“I’ve been away for 15 days” Update – Health 27.11.2017

Hey there everyone,

Do you still remember me? I know, I haven’t posted in about half a month.

I’ve been both busy and lazy and those are my reasons.

Since we haven’t talked for so long, I decided an update might be interesting, if you’re like me and like to know what people are up to. Or just so you know I’m not dead.

So, I’ll divide this update into categories, which will be published on different days.


  • I’ve been mostly feeling well, when it comes to my mental health. A few things give me anxiety, especially the students, when they are being difficult, but that’s just normal, every day stress.
  • I got the results for my CT scans and had an appointment with an orthopedist and my back are fine! The doctor I consulted before said it was really bad and that I should schedule an appointment with a neurosurgeon. Crazy woman. I don’t have any significant back problems, just bad posture, sitting for long hours and having weak back muscles. I haven’t had any complains since I began going to my water aerobics classes almost every day.
  • I’ve been drinking a very healthy amount of water. I get to 2 l on most days and I can drink even more on others. I think this is actually causing 2 issues: 1) My liquid retention is bad. 2) I can’t seem to hold my pee. Oh yeah, I’m mentioning my urinary issues on the internet. Maybe some of you have been there? I suddenly feel a very strong urge to pee and feel like I’m almost peeing my pants, which does happen some times. I mean, I don’t pee my pants, I just let out a few drops. This is new to me and very strange. I’m 26. Isn’t that too young to be incontinent?
  • My period was 48 days late. No, I’m NOT pregnant. No, I don’t have ANY health issues. It was just on vacation, I guess?
  • I’ve been eating somewhat right and in small amounts. I write down everything I eat using an app and I don’t even get to 2000 calories most days and always get the “You’re not eating enough” notification. Yet, I’ve gained weight. I’m currently at 93.2 kg. Funny thing is I’ve been walking more than ever (aiming for at least 10.000 steps each day) and I’ve been doing water aerobics and swimming almost every day of the week. It is very strange and discouraging. Maybe it gets worse before it gets better?

I’ve been track every single thing health-wise. I use several apps. Do you have a food or exercise journal? Pedometer? Do you track your calories or sleep?

This app, Flo is just perfect for women. You can track your whole cycle, so you know when your period is coming or if you are ovulating (for those trying to get pregnant. There’s also a “pregnancy mode”), your cervical mucus, symptoms of PMS, you’re sexual activity (again, for those trying to get pregnant or if you just want to know what you’ve been up to), your weight, your sleep, your physical activity (through another app), your steps, your calorie intake (again, through another app), your weight and your water intake. There’s also a community, meaning users can actually comment on different articles and topics and share experiences and problems. It’s just a really good app and I recommend it for sure.

Now, tell me about your health:

Is everything okay?

Do you track your health data?

Do you have any good health tips?

Are you good at taking care of yourself?

Do share!!

Thank you so much for reading!

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Daily Planner and Journal: 31.10.17 “MAJOR sweet tooth, Thank God my party is behind me and I wish I didn’t buy on WISH” edition

Good morning everyone!!

Happy Tuesday!! Better than Monday, am I right?

Monday was not a very good day for me. I was still extremely tired from the weekend/birthday party and not feeling so well. It is kind of weird because I was in bed by 1 a.m on Saturday, slept until noon on Sunday, took about 2 naps and was in bed by 10.30. I’m so getting old.

We had done 0 for the party during the week so we had to get everything done on Saturday by 5 p.m. Thankfully, I had Rui and his brother who did most of the work, as I was very tired from a difficult work week and was extremely slow. Whatever they did in 10 minutes, took me 30. They trimmed the outside trees and cleaned the patio, we went shopping, we cleaned kitchen, living room and bathroom (there was no way we would manage to clean the bedroom and office), took the sofa covers to the wash station to be washed and dried, baked the cake (Rui did, I just made some  butter cream icing and iced the cake), got the tables set and got everything ready for the party. Rui spent the whole night by the grill, feeding everyone.

By 6 p.m, guests were arriving, I was just out of the shower, trying to fit in the 3 dresses I had picked and not succeeding. I decided I would just throw on some pants and top and call it a day. I was too tired to get my hair done or put on makeup, wishing I had cancelled the party lol

The party was fun but also very stressful. Do you have any crazy, awkward, family members? Well, I sure do. Two family members decided it was very fun to get VERY drunk and spend the whole party in a corner, talking about life and sad things. When they were not being philosophical, they were being annoying and trying to hug me. My anxiety was building up. Thank God my mom and sister were there to handle the situation.

