If We Were Having Coffee – Part II

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that my hair is falling like crazy. I mean, I must have lost about 50% of my hair in the past year. I had some blood work done and it turns out I have an iron deficiency, meaning I’m close to being anemic. My doctor thought that might be the cause and that an iron supplement would stop my hair loss. Nope. Keeps falling. I have a dermatology appointment booked for this week and hopefully they’ll figure it out. Should I have gone about 6 months ago? Yes, but I procrastinate.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you I’m sort of suffering from adult acne. I never had any pimples as a teenager but I’ve been getting them for the past couple of months, mostly on my forehead. It’s not bad, just a few here and there (except for that one time a couple of months ago when it looked like I was having an allergic reaction which coincided with my first makeup trial for my wedding) but it bothers me that my skin is changing right now, at 27.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that my best friend and maid of honor (sort of, that’s not exactly what we call it here, it’s like you have a pair of godparents for the bride and another for the groom. She’s my “bridal godmother”) is coming here to visit in June (she lives in Vienna and I never get to see her) and I can’t wait. I’m so excited and wish June would just hurry up and get here. She’s one of my absolute favorite people in the whole world and I miss her so much.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you Rui and I are attending a wedding in May and are very exciting. We’ll be among his friends from high school whom we happen to be very close with right now (life is very funny because we all ended up living in the same city, which is about 300 km away from where they all went to high school) so it will be so much fun. I should say they’re my friends too, otherwise they get mad. It’s so nice that we’ll share the year we got married with that couple.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that it’s less than 6 months until our wedding. October 5th. We’re very excited. Everyone around us is very excited and looking forward to it. I’m so glad we decided to have a “big” wedding. I thought I’d be fine with a very small civil ceremony but I think I’d regret not doing something more traditional.

If we were having coffee…

I’d ask you if you’re married and then I’d ask about your wedding day and hopefully get some wedding advice 🙂



Meet my new friend – Courtney. Everyone, let’s welcome her and introduce her to our awesome community. ❤️❤️❤️

Hey there!

I need to tell you about this awesome lady!

Her name is Courtney and she blogs over at:

Home of the Croslands

Here’s her about me page:

All About Me

I’ve been following and reading Courtney’s blog for a long time. It has been a favorite since the beginning. We had never actually “met” until very recently, and it was so special for me to finally be able to connect with her.

She has been blogging for 9/10 years but she has never really gotten to know other bloggers. She really wants to be part of our community and wants to meet everyone, after I told her how awesome you all are.

She has the most beautiful family and blogs about her daily life. Her husband and her 3 beautiful children are often mentioned in her posts. I love the way she does her meal prep, meal plan, pantry organization, among other things.

Courtney is so relatable because she has been dealing with a few issues that are so familiar to many of us her whole life. I’ll let her tell you all about it. Or you can go over to her blog and read about her journey.

I would be very happy if you would check Courtney’s blog, give her a follow, read, like and comment on her posts.

Let’s sho her what a supportive community she can find here, shall we?

Thank you so much, everyone.

About the weekend + the shitty week + heartbreak

Hey guys,

Happy Tuesday. Better than Monday right? Well, not for me. I’m having the shittiest week and yes, I know the whole week will be shitty and it’s only Tuesday.

I had THE WORST day yesterday. I can’t really get into details for privacy reasons (not mine, I’m not exactly a private person). Family issues just suck in general but even more so when someone you’re close to and someone you’ve known for your whole life and done EVERYTHING for, turns out to be very different than the person you thought you knew. Man, it hurts all over. I’ve cried my eyes out, missed work and am pretty sure I’m going to have a relapse. I thought I already knew all kinds of suffering and pain but, it turns out, there’s always a bigger, deeper one. Shit, how can I describe how much it hurts? I’m sure you all love someone with every fiber of your being. You know the feeling, right? Imagine you suddenly having reasons to doubt they love you as unconditionally as you love them. It’s life changing. It’s physically painful. They say you can’t break a broken heart but, trust me, you can. Over and over. I’m sorry I’m being so secretive, I know it’s annoying but I need to vent.

You know what’s funny? Even thought they have hurt you so deeply, you still feel bad for every little bit you might have hurt them. This person I’m talking about, I slapped them yesterday. Twice. Yes, me. I can be a bitch. They’ve hurt me so bad and I feel like the devil for those two slaps. I feel like I’ve slapped my soul. That’s how much I love them. Damn, I can’t seem to catch a fucking break.

Anyway, life goes on, I guess. I’m off to work now, there’s laundry to be done. I eat, shower, just like every day. It just hurts to work, eat and shower.

Let’s just get over the depressing and try to talk about normal stuff for a while, shall we? I’ll do a weekend to-do list update. Don’t expect much, we were pretty lazy.


Things I must not forget:

• To drink my 1.5 to 2 l of water;


• To eat my fruits and veggies;


• To take my pills on time;


• To make sure I take at least 10.000 steps. (I only aim for 5.000 on the days when I work out)


• Remember to insert all of this information in my health app (including meals), which is the best thing I’ve been using ever. Lifesum


• Go and get my eyebrows done (for crying out loud)


• Cut my hair, my ends are very dry and thin.


• Shaving. I’m in a public pool several times a week, they don’t need to endure hairy legs, armpits and lady bits. (I rhymed)


Self-care things I would like to do:

• A green clay mask, as I haven’t done one in God knows how long.


• Take 2 big nature walks with the mister and the little four-legged lady. (Probably not gonna happen, being honest here)


• Do my favorite yoga routine before bed, I’ve been waking up about 3 times each night.


• Do some kind of foot scrub.


• Apply some clear nail polish on my nails so I won’t bite them.


Things we actually need to do:

• Finish tidying up the house. We have moved the furniture we intended to, which means Rui’s desk is in the living room and I have an office space in our bedroom. Our former office is now a “closet” (Our wardrobe, shoes, bags, coats are in there) and a guest bedroom. When you make such drastic changes, objects need to be moved as well, so there are lots of clothes and random objects that need to be put away.

Kind of.

• Laundry. Besides our regular laundry, we have a few blankets, pillows and clothes for my pregnant friend that need to be washed, as well as a few sheets. We also have a ton to put away.


• Clean the kitchen.

Kind of.

• Do some general cleaning around the house. (I’ll tell you what we got done when I do my update on Sunday)

Kind of.

• I need to move some of my plants inside because they don’t seem to like the cold and rain.


• Rosa NEEDS to go to the vet.


• We need to cook and prep for the week ahead.


• I want to read some blogs.


• I want to get my planner ready for the week (would you like to take a peek at my planner?)


How was your weekend, people?



Blogger Talk – Let’s Share Experiences


  1. Have you ever thought about deleting your blog?
  2. How many people do you follow? How many blogs do you read/comment each day?
  3. Do you have blogger bff’s? Do you guys talk outside of the blogging/WordPress community?

My answers:

1. I’ve been thinking about it lately, that’s actually why I’m asking.

2. I have know idea. I follow a bunch of people but I haven’t been reading or commenting at all for the last several months, which is very strange for someone who used to read everyone every single day and comment on everything.

3. I do. I have 4 blogging bff’s and we talk a lot and have become quite intimate and inseparable last year. I feel they are the best thing that’s happened to me through my blog. I do love my blog, but I would delete it in a heartbeat if I had to just so I could keep them. They’re just some of my favorite people and best friends and I love them. I don’t think they’re less important because we’ve met online or because we’ve never met in person. They’re mine just the same.

How about you? I’d love to read your answers.

