Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – My Job

Do you enjoy your job?

Currently on maternity leave (my youngest is almost 3 months old and my oldest is 22 months), my job is being a stay at home mom.

Do I enjoy being a stay at home mom? Yes and no, to be honest. Obviously, I love taking care of my babies and watching them grow but I’m also very burned out from some of the related tasks, like cleaning my kitchen 10 times a day, constantly putting things back where they belong and the endless cycle of laundry. I also miss using my brain for something more challenging and pursuing more intellectual stimulation as well as having a purpose other than motherhood. I will always be a mother first but I need to be something else too. I have a couple more years in me, until Olívia (my youngest) goes to daycare and then I’ll go back to working full time.

Now, what do I do when I’m not chasing a toddler and preventing her from eating dirt from my plants? I’m self employed, running an online teaching and tutoring business. I teach English to adults and tutor Portuguese and History, helping students (teenagers and adults) getting into university. I’ll be honest, it’s not my dream job but I actually love it. I’ve met so many great people over the years (I’ve had this business on and off since 2012) and have had the pleasure of helping students follow their dreams.

Being self employed is not as easy and dreamy as it sounds. Yes, I can make my own schedule, take a few days off if I need to, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Maybe I’ll write about it one of these days.

Do you enjoy your job?

What would you like to be doing instead?



7 thoughts on “Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – My Job

  1. That’s really cool you have an online tutoring business! I understand the hardship of the constant cleaning while taking care of little ones. I only have my son. When he was a toddler, he managed to destroy an entire living room with one peanut butter cracker. You are a super woman for taking care of two little, maintaining the house, and being a tutor.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re so sweet and this is such a kind comment. We’re all super moms, really. Everyone is fighting different battles and doing the best they can. I have a lot of respect for moms in general. We don’t get enough credit. Sending hugs ❤️


  2. I didn’t realize you have your own tutoring business, that’s so cool! I knew you were a teacher from previous posts, but that must be so rewarding for you, even if it’s not your dream job.

    As for being a full time mama, oh yeah that can be stressful at times and you definitely turn off your brain. It’s always nice when you can have some time to challenge and stimulate your brain again amidst the chaos, even if it’s just an adult conversation lol

    Liked by 3 people

    • I used to have an actual office location, where I taught my students. Then that office became too small for the amount of work I was having and I moved to a bigger one. And then I closed it all (in 2017) because I got burned out from working literally from 7.30 am to 11 pm during exame season. I was a bit of a workaholic back in the day. After Dalila was born, I went back to work part time and took care of her during the day and then taught online from 7 pm to 12 am. But then I got pregnant with Olívia and was just too tired to work in the evenings while caring for a toddler all day long so I came home on medical leave (it was a high risk pregnancy anyway). I do miss teaching and running my business. I love being home with the girls but I can go a whole day without speaking to another adult lol my brain craves a deeper interaction 😂


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