Same guests, plus a third one, decided it would be fun to turn my patio into a graveyard for cigarette butts. We don’t mind at all if our guests smoke outside. Not at all. But we DO mind the cigarette butts all over the floor. Do you know what we also mind? When guests decide it is a lovely idea to smoke a joint at my party in our patio. What the actual fuck? You DON’T smoke that shit at my house without even asking. You don’t smoke that shit at my house at all. I have NOTHING against weed. I don’t mind if people smoke it. Just don’t do it in my house. I have neighbors, my neighbors have kids and we have a neighbor who is a cop.

Imagine if someone complained about the noise (which they wouldn’t because it was a Saturday night and our neighbors are very nice people) and the police got there to find drugs… Not a very good scenario. Funny thing is that we didn’t even notice. My mom told me yesterday and I got extremely mad. Rui is pretty pissed as well. I’m sure some of our guests saw it which is pretty embarrassing.

Anyway, thank God that fucking party is over. Some people will never be invited to our home again. I’m not even sorry.

Well, it was fun anyway, as I got to spend time with very nice people. I got nice presents, which I will show you soon. I’ll do a post showing you all of my birthday gifts.


I’ve been having this stupid issue with sweets and food in general. I could eat sweets all day long. I crave them all the time and I must have something, otherwise I cannot focus on anything else. It’s bothering me because I know how unhealthy it is, because it makes me gain weight and because I HATE when I’m unable to control something. I wake up during the night and eat all kinds of shit and don’t even remember it properly in the morning. What the what? Am I sleep eating?

Steps I am taking to solve this issue:

  1. Talk to my psychiatrist (I’ve texted her to call me and am waiting for her answer). She might be able to tell me if this has something to do with my medication or not and what I need to do in order to solve this issue.
  2. If my psychiatrist cannot help I am scheduling an “eating disorders” appointment at my local clinic.
  3. I might schedule a therapist’s appointment as well.
  4. I am NOT buying any kind of sweets or candy to have at home.
  5. I will start going to the gym.

I’m trying to have this “find a problem – think of how to solve it” approach. I hope this inspires you to do the same and just look at any problems or issues proactively.

I’ve just picked up my blood tests and, apparently, my cholesterol levels are pretty high. Oh shit. It’s the first time I have gotten such results. I really need to do something about it.

I have been buying things on Wish for about a month now. I’m very sad to report that 50% of my purchases come with some kind of issue, usually related to poor quality, damages or wrong number.

How disappointing.

However, I must say that they are very helpful and quick to solve the problem and provide a refund.

Do you shop on Wish?

Have you had any issues?

I am definitely interested in knowing your experience with this store/app.

We’ll talk soon.

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Happy Birthday to me – 26 goals for year 26 + One year challenge

Good day to you people!!

I hope everyone is having a good, stress-free, easy Monday.

As you might have noticed from the tittle, it’s my birthday.

26 years ago today (close to 5 p.m), mom was probably in a lot of pain, poor thing. Thanks mama, for pushing me out, I know it must have been hard for you, despite the fact that it was probably the only time I was ever thin.

I used to love my birthday, but I’m NOT feeling it at all this year. For several reasons:

  • I’m no longer in my early twenties;
  • I’m close to 30, my scary age;
  • I’m NOWHERE NEAR where I thought I would be by now, if you had asked me 10 years ago.
  • I had the shittiest year, 25 being extremely hard. Is it going to be over now?
  • I’m still going through some of the consequences of my mental health issues, meaning I’m still a fat ass and I hate my body and can’t stand looking at myself;
  • I have some small family issues, nothing to big, thankfully;
  • I have lost one of my best, childhood friends, probably forever.

I told Rui that the only thing I wanted to do today was try a pumpkin spice latte and go thrift shopping. I need some cardigans. I have decided to just go to Primark to get them because it’s closer and near Starbucks.

I’m going to my mom’s house for dinner. Not feeling it at all, but I need to do it for them.

Rui always takes my birthday off and so we have enjoyed a lazy morning, talking about my birthday blues and eating my favorite cereal (me).

