My Oscar History – Getting Robbed Since 2015 #justiceforcheila + Share your opinions: Let’s Talk Cinema

Good morning everyone!

It’s 09.43 as I’m starting this post and I didn’t sleep at all last night. No, it wasn’t insomnia. It was OSCARS NIGHT. If you know me half well you know how much I live love The Oscars.

The first time any kind of movie award caught my attention was back in 2013. I had loved movies all my life, way before that, but I was taking cinema classes in college so I became interested in awards, actors and technical aspects. I’m not sure I actually watched the ceremony in 2013 but I know I was really happy thatArgowon.

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Now, 2014 was a turning point. I had done so much research for the whole of 2013 and was way more into the whole Oscar phenomenon. I had watched all the films and was rooting for 12 Years a Slave, which ended up winning Best Picture. I was very happy with the winners of Best Actor in a Leading Role and Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club. In my opinion, all of the movies were really good that year. Here’s the full list of nominees:

86th Academy Awards Nominees

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By 2015, I was addicted. It had become my thing. It was also the first time I felt deceived. Oh yes. I was rooting for either The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything or Boyhood. Wonderful movies. I mean, I had three favorites, it’s not like I would be disappointed, would I? Wrong. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)took the Oscar for Best Picture. Okay. But why? I was happy that Eddie Redmayne won Best Actor for The Theory of Everything because, let’s face it, he played a damn good Stephen Hawking. Julliane Moore took the Award for Best Actress with Still Alice which was well deserved. Still, my heart broke a little.

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2016 came and my dreams were shattered once again. There were so many good movies. I mean, I did like Spotlight, the winner. But it’s not the one I would have picked. There was Room, The Revenant, The Martian, Brooklyn, Bridge of Spies, The Big Short. I felt like there were better choices for Best Picture. Thank God Leonardo DiCaprio won Best Actor in a Leading Role, FINALLY, otherwise I would have lost my shit! Although I do think Eddie Redmayne should have won again, for his brilliant performance in The Danish Girl. He would have won two years in a row, which would have been awesome. But Leo deserved that Oscar. He froze his ass in Canada to film The Revenant. I mean, he had been freezing his ass since Titanic and no Oscar. He got inside a friggin horse. It was his.

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2017 was a weird year for me. I had seen all of the movies and was really excited but fell asleep before the ceremony. It was actually a blessing, otherwise I might have had a stroke because of the “La La Land… Fuck no… Moonlight” incident. I was obviously rooting for La La Land and the disappointment would be too hard to take after that false alarm. The other films were all really good, though, the best being Hacksaw Ridge, in my opinion.

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So you have probably realized by now how I’ve been robbed since 2015, haven’t you? So unfair. Well, this year was no different. I was feeling pretty confident that Timothée Chalamet would win Best Actor. Nope. That dude who played Churchill in The Darkest Hour (A.k.A Dunkirk number 2) took Oscar home. Well, that was sad. Fortunately, Best Picture was still to come and I was fine with either Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri or Call Me By Your Name. I was so wrong. The Shape of fuck a fish won instead. I mean… How? Why? I feel empty inside. How could they do this to me?? You do understand why I’m so upset don’t you? Thank you.

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Yeah, I just needed to vent and share this long, sad story. The Oscars are probably the reason I take so much medication. It’s too much too handle. Year after year. I guess I’ll just go and cry in a corner now, maybe listen to the La La Land soundtrack and try to feel better. There’s always 2019. No one is getting my Oscar next year.

Tell me guys,

Does anyone share my disappointment?

Are you a cinema lover?

What’s your favorite movie ever?

How do you feel about the Oscars?

Did you watch any of this year’s nominees?

Were you rooting for a film/actor?


Some thoughts on Blogging

For the last few days, since I asked for questions for my Q&A and someone asked what do I expect for my blog in the future, I felt like I needed to share some thoughts on blogging with my readers, so you can understand with goes through my mind when I think about this little internet space of mine.


First of all, I understand that some of you might be tired of all the Awards (I know they’re always the same, even my boyfriend and sister say they usually skipped them), because I do every single one I’m nominated for. My reasons are simple: I feel so happy and honored (when I started blogging I didn’t even know there was such thing) to be nominated that I must share that with my readers, that is my first reason. Secondly, I could never feel right if someone takes the time to think of me and nominate me for something and I just let it be. Respect and gratitude for the person who nominated me are my reason number two.

Not that I think that bloggers who don’t do them are disrespectful, not at all. I just think we have different ways of dealing with this type of post, both being okay. I can respect everyone’s opinion on the matter, I really do.

Nevertheless, if my readers are really, really tired of them, you can please tell me, as I’m always open to your opinions and love suggestions. Do you think I shouldn’t do them? Do you skip them? Please tell me now, as I have a bunch of them waiting to be posted.

Blogger Competitiveness:

This is a non-issue for me, since I’m not competitive at all. I’m happy when I reach 500 followers, I’m happy when YOU reach 5oo followers. There’s no other way for me. Blogging is a community and you are my friends, not my competition. I know that I’ve reached a good number of followers in a short amount of time and I know that some people who have been here long may not have as many, but it has NEVER crossed my mind that I’m better than them in any way. They are just numbers. Who knows why people follow? Who knows if they will stick around? Of course I’m happy to know that 500+ people followed my blog but I’m much happier to know about those 100 that always read, always comment, always support me, those who I consider my blogging friends. That’s what’s important for me – the community, the group, the help, the encouragement, the amazing people I got to know in these last two months. Without them, the number of followers means nothing for me. Without them, my number of followers is an empty accomplishment.

