The Blue Sky Tag #2

I was tagged again, this time by Azra and even though I have done this post very recently, I could not pass on her amazing questions could I? Also, the fact that she tagged me is reason enough to do it. She’s amazing, please go to her blog. Especially if you’re interested in beauty. She has a lot to teach!

Here are the rules:

  • Give 11 questions
  • Tag 11 people
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you


Here are her questions:

1. What is your favorite quick meal to make? – I have a few go-to meals for when I get home super late and don’t want to eat cereal. One of them is: You get canned tuna (canned in water, not vegetable oil), a bag of frozen veggies and cook some rice on the side. You saute the tuna in olive oil (garlic powder for me) and salt. When the tuna is becoming brownish you add the veggies to the pan or wok and let them cook, with the tuna. Once the rice is ready you add the rice and mix everything together. It’s very tasty, cheap, fast and easy to make.
2. Are you morning or night type of person? – I’m totally not a morning person. I love sleep. But I’m trying to change that and have a routine of going to be at 10 p.m and waking up at 6 a.m. I have to leave home at 9, and begin work at 10 and so this routine gives me 3 hours in the morning to work out, get ready without stress, eat breakfast in peace, read, and do little things around the house. It’s perfect.
3. How many siblings do you have? – I have a sister. A perfect sister that I love with all my heart. She’s 21 and her name is Neide (pronounce Nayd)
4. What is your favorite dessert ? – I have a sweet tooth,  so all of them? I really like to eat strawberries and cream. Not very bad, right? Unless you eat two pounds of strawberries and two cans of cream.
5. Three songs that you are obsessed at the moment? – That’s more than three but I haven’t gotten over the La La Land soundtrack yet.
6. What is the last thing you bought? – Food, one of those thingies that you stick to the wall to hang kitchen towels, some pure Vaseline to use as a face mask and that’ts it.
7. What is your favorite movie ever? – I love movies. I cannot choose one. At all.
8. How did you get name for your blog? – I love pink, I buy and have everything in pink so… I have pink for days.
9. Are you talkative or more silent type of person? – It really depends on who I’m with, on my mood, etc.
10. Do you have any pets? – My two year old dog, Rosa.
11. How would you describe yourself in three words? – Perfectionist (that’s mainly why I’m going crazy), hardworking and super responsible.

Here are my questions:

  1. Do you live an a house or an apartment?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What do you do for a living? Are you happy doing it?
  4. What do you do to stay fit?
  5. What time do you wake up and go to bed?
  6. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?
  7. Have you ever been in love?
  8. What do you always have on your fridge or pantry?
  9. What TV shows do you follow right now?
  10. What was the last book you read?
  11. If you could only wear one for the rest of your life, lipstick or mascara?


Here are my nominees: (I would love to get to know you guys more)

  1. Valerie
  2. Lathi
  3. Maggie
  4. Sanchali
  5. Oriana
  6. Dippy-Dotty girl
  7. Lindsay
  8. Roxy
  9. Shweta
  10. Chay
  11. Natalie



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