I still have to work from 5 p.m to 7 p.m, which I don’t mind at all. I like being with the kids, even if they drive me crazy most days.

Because 25 was so bad, I’m kind of determined to TRY and make 26 way better. I came up with a few goals and also a few challenges.

26 goals for year 26:

  1. Finally get my f*cking driver’s license;
  2. Finally get braces and endure all of the suffering. At least high school has been over for many years so there’s no one to make fun of me;
  3. Lose the damn weight;
  4. Travel somewhere; Anywhere. Just see some new place, outside the country;
  5. Get into that second degree I want to take so bad; (shhh, you all know what I’m talking about but I won’t say anything so I don’t jinx it. I’ll be doing my best to accomplish this goal which is more than just a goal, but one of the things I NEED to do with my life.
  6. Write an e-book. (I have, but as a ghostwriter); 
  7. Double my number of followers on this blog;
  8. Go back to being a red; I just love it so much.
  9. Share some exciting news in May; Can’t talk about it yet, sorry.
  10. Learn Spanish so I can help the kids; 
  11. Join the church choir. So, this might be happening already, I just haven’t said anything. I’m not particularly religious, as you already know. I have faith and I pray and I love to read your posts about faith and God’s word. But I don’t consider myself fully catholic and I don’t go to church. But I feel the need to sing. I haven’t in a long time and my spirit longs for it. So I looked into different options and the easiest and friendliest was the church choir. I have talked to one of the ladies and she lives near me so she even offered a ride. I’m going next Monday and try it out.
  12. I had this idea or this calling after all of the things that happened in Portugal for the past few months. I would like… and bear with me… to train to be a volunteer  firefighter. Putting out fires is not all they do. They are the first at car accidents, 911 calls, they ride ambulances, help in all kinds of situations and are the first ones to be there for people when they need it the most. I thought it sounded stupid and impossible because I’m so far from being fit and I have no physical strength or resistance. I have talked to a girl I know who is a firefighter and she told me that’s not an issue at all. She said the physical test are minimal and that I could always get better and lose the weight before or while I’m taking the preparation course (250 hours, I think) because it would be long before I had to actually do something. I talked to my local fire department and they said I should go there and speak to them in person. I don’t know. Rui and I are talking and trying to figure out  what this would mean to us and how and if we could make it work. I don’t know if I dream too much of if I’m just someone who really wants to make a difference.
  13. Learning how to sew;
  14. Keep collecting plants and turn our patio into a beautiful garden;
  15. Double my income;
  16. Do my best to get organized; For the past few year, maybe more, I’ve had this problem where I can’t seem to get my shit together. If I’m working and being successful there, my house is a mess and the dog needs a bath. If I’m off, I should be cleaning the house but I seem to always feel tired and lazy so nothing gets done anyway. Laundry is an issue too. I’m always behind on errands. People keep telling me I don’t call or answer their calls. I just need to find a way to balance things better.
  17. Really help someone;
  18. Learn how to dance;
  19. Volunteer at some charity or event;
  20. Finally decorate this house;
  21. Go off my medication completely. 
  22. Meet some new people and make new friends. Be open to people and to the world in general;
  23. Be in more pictures;
  24. Just go to places and get out more;
  25. Try new things;
  26. Challenge myself;

Year 26 Challenge:

  • 1.5 L of water every single day for a year;
  • Exercise every single day for a year; (even just 15 minutes of yoga)
  • No McDonald’s or soda for a year; (here’s looking at you, coke)
  • 1 book a week for a year;
  • 1 post a day for a year;
  • 1 selfie a day for a year;
  • Mandatory full skin care for a year; (Never go to bed without washing my face, never leave the house without sunscreen, never forget to moisturize after showering, remember to clean and moisturize my face on the weekends)
  • Write 1 nice thought about myself every day for a year;

I guess I’m ready to take on this year. I just need to accept being 26 and try to make the best of it. I don’t to let another year go by and feel like I haven’t tried hard enough or that I haven’t accomplished anything. It’s the worst feeling.

Does anyone want to join me in one of the above challenges? We can be sodaholics anonymous together!!

Thank you for being here, friends.

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Health for days journey – June 28th (Stop all the slacking edition)

Good morning everyone!!

I hope you’re all doing well. Has your week been good so far?

