The Shitty Weekend: A Recap

Hey there, everyone!

How was your Easter? Mine was actually pretty shitty.

We traveled to my husband’s hometown on Friday morning to go spend Easter with my in-laws and it rained the whole weekend. It was freezing and rainy and windy and I didn’t even manage to go for a walk while there.

Dalila was in a funk for two days, throwing major tantrums and being generally grumpy, clingy and moody. We are not sure why, but we think it might have been the daylight saving time change, a different bed and a change in routine. She didn’t want to eat anything, wouldn’t go to sleep and was just super upset for two whole days. She then just snapped back to being her normal, happy self at lunchtime on Monday. I thought she might be teething but I’m pretty sure she has all of her teeth by now and she definitely has the vocabulary to say something if her teeth were hurting. Besides, she wasn’t crying in pain, just generally moody.

Olívia wasn’t super happy either, having a huge crying fit on Saturday. She gets very tired when she’s not on her typical routine and only takes catnaps throughout the day, which makes her exhausted. I think teething might be starting for her too (she’s 4 months old today) because she keeps attempting to chew on everything and nibbling on her hands. To make it even worse, she has been a bit colicky and was clearly in pain at some point.

On the drive home yesterday, we literally had to stop about 4 or 5 times (it’s a 2-hour drive) to soothe Olívia, put her pacifier back on, give Dalila her own pacifier back because it had fallen or she had thrown it (I wonder who she gets her temper from) provide snacks, etc. Honestly, my husband and I would just look at each other, not knowing if we should laugh or cry, wondering if we could maybe just run away together, leave the country and have the grandparents raise the kids but ultimately decided to keep them for now (mostly for the tax benefits) and somehow we made it home and through another day.

Because I wasn’t having a crappy enough few days, my period decided to make an appearance yesterday (right on time, after always being late for the best part of 20 years) giving me a massive headache. Finally, both kids were asleep by 11ish and I made it to bed early (and by early I mean midnight) and slept in this morning because my husband is wonderful and took both girls so I could rest a little.

Anyways, I’m off now. Olívia had her 4-month shots today and I want to go cuddle her.

I hope you have a nice week!



Photo by Pexels

8 thoughts on “The Shitty Weekend: A Recap

  1. The title of the blog made me laugh and cringe at the same time. I’m so sorry you had such a rough weekend with the girls, I know EXACTLY how that feels. Sounds like being out of their routine and in a new environment was a huge factor in this scenario. Plus sounds like Olívia is starting to teeth, she is doing exactly what Valeria is…it’s not easy!

    LOL oh man when I read about the stopping during the car ride, I thought it was just my husband and I who had to do that 🤣 Valeria well make us stop at least once every car ride now and one time it was just to be out of her car seat! Little rascals these kids I tell ya lol

    Liked by 2 people

      • 🤣 I love road trips, oh we used to blast music in the car and I would sing my little heart out! Now it’s no music because Valeria usually sleeps part of the way. So there is some silence, though I imagine when she is Dalila’s age there won’t be lol


  2. I’m sorry your weekend was such a bummer. Shots are never fun. I’m sure your mama cuddles made her feel better. Happy Monday! Have a good week!


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