New Series: Question of the day #1

I thought it might be funny to start a new series where we could interact more. I’ll ask you a daily question that you can answer in the comment section. Attention: There will be surprise random prizes for best answers.


1. What is your dream job? Are you doing it? If not, why?




115 thoughts on “New Series: Question of the day #1

  1. my dream job is working as a nurse. i’m doing it! but I also would love to do something like work in a library because I love books! but I don’t have the time, so I decide to read like crazy instead.

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  2. My dream job is to be a stylist. I love fashion. I was not aware of styling as a career initially and hence did my Engineering and I have my IT Job now. But I am trying to get few courses done and apply and get some work on styling. Its been hectic. But trying to switch soon.

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  3. My dream job is a marine biologist or conservation somethingish… I’m kind of doing it in that I’m trained for it… But actually finding the job is proving somewhat problematic!

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  4. Either a teacher (which I did for 8 years) or a librarian (which I plan to start working on in a couple years). I’m not doing either because I’m in the season of life of being a stay at home mom.

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  5. I want to work with Unicef or create a foundation and if that doesn’t work out, I might go into business or teaching. Oh and Im not doing that right now because I’m still in school 😂

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  6. My dream job would be to be a unicorn. 🦄 Unfortunately, my dad says I can’t. So I’d like to be a scientist 👩‍🔬. Hopefully. Maybe. If I pass all my exams! Looking forward to this series! Xx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I like your new series Cheila!! Sounds like so much fun!

    I wanted to study marine biology for years. I loved biology in school and had good grades but I had a horrible biology teacher in the two last years of my school time and I started hating biology. I got really bad grades and thought I probably should do something else 🙈


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    • Oh dear, if you really love it you can always go back and try. Even if you’re 40. You deserve it. As a teacher and a student I know that teachers can very well help ruin students’ lives, in many ways. I had a college professor who would pick on me because I was a working student and couldn’t make it to every class, but would still have good grades. He would try to humiliate me in front of the class and say my grades weren’t real because I wasn’t a real student, because I missed so many classes.

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    • That’s shame biology teacher put you off. I had bad biology teacher at college which made doubt ability in biology but proved self by getting first class degree in Human bioscience.

      I’m not sure what dream job is so that is stopping me so it.

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  8. My dream job would be in social media or event planning – maybe a mix of the two so something like a PA or marketing. I’m sort of working my way there but it’s not been the easiest journey, currently trying to get more experience

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  9. Now that I’m retired, my dream job is to write blog posts for my own amusement. This would also include reading other blogs and commenting. Am I doing it? Apparently, I’m doing right this very minute! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️

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  10. Dream job would be travel and blog related. Getting paid to travel places. That would be insane! But is most likely not going to happen. I’m so happy as a teacher though 😄 Hanging out all day with the cute bubs


    • Yes that would be great job. So hard to get into and earn money from it as bloggers do it for free. I would quite happily travel or maybe theatre review but would not like having to watch and then try and say something had no interest in but if theatre that liked would be great.

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  11. Good idea Cheila 🙂 I’m lucky enough to be in my dream job ; however if I were rich I’d love to travel for a living!! Xx


  12. As a kid, I dreamed of being an artist and then it changed to a pilot and then it changed to a psychologist then it changed to a doctor… and know it has changed to “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY DREAM JOB IS”

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  13. First of all, I love this series idea! That is so cool! As I’m only 16, I don’t have to worry about jobs at the moment, but I made one of my dreams come true by having my blog! I love writing and I think it’s amazing that I can share my thoughts with people from all over the world! xx

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  14. It’s a toss-up between being a writer and a therapist. I’ve done freelance writing, but haven’t had much success with putting a book together yet. Working on it. As far as being a therapist goes, I feel too old to go back to school, and even if I weren’t older, I’d still be hesitant because of wanting to be there for the kids.

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  15. i have come to learn that there’s too much pressure on what we call our “Dream job”. I am yet to discover it because right now, I have too many interests and way too less skills!


  16. My dream job is to work on the mission field, and the only reason I’m not there right now (because I totally would be!) is because it isn’t the right time for me to yet. haha! I have sooo much to still do here at home, from finishing high school, being here for my littlest siblings as they grow up, getting a job to save up money … and I also need to strengthen my Spanish.


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