Perfect Party Series #4 Dippy-Dotty Girl

Do you know Dippy-Dotty girl? She blogs over at:

Her real name is Arundhati. She’s from India. I call her Cathy, it’s my nickname for her ever since we met. It’s not that I don’t like her name, it’s just so I don’t misspell it. It’s our private joke. She’s the funniest person you’ll ever meet. She used to live in Northampton but now homegirl is moving to NEW YORK. Are you jealous yet? I’m sure her travelling diary will get even more excited now. I can’t wait for all the New York posts.

She wrote a post about her move:

Northampton to New York

She’s married to Adi, and they make a very cute couple together.


Just look at them… I love them as a couple.

She mostly writes about her trips and she always goes to the nicest places with the most breathtaking views. She hikes a little, unless it’s too close to water or bugs. Mostly, she eats. Especially popcorn, her meal of choice. She has them all the time and feels no shame about it. She eats as much as an athlete, or so she tells me. She’s still tiny, though. Worry not.

She’s an amazing writer and an avid reader. A fellow English major. We share many favorites in terms of books. She’s also my pen pal. Oh yeah. I love getting her mail. She’s the sweetest, most supportive friend. What you don’t know and she doesn’t know is that she is my favorite blogging friend. I feel really close to her and would love to meet her one day. I think we have an amazing connection and a very similar sense of humor, although she’s much more ladylike than I am. I’m a truck driver comparing to her, when it comes to sick/dark jokes and swearing.

I’m not that into travelling posts, to be completely honest. What attracts me is her writing, her beautiful personality, her sense of humor. I just love you, my dear Cathy. You’re an amazing friend.

(Is it me or this post is a little more sentimental than the others? She’s just one of my favorite people ever and I’m actually sad she is moving so far away)

My favorite posts:

On not meeting Demelza in Poldark country – I mean, I love Poldark. And I got a postcard with a miner eating a pastry that I initially thought to be a raw sweet potato. Long story.

Catalogue for the Dandy Traveller – Just a good, funny post with great pictures.

Friends for days tag – Doing my tag. Makes me so proud. This is how she describes me:

“Cheila has a wicked sense of humour and blogs about her life, the stars of which are her dog Rosa and her partner Rui. She is also battling depression. This is her attempt at giving new blogs some lovin’ and old blogs an extra dose of it. ”

Wicked sense of humor? Have no idea what she means!

Tuktuk – About her late beloved dog. Such an emotional post. She even shares a beautiful poem:

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset
He was the cutest dog

Something that could totally happen to me: She almost lost her flight to NY. Oh, dear.

On almost not making it

It’s a sign, love. You should not move so far away from me!!

You also need to check her lovely about page:

About me

Before I finish this post, I have to share her answers to my questions.

Tell us about yourself.

The moment you say that, I freeze. Hmm let me think. I am just a girl waiting for the perfect cupcake to fall into her lap. No wait, I am just a girl waiting for a big dog to dress up, cuddle and annoy. I give up! Would a writer with a variety of alter egos suffice?

(It will darling, don’t worry. You forgot to mention the popcorn)

What was your favorite thing about my party?

Cheila, the banter and all those cupcakes, aah. Rosa too. I do not want sweet teenagers to go sulk in a corner. And then no one puts Rosa in a corner.

(She mentions cupcakes all the time. Do you think she has a problem? She loves Rosa, though)

Did you get any new followers or views because of the party?

I think so. Definitely one (don’t you go sniggering now!)

(Not too bad!)

Did you make any friends?

One lives in hope.

(hahaha she’s just too much)

Dearest girl, I hope you have the time of your life in New York. Just don’t pull a Carrie Bradshaw and walk the city in your underwear. Let’s keep some dignity. I hope you find the best popcorn ever and a million cupcakes to try. Seriously, I hope you are happy there. You and Adi, of course. Don’t be a stranger.

Love you, beautiful girl.



56 thoughts on “Perfect Party Series #4 Dippy-Dotty Girl

  1. Oh Cheila! You made me tear up. That is the sweetest thing ever and to see it right now is a balm to my aching soul which is missing home so much and finding it to be a big, different world out here. Finding a home is turning out to be a chore (as it does when one makes a move). Sigh. Really, I mean it. I love you and cannot wait to meet you someday. Maybe in Lisbon. Maybe in New York, when you come over with Rui and Rosa. Who knows? The world is not a large place at times it seems and yet it is! If you know what I mean. I am running late on updating myself with blogs in the last two days. Just the house hunt is enough to make me weep. This is a big Thank You for the lovely post. I do owe you an inordinate amount of cupcakes and popcorn. So make space for them already 🙂 It is silly but I also feel like I have known you some time now and can be as flippant with you as possible. Tight hugs, and as the French beautifully say it, bisous.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I shall try not to put y’all (insert: a twang, I mean why not right when I am in this land?) to shame with a lingerie show on the streets of New York. I shall just leave that to you for when you visit xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dippy Dotty! What a cool choice of name. A pleasure to finally meet you. You’re all Chey talks about. 😛 😛
    And she has a very good reason to do so. I mean, I would do same if I had a super high-larious comrade such as yourself.
    And that poem ❤ ❤ So touching.

