it!
  • Make some jello;
  • Call my mother, my grandmother, my sister, my mother-in-law, my aunt Lena and my aunt Amelia;
  • Plan something with the girls;
  • Write a bunch of postcards and letters to mail on Monday;
  • Be super nice and iron a few shirts for Rui, for the whole week;
  • Buy bread, fabric softener, cheese, apples;
  • See if my sewing machine is working;
  • Think about buying that Ikea mirror that I want because it’s finally on sale;
  • Wash the trash can;

That’s it. I love doing chores on Saturday. Plus I woke up early so I will probably have time to do everything. I’m excited! Let’s be productive?

Who’s with me?

Are you going to have a productive day or a lazy day or a fun day?

Tell me in the comment section, you know I’m nosy and live to know what everyone is up to!!

Love ya!




97 thoughts on “Saturday lazy day… not!!

  1. I was going to say Morning, but it’s afternoon now 🙈 today I’m trying to finish a draft of coursework, then we have my grandad and uncle coming over to go out for dinner this evening

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I wish I had a quarter of our energy to get things done. I don’t think I could get 3 of those things completed without having to take a nap. You are very ambitious to take on such a list of things to do. I envy your tenacity.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good Morning 🙂 it’s now 8:06am in Trinidad. I plan on having a productive day. Lots to do but the earlier I start the sooner I can finish so I can relax. Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good morning! Good to see you up earlier today and my that list is long! Very productive but like you said you have a lot more time to get them done now. It’s been raining all week so I’ve been in a relaxed mood but I’ve been wanting to go out get some sun. So maybe it should stop soon so I can lol. Today I have an audio short story Saturday to post, I may post another video to PiggieVidiTV not sure but I posted yesterday. I’m supposed to go to my cousins bday party today but probably won’t because it’s an all white dressed theme and I don’t have anything all white. Even if I did, that’s not my go to. All white gets messed up/dirty so quick! And there are a lot of kids in my family! With those messy sticky hands.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. WOW…. what a list….I look forward to finding out how much you have got done. The dinning room table…it seems to be the place to put stuff….Mine at the moment has some clothes folded…they need to get to the bedroom to be put away. I have managed to walk my dogs twice. Had a nana nap…and do another blog post. It took me all day …I even managed to vacuum the lounge, passageway, kitchen and dinning room. Pick up Bettys raggy toys and put them back in her toy box. Getting ready to head to bed soon I hope…as my hip and leg are playing up. Bit of pain…Have a wonderful Saturday xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That sounds like an awful lot to get done in one bet is you won’t…

    But it’ll feel good to get started and get loss in trying to accomplish it all..

    That curry chicken 🍗 sounds good 👌🏽.. make sure you get that cook in the process…

    Good 😊 luck..👍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. OMG! That’s quite a list. I woke up..went to the mall. Shopped. Had an ice-cream. Grabbed a foot-long sub and ice-tea on my way back, and now in bed, munching the afternoon away as the outing tired me out, lolllzz! You are a superwoman! So efficient! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha how have no idea how lazy I am. Also, some things might have to be done tomorrow. I like to challenge myself and then, if I can’t do it, I just keep the rest of the list for another day

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good luck with your list! Sounds like a crazy productive day you have planned. I also like to do most household errands on a Saturday. So i can do nothing on Sunday 😄
    It’s Sunday morning here and i plan on having a lazy day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I don’t know if you got my Instagram DM but I downloaded that plant app and I love it! So far it’s really helped me drink water, which is good because I was hospitalized last night for stomach pains caused by not drinking enough!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Nice I spent my weekend cleaning too lol. I washed all my dishes and got through folding half of my clean clothes. Lol.
    And you should get more indoor plants. I have two large plants, a smaller one, and two bamboo plants. I’m gonna get a few more to have all over the house. That’s no joke. I want some hanging pots outside the door too lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m bringing some outdoor ones to the bathroom and some bonsai for the office and maybe a few others. The problem is that my living room and kitchen don’t have enough light during the day. Plants don’t get enough sunlight so they die. But I will have some on the bathroom and in our shared home office because those two rooms have enough light. We love houseplants. I might even get one for the bedroom! We have a bunch of them outside and a huge vegetable garden but not much inside 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s amazing that you manage to get so much done. I procrastinate way too much that I limit myself to a mental to-do list these days! I’m with you on one thing – I hate it when people make fun of housewives and/or stay-at-home moms. My mom is a housewife and I know for a fact that her schedule is pretty hectic and that she’s a genius to manage all that work perfectly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I hate that too. I can be busy all day every single day if I want to. There’s always things to do, especially if you have pets and outdoor space and if you cook at home. Also I wash dishes by hand, which takes quite a while


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