Friends For Days Tag – Check the first nominees!

After getting so much support from so many of my reader friends, I decided to go for it and create the logo. The main idea is to encourage new blogger or some that are shy and don’t engage in the blogging community because they don’t feel confident enough to do so. We can all get to know new bloggers, make friends and make our blogging family grow!

The logo:

ountry Wedding Club (1)

So the rules are:

  • Say who create the Tag and provide a link to their blog;

I would love if you would add a quote from me “Dear bloggers, my name is Cheila and I blog over at pink for days. I would love to get to know you and your blog, so feel free to stop by and leave a link. I would be happy to read your posts and to support you in any way I could.”

  • Do a blog post showing your Tag;
  • Add the logo to the post;
  • Always thank the person who nominated you, provide a link to their blog and, if you like, say something positive and supportive about their blog;
  • Choose 5 bloggers that you don’t know very well or that are just starting their blog;
  • Go over to their blogs and read a few posts, like and comment;
  • Say 3 things you love about their blogs; (3 things for each blogger);
  • Those 5 bloggers are automatically nominated to do the same!
  • Nominate two bloggers who have been doing this for a longer time! (you get 7 nominees). Don’t forget to let them know you’re nominated them!

To start this Tag, I’m going to nominate bloggers that I know well and that have been doing this for a longer time, because I think they will be great encouragement to those bloggers, in order to start this Tag;

My nominees:

  1. Shweta (I’m sorry honey, I know you don’t have much time)
  2. Oriana
  3. Dani
  4. Azra
  5. Bea
  6. Cathy (That’s not her name, it’s a joke between us)
  7. Natalie
  8. Laura Beth
  9. Caz
  10. Alanna

Shall we try to make this tag work?

You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to 🙂 It was just an idea, let’s see if it gets somewhere!

Thank you so much!!


55 thoughts on “Friends For Days Tag – Check the first nominees!

  1. Yay! I’m so glad that you’re starting your own thing! Congratulations on being so creative and doing something positive for this blogging community! I look forward to doing this! Thank you again for the nomination!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sorry I’ve just seen this today ! I haven’t had much time to read blogs lately, I’ll do it as soon as possible ! Thank you for nominating me 😊 I’m glad you decided to do your tag ! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey there, i guess we have something in common, can you help me get going with my blog ? would be greatful if you would like to let me in your blogging family and suggest some more friends 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a lovely, genuine thing to create. I’ve been nominated by be lovely Robin , and shall be doing my post ASAP. Lots of positive energy from my corner of the internet to yours 🌺


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