    P.S. What an adorable couple you are.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice to meet you Arundhati 😊 I called you Cathy too 🙈. Have a great day to you and Cheila and goodluck on your House hunting 😊😊👍🏼

    Thanks Cheila for introducing Arundhati. 😊😊

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    • Cheila did write such a loving post. It means the world. That poem made me smile through a veil of tears in difficult times. Yet it did make me feel a little better if one can get close to that feeling after losing a loved one.

      Liked by 1 person

      • She did indeed 🙂
        It definitely offers a very comforting approach in such a difficult situation…after all, losing a loved one is the hardest thing to go through in life…

        Liked by 1 person

  5. This was so sweet to read! You and Arundhati/Cathy/Dippy Dotty have the cutest relationship XD
    I do agree that her writing style and personality is what first drew me in, I love reading her posts, the photos are amazing, and then on top of that the writing is hilarious, informative and rambly, which is the best! If you read this Arundhati (I have to keep double checking that but I think I got the hang of it now), I wish you and Adi all the best in NY, and I hope you find a house soon!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw thanks my love. I have been missing out on updating myself with everyone’s lives. As a result I am quite behind what is happening in yours, but I am on the job, in between house hunting and head bashing because everything is so expensive! Cheila is a sweetheart for such love and those wonderful words that make my soul sing at this point of time when everything seems a bit different. She is special as are you! I feel like I have known you guys for some time now though it has only been a few months. But that is how blogging is so lovely, isn’t it? I mean when we meet sure we can chuck cucumbers at each other yet there is love to temper the injuries. You are as kind as Cheila in all those sweet things you said. My name is super long I agree. I just keep saying Zara in New York and New Jersey because no one gets it. Maybe I will insert a Cathy next time 😉 Thank you again for the lovely wishes. I Need them 🙂 xx

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      • I cant imagine how crazy busy you must be what with your move and now house hunting! My life has been business as usual, a mixture of work and home. Although now we are considering a trip to Japan sometime next year as we’ve both been dying to go for sometime. But who know what the future holds? I love the idea of all of us meeting someday and throwing cucumbers 😄
        I really do feel like Ive known both you and Cheila for the longest time. Especially you, as you’ve been with me since the very early days 😄
        I actually just remembered that I found Cheila through you, as she commented on one of your posts 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Did I bring two blogging friends together? Sigh. It is like friend matchmaking if there is ever something like that 😛 Japan is traditional and yet so modern (especially in Tokyo). I find the coming together of the two quite curious and fascinating. Do you have an idea of which places you would like to visit there? Yes knowing you is special, Angela, because I have been following your journey including one of the most important ones of your life – your wedding. Now life with your beloved. I am enjoying the process 🙂 xx

          Liked by 1 person

          • You did indeed bring Cheila and I together for which I’m thankful 😄 We were thinking about Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. Thank you for all the kind words! I love that you have been following along on my newlywed journey, it’s been such a fun ride 🙂

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            • Hahaha you do not have to thank me, I shall however take a cup of coffee in lieu 😛 Some things are meant to be and they happen through some channel or the other. I strongly believe in the word ‘kismet’ (at times). Oh the Japanese names I have always read and wondered about. Well you both go get Japan! It sounds too intriguing from the posts of fellow bloggers xx

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  6. Lovely post about Cathy! 😉 I too love her and her blog and will miss her (although know she’s still at the end of the computer all but at different times!) she has a fab blog and I love reading her posts. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • She has done a wonderful and kind post about me, yes, Sophie. Thank you 🙂 I miss the same time zone and being in the same country. You have no idea how intensely I do, however change is a part of life and I hope to embrace it sooner with less of the whinging to the self. The love is returned with a cup of delicious coffee xx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. While I was reading this I was gonna say wow she’s putting in a really good word! Lol. She sounds like one of the sweetest girls ever. I really love the poem! I don’t always see her posts in my reader so this was great💛

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