I’ve come to the realization that this health journey hasn’t been healthy at all. I’ve been doing this for months and I’m actually worse. Why? Because I’m not focused and that has to change. I need to take action or things will never get better.

That being said, my main priorities for today are:

  • Drink 2 l of water;
  • Eat well – protein, 5 portions of fruits and veggies, avoid sugar and cut carbs to about 1/3 of what you use to eat;
  • Take your meds on time;
  • Take your multivitamin;
  • Walk 1000 steps, at least. I’ve downloaded a pedometer and that is the first goal, just 1000. I plan on walking around my neighborhood until I reach my goal;
  • 10 minutes of guided meditation;
  • 30 minutes of reading;
  • 30 minutes of adult coloring;
  • 20 minutes of yoga;
  • 20 minutes of listening to music;

And my tasks – non priorities, are:

  • I really need to do some gardening. There are weeds to pull out, seeds to plant and plants that need to be trimmed (can I say that for plants?). I need to give them some fertilizer and water them. The garden also needs to be swiped a washed down with the hose and some bleach where Rosa usually poops;
  • I need to do a few loads of laundry; And put them away immediately, before they pile up;
  • I really need to find a way to trick Rosa into giving her parasite medicine and cleaning her ears and teeth. I bet I won’t, she’s sneaky.
  • Empty Betty and fill her up again;
  • Clean all floors;
  • Read and comment blogs;

What else can you expect today?

  • My Perfect Party Series on Gracie from A Light In The Darkness;
  • 2 posts on Instagram;
  • 2 posts on twitter;
  • 1 post on Facebook;
  • My “What’s Up Wednesday” post (didn’t happen last week);
  • A poll!! I have 4 pairs of shows I was thinking on giving away. I’m not so sure now. You guys will help me decide if I keep them or donate them;
  • An update tonight;

And that’s all.

  • What is up with your Wednesday?
  • What are your priorities for today?

Thank you so much for reading.

Have a wonderful day.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤



General update + grocery shopping haul and meal plan

Hey guys,

I hope you had a nice weekend and that your Monday was short and sweet.

Let me tell you what I’ve been up too.

As you know, Mr.R went to his hometown to see his family on the weekend and I stayed home because I had a sore throat and did want to get sick, which I didn’t as it eventually went away.

What did I do being home alone?

Hung out with Rosa and nothing really interesting. I blogged, I did a Facebook, Instagram, Blog and twitter cleanup and I watched one and a half movies. Zodiac which I loved and half of Apolo 13. I love Tom Hanks so I’m sure I’m going to love it as soon as I get to it. Zodiac was good and even better because I’m actually fascinated by serial killers and love to read about them and watch documentaries. Am I the only one? Oh there are more weird thing that I watch. I love crime documentaries and… brace yourselves, live surgeries and autopsies. No I’m not a sociopath or Psychopath, I just really want to be a doctor and have no issues with blood, needles or watching anything really. I can stomach most things, unless they involve an animal. Then I have to look away and cry.

That’s pretty much what I did. Nothing especial. Oh and I slept and watered my garden.

Now the more interesting part (I think)

I decided to take pictures of our groceries (we just came from the store) and show you what we eat in about three weeks and our eating habits.



We bought:

Whole wheat pasta (macaroni) 4 packs or 1 kg for 3,36€ It’s quite expensive when you compare it with regular pasta. We would have gotten the same amount for less than 1€, but I’m staying a way from processed food.

Ciabatta bread with seeds  (It’s whole wheat) – for 1,09€

Whole oats – instead of the flakes I used to get. As soon I realized there’s a healthier version I had to substitute) – 0,85€

Brown sugar – I’m obviously staying way from refined sugar and I don’t really trust stevia, so I’m only using brown sugar and organic raw honey as sweeteners – 250 g for 1,99€ which is expensive but I’m going to make it last as long as I can.

