Perfect Party Series #10: Cherylene

Today I bring you one of my favorite people, my dear friend Cherylene.

She blogs at


She’s one of the nicest, warmest, most supportive bloggers I know and we’ve been supporting each other and our blogs for a few months now. She’s such a loyal reader and friend and I’m so grateful I’ve met her. She always has an encouraging word or piece of advice for me and there’s always a thoughtful, loving comment from her. She reads what I write and she really sees me and I love her for that.

She was also the winner of my Giveaway, which made me really happy!!

She’s a boy mom, a strong woman and an amazing writer.

Here’s how she describes herself:

I have recently discovered that writing gives me a sense of joy and satisfaction that I never got doing anything else.  It is a great way for me to share my thoughts on various issues and topics that I feel compelled to write about.

I am a woman who has refused to let the negativity in my life and the world at large hold me back from pursuing my dreams.

My hope and dream is to be an inspiration and motivator for others.   I want my writing to reach far and wide helping others all over the world.

If you are searching for inspiration, motivation or direction I hope that you can find some here.  Be prepared to dig deep because true happiness and peace of mind comes from within.

Cherylene writes about a few different topics. I’m a fan of all of them. Here I share a few of them but there are many more. Please go over to her blog, read through her work and give her a well-deserved follow.

There are inspiring short stories:

What Is True Wealth?

Find And Develop Your Own Talents

The Benjamins and The Hopefuls

Her beautiful poetry: (a few favorites)

You Will Love Again

If You Knew

I Refuse

A Mother’s Love


Time To Heal

Missing You

There’s a category she calls “Thinking Out Loud”, where you can find a variety of useful, insightful, motivational and uplifting articles.

Thinking Out Loud

She writes about “Mind, Body and Spirit” and these are my favorite articles in this category:

Disappointments Are Blessings In Disguise

What Is Real Beauty?

What Does It Really Mean “To Love Yourself”?

Find Happiness Right Where You Are

What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

12 Signs You Are “Living” and not just “Existing”

This is getting too long, maybe, but I need to mention her weekly Health and Wellness posts, part of her “Health and Wellness Fridays” series. There are some really interesting articles about a different food, spice, herb or plant every Friday. Cherylene does amazing research work and the articles are so well-written and informative. One of my favorite things to read every week.

Lastly, I want to call your attention for her “What’s Up Wednesdays” posts, that she has recently started doing. I love it because they’re more personal and we get to have a peek at her week and at her daily life and what she’s up to.

New – What’s Up Wednesdays

What’s Up Wednesdays #2

What’s Up Wednesdays #3

To finish, I’m sharing her answers to my  Perfect Party Series questions:

Tell us about yourself:

My name is Cherylene. I am the mother of two boys. I enjoy writing poetry and blogging about whatever I feel inspired and motivated to write.  Writing gives me clarity, joy, satisfaction and even purpose. I am self-motivated and driven. My hope and dream is to make a positive difference in the lives I’m fortunate to touch.

What was your favorite thing about my party?

My favorite things about the party was the food and the people in that order.

Did you get any new followers or views because of the party?

To be honest I have gotten about 6 new followers this week but I don’t recognize them as anyone you highlighted from the party.  I did follow and view some new blogs because of the party.  Thank you for that. 🙂

Did you make any friends?

It’s a bit early to call anyone I met a “friend” just yet.  I did meet a few interesting people though. Time will tell where those interactions will go. 🙂


I know this post is not enough to show everyone how awesome you are, but they’ll realize I’m right once they go over to your lovely blog and read your wonderful work. Thank you so much for always reading my posts and for always taking the time to comment. You’re very encouraging and you inspire me with how positive and confident you are. I’m really happy I’ve met you. The blogging world wouldn’t be the same for me without you.

Sending lots of love.


P.S. I’ve just realized both our names start with “Che” and that made me smile ❤

5 thoughts on “Perfect Party Series #10: Cherylene

  1. Awhhh thank you Cheila! Yes, we do have the “Che” in common 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate what you’ve done here. You inspire me as well and I’m happy to learn that I do the same for you too. Big hug. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Well, I don’t know Cherry much (errr… can’t say that after this lovely post 😂😂) but I’ve always thought her to be a kind hearted and supportive person. She always seems to have words that are encouraging even though they may not have been meant for that. And this great Chey-generated post verifies all I have observed about her.

    I’ll definitely have to check out her blog soon.


  3. I have missed so many posts in the last three days and here I am catching up. Wonderful post on Cherylene, Cheila. She is indeed a supportive and lovely blogger. I followed her after meeting her on your blog, so thank you 🙂


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