My Blog’s Future:

When this blog still existed only in my mind, I imagined I would someday be a great blogger and turn it into a business and make money from it. I didn’t know how people did it, and still don’t know. But I was going to do it. Fast forward two months and, here I am, thinking that this might never be anything more than a personal blog. Personal blogs don’t sell. I don’t try on new makeup or new clothes, I don’t DIY anything either. Not that I don’t like it or that I won’t do those things in the future, it’s just not where I am right now. I do love makeup and fashion and DIY and I hope to be a mommy blogger someday. My point is, even if or when I change my themes and start doing different things and addressing different issues, I don’t think I will ever be a great very well-known blogger, who makes money from my blog. It just looks too big for me.

That’s it, friends. Random things that were occupying my mind regarding my blog and the blogging word.

Do you have anything to say about it?

Over the next few weeks you can expect to read about my daily life and the changes I’m making as I spend my days fighting depression and trying to improve my health in general.

Is there something else you would like to read on this blog? I’m always open to suggestions!!


Awards for days: Big catch up – Mystery Blogger Award #2, #3 and #4 (Cheating – Only answering questions)

I was nominated (a long time ago) for the Mystery Blogger Award by three lovely ladies: Dacia –

Sílvia –

Midnight Magician –

Girls, thank you so much for thinking of me. I’m sorry I’m only getting to this now!

I’m so late with this, so I’m cheating and only answering their questions:


  1. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be and why? – Maybe just some piano soft music;
  2. What is your writing routine? Do you have one? Should you have one? What would be your ideal writing life? – I don’t actually have any kind of routine when it comes to writing or blogging. I want to become better at it and get back to writing poetry and fiction;
  3. In the movie of your life, what actor could best portray you? – I guess Kristen Stewart, after gaining a few pounds and with brown hair and brown contacts;
  4. What are you currently reading? The Girl From Nowhere by Dorothy Koomson;
  5. Describe the most trying time of your life. – It would probably be right before I came home and began seriously taking care of myself when it comes to my anxiety and depression. I was so stressed out, worn out and feeling like I was going crazy;



  1. What’s the story behind your blog name? – I just really love pink;
  2. What’s that one song you love to sing in the shower? – I used to sing in the shower and all they long. Now I don’t, I have no idea why;
  3. What’s the first thing you would do during a zombie apocalypse? – Be with my family. We would have to endure that shit together;
  4. What are 3 words you like? – Saudade (Portuguese), dawn and serendipity;
  5. Where is one place in the world you’ve always wanted to visit? – USA;


Midnight Magician’s:

  1. What was the last thing you ate? – Cereal;
  2. Who’s the last friend you talked to? – Catarina;
  3. One thing you wish someone in your life knew (you don’t have to say who they are) – I just wish some people would understand better what it means to suffer from mental illness;
  4. What song do you currently have in your head? – Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t stop the feeling”;
  5. How easy do you think you are to read as a person? – Pretty easy, I have no intentions of hiding anything so I’m pretty open and I think my face and expressions translate that;


Once again, thank you so much for this nominations.

Much love,


Awards for days: Big Catch up – Liebster #7 and #8 (Cheating – Only answering questions)

It’s been months since I’ve done an award post.

Oh yes, I’m that behind.

I had even said I wouldn’t do any more of a few, Liebster being one of them. But I just can’t be nominated and ignore the person or their questions. I just can’t.

Since it has been a while, you might not even get that bothered by it.

This time I was nominated by both Ella and Cassi. You know I love them and their blogs, so I don’t need to say much, do I? Go over and give them some love and attention.

Now, let’s get to it.

These are the rules:

•  You must acknowledge who has nominated you and also share their links

•  Share 11 facts about yourself (Skip)

•  Answer the 11 questions that you have been asked

•  Nominate 11 more bloggers whose blog you would recommend (Skip)

•  Ask 11 questions that you would like those bloggers to answer (Skip)

•  Let the bloggers you’ve nominated know that they’ve been nominated. (Skip)

Questions by Ella:

  • What job did you want to do when you were younger? – I’ve been wanting to be a doctor since I was 15. Many things have come to mind both before and after that. Lawyer, Psychologist, College Professor.
  • Where would your dream holiday be? USA.
  • Do you believe in soul mates?  I might. Rui and I have a funny story of how we met.
  • What would your superhero name be? – Pink Mommy (I would take care of everybody in need and hide candy under everyone’s pillow)
  • If you could only use one makeup product what would it be? – Mascara. 
  • What is your favorite film? – I have so many. I could tell you about 100.
  • What shoe size are you? – 37/38. UK 4 or 5, I think.
  • How do you feel right now, in this moment? – Great 🙂 Thank you for asking.
  • Favorite pizza topping? – Bell pepper.
  • What age were you when you knew Santa wasn’t real? – I never believed he was real. 
  • Can you dance? – If you teach me 🙂

Questions by Cassi?

  • What’s your drink of choice? – Coca-cola.
  • What was your favorite game to play as a child? – To play mommy.
  • How did you come up with the name of your blog and what does it mean? – I love pink. I have so much pink stuff. I have pink for days 🙂
  • Do you want/have any tattoos? – I do want a few very small ones. Have none yet.
  • What is your most prized possession? – I can’t think of anything. Is that sad? I would be sad if I lost people, not that sad if I lost some object. 
  • What are you favorite colors together? (Like your favorite 2 or 3 colors that compliment each other well.) – Pink and lilac.
  • What is your favorite print/design? – Floral.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? – I like to keep an open mind.
  • What is your favorite thing to shop for? – Stationary and shoes.
  • Describe your ideal day. – Getting a massage, swimming, eating something yummy for lunch, getting my hair and nails done, doing some shopping, watching a movie alone and coming home to my love and pup.
  • When is your birthday? – October 23rd.

Consider yourself nominated if you want to do it. Choose 11 questions among the 22 provided above.

Thank you for reading!!