Peanuts – Rui likes to snack on them and so do I. They’re to mix with my almonds, hazelnuts and raisins. – 1,59€

3 different flavors of jello – (peach, orange and strawberry/passion fruit ) I like to eat as a snack because it’s sweet but not that bad for me, especially if I add a little more water than what is recommended, to dilute it. – 3,27€

Whole wheat crackers with salt – (the ones on your right, looking at the picture) because to add them to my lunch as carbs or eat them as a snack. – 1,49€ (I think they come with 14 packs)

Whole wheat crackers x 2 packs – I wouldn’t have bought if I had read the label before. They have high-fructose corn syrup and I run from it like the plague. That and aspartame are my NEVER EAT foods. – 1,30€

4 cans of tuna (in water and not vegetable oil) – we like to use it in salads or sandwiches and it is healthy. – 3,40€ (for almost 500 g)

1 can of chickpeas – We like them in salads as well. – 0,59€

2 cans of black beans – I didn’t eat beans before but I’m used to them now and sometimes used them as a meat substitute. 1,18€

2 cans of sweet corn – I absolutely love it in salads. – 0,98€

2 cans of sliced mushrooms –  (I do plan on not getting any canned foods, we’ll be getting frozen sweet corn and fresh mushrooms next time) – 1,58€


Fruits, veggies and dairy:

Bananas – 1,36,€ for 1,300 g or 6 bananas. I eat a banana every day.

Fuji apples (my favorite) – I eat one every day, usually. – 1,120 kg for 1,56€

Peaches – 900 g for 1,23€

(We have about 5 kg of oranges that Rui’s mom sent us, as well)

2 cartons for skimmed milk – I’m giving up on milk, but we bought just in case we need some or Rui wants some. – 9,94€

16 cups of plain Greek yogurt – I’m giving up on milk but keep eating plain Greek yogurt as a source of protein. – 3,29 €

Frozen baby carrots – one of my favorite things to add to my lunch and to have as a snack. I eat them frozen and it’s so refreshing. – 450 g for 0,89€

2 packs of flamengo cheese – regular and light, in case I want to have some, I have the light version for myself – 3,38€

1 pack of mortadella (with olives) – for Rui. – 0,89€


Fabric softener – 2,39€

Baby wipes – We use them in the bathroom. I’ve been thinking of not buying them anymore and just use soap and water to wash myself after I use the toilet. It worries how many we go through and how bad they are for the environment. – 2 packs for 2,14€

Q-tips – we are running out. – 0,49€

Paper napkins (recycled)  – 0,45€. I have been thing about switching them (although we always buy recycled) for fabric napkins. I could buy some fabric and sew a few.

2 recharges for those things you plug-in your socket so the mosquitoes don’t eat you alive at night. – 9,99€ (it comes with a new plug)

Those toilet things that release some detergent when you flush the toilet. These have bleach on them. I love using bleach as a toilet cleaner so. – 2 for 1,29€

Daily sanitary pads – I know I shouldn’t wear them as they don’t let your skin breathe and can cause infections down there, but I feel dirty without them. Do you girls wear them? (can we talk about this or is it offensive?) – 1,05€ (I buy the thong ones because I can wear them with all my panties. I do wear thongs but not every day as they are not good for you)

Dental sticks for Rosa – She doesn’t cooperate with us to brush her teeth so we do what we can – 1,99 €

What else did we get?

1 huge bag (20 kg) of dog food – 16,59€

So much fish:

White fish/hake – 1,850 g for 11,13 (it will enough for 10 portions)

Salmon – 400 g for 3,68€

Mullet snapper – 1,140 g for 9,11€

Some meat:

Turkey steaks – 4,40€

Turkey breast – 1,370 kg for 8,89€

Pork chops – 1,142 kg for 4,33€

And that is all. We already had some things at home: Some pork, cod-fish, frozen veggies, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, oats, one white cabbage, a huge bag of potatoes and onions my mother-in-law sent us and some other little things.

Our total: 115,45€ – which was cheap, actually, for the amount of stuff we got.

We think this could last us about 3 weeks and that we can meet our monthly grocery budget of 150€. We have  34, 95€ left in our budget and that is probably enough for when we run out of fruits and veggies or bread.

Next week we’ll probably have cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries for our garden.

I’m trying to eat plant based and eating my portions in fruits and vegetables. I’m also trying to stay away from sugars, processed foods and refined flours. We’re both focused on eating more fish or leaner meats.

Meal plan:

Tuesday, 27th – Tuna and black bean salad.

Wednesday, 28th – we’ll have enough leftovers.

Thursday – Turkey steaks with rice and cabbage.

Friday – Grilled salmon with boiled potatoes and a salad.