Instagram and Twitter follows

Do you know how many people have stopped following you?

I use an app to check all of my follower statistics.

It’s a little sad that I’ve realized some of the bloggers I know well and follow and comment frequently are not following me. Why? If I do have time to follow you, why don’t you do the same for me? Maybe you’re just not interested?

I understand not following back strangers, but people you talk and read their blog often…

Is it me or it’s kind of offensive?

What’s your opinion?

Thank you for reading.


90 thoughts on “Instagram and Twitter follows

  1. omg I have the exact same prob! Ppl follow and then unfollow which annoys me and i agree! Some ppl im friends on here but aren’t interested in following me on IG. Not sure why but maybe they dont like my content..def is disappointing! I also use an app which really is useful. I just unfollow ppl who unfollow me..its just ridiculous!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Gosh, I completely agree Cheila.. I follow everyone who follow me on IG from WordPress, I like that we can support and help each other 😊 p.s – It’s easier to keep an eye on those pesky unfollowers with the apps I guess xo

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  3. Oh goodness, I really think i’m this person. I so crap at keeping up with instagram and I have no idea what I’m doing on twitter its not even funny!! I barely keep up with blog posts if I’m honest!! Please don’t think its because I’m not arsed!! This month I’m focusing on my instagram account and hoping to set up a time for doing just this… hoping next month will be twitter… before long i promise to get better!! I also have a follower feed app to help me keep track of people who follow then unfollow… its called: Followers+…. xxx

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    • Oh dear, not at all. I know you. You’re doing very well. I’ve done an Instagram cleaning and organizing and then the same with twitter and it felt really good. I’m not sure if I’m still that organized now. Social mediaa blogging is so fast paced

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      • Thats so nice of you to say but still… i need to get my ass in gear and get on board!! I have that ap for instagram…. how did you clean out twitter?? So fast paced its not even funny!! xx

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        • there’s one for twitter too. Plus I unfollowed everything that was companies or groups and stuck to the people I either know in real life or from the blogging word. the app is TwitFollow. I got it for my iphone. There’s a general management app where you can control all or your social media, see what posts are liked more often, the ones that are not so popular, etc. But it’s paid. I’m not willing to pay for something I can check myself, by the number of likes.

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  4. I just notice: We are not Twitter friend. XD XD I just follow your Twitter so I can stalk you publicly XD
    I actually don’t follow everyone social media. I just follow few I check out post regularly and have interest in their life outside of blog. (I like Rosa. XD )
    I stop following everyone back since there are too many follow-unfollow accounts comes to me these months. They also make me less likely follow people. I got an app to track my Twitter and Instagram followers too. Sometimes, I don’t even know that new unfollower ever follow me. It is how fast are these follow-unfollow people. They make me give up on the follower number now. XD I am too tired to please them. XD

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  5. Oh yes it annoys me too…for ages my instagram would be 278 273 278 etc…its now over 300 and holding steady. If someone follows me I go and look at their account. If they have roughly the same follows as following I am happy to follow back. A lot follow then unfollow once you have followed them. I will follow him (them)…follow him (them) wherever he may be….da da da de da….its a song but thats all i can remember. …

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  6. Yes, I agree, I love Instagram but I hate the follow/ unfollow pattern. I follow people who are friends from WP, but I don’t bother with apps as I just get upset if I see who’s unfollowed!!

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  7. I don’t think unfollowing someone is offensive.
    For example, I followed someone when they were posting about pretty make up, but then started posting only about their newborn. I’m happy for their little person and it’s cute for most of the cases, but I don’t really care about babies at the moment. So I unfollowed.

    What annoys me most is the people who unfollow me a moment after I unfollow them. Like some kind of revenge 😀 I mean, if you like a person’s feed, why do you need their follow back so you could enjoy it. Honestly, it doesn’t make sense to me at all…

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  8. Oh! I absolutely HATE Instagram! I no longer follow anyone anymore only because when I first open my account, alot of people followed me only to get a follow back then they unfollowed me. This really crushed my sole! (Sad I know) but I really think it’s fake. People portray a perfect lifestyle and it makes me feel crap haha.
    I only add genuine people now. Friends, fellow bloggers. I’ve come to the point where I am too scared to follow people only to find out they’ll unfollow me in a few days!

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  9. Have you seen that Frasier episode where he has his show reviewed from behind a two way mirror and people go crazy for it, except one guy who’s like “I just don’t like him” and Frasier stalks the guy, unintentionally breaks his hand, and lights his newspaper stand on fire? Lol, it’s a lovely cautionary tale that keeps me in check from finding BLogger657 and saying ” WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME!” lol

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  10. I am not a good follower in the sense that I click that follow button but I am good about reading everyone’s blog who follow me, and participate. I had so many times either me or wordpress(I blame wordpress) that I would follow someone, don’t see a post for days, go to their blog, to leave a “just checking on you” comment, only to see they have been posting everyday. I go to my manage and I’m not following them anymore. I didn’t do anything, how does that work? So, I realized, I needed to check all the blogs verses waiting on the reader to tell me they’ve posted something new. I don’t have twitter, and I had an instagram account for a minute. Then instagram wanted my phone number for me to continue to be able to log in. I’m not posting anything, I am just viewing, liking, and commenting. I didn’t like they wanted to force information out of me, or not let me log in. So, I don’t look at instagram anymore. I did get my feelings hurt the other day. I was looking for something and noticed that a blogger, I am close with, isn’t folllowing me. it kind of hurt my feelings but, it is what it is. I still go to their blog everyday, and participate because I like their blog.

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  11. This whole twitter/Instagram follower thing is so frustrating to me. Between people following you just to unfollow and people that you communicate with not following you, I kind of want to give up. I’m pretty sure that I am following you, right?!? Xoxo

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  12. I can’t say for other people, but I actually keep my Twitter/Instagram really separate from my blog. I actually unlinked my Twitter from my blog and I’ve been thinking about doing the same for my Instagram. I tend not to follow bloggers or anything and it’s nothing personal. If I’m one you’re talking about, feel free to unfollow me! I keep those social medias for my friends and family. That’s why I have a private Instagram!

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  13. A lot of people — like myself — only set up Twitter and Instagram because that’s what everyone else does for their blogs. I’ll post my images and occasionally comment/like posts on these platforms, but I don’t truly engage on them, since I don’t have time to maintain three social media accounts plus my blog. (Plus I don’t really get Twitter and Instagram, guess I’m too old!) That would explain inactivity and maybe people not following if they’re not really using the accounts, but I don’t know why people would unfollow, that doesn’t make sense.

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  14. I totally agree! What’s with the follow/unfollow thing? I find it so rude too! If I follow someone it’s because I want to see more of their posts but when they don’t follow back I get a little sad! I enjoy Twitter for day to day chats but I don’t actively try to grow either. X

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  15. Hi !! New to word press but not that much old.I know just created my IG account this is ridiculous. App is really helpful not tried but will definitely give it a try to keep an eye on those :p.Starting following you on IG. I see you of my interest.

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