The MIA diaries

Hey guys,

I’m not technically MIA, since you do know that I’ve been busy and doing what.

I’m late with my blogging challenge. So far I have missed:

Day 19 – Why I started my business; I did have a business so I do have a lot to say about this topic

Day 20 – What makes my products unique; I sell nothing so this doesn’t apply at all;

Day 21 – Goals for my Etsy shop; I don’t have one so…

I will do all of these posts, finding something to substitute the prompts for day 20 and 22. Do you have suggestions? It would be super helpful!

So now, let me tell you what I’ve been up to for the last few days!

My parents-in-law were coming on Friday afternoon and I had a whole to-do list to complete before they got here:

  • Make our bed with fresh sheets. We are giving them our room and sleeping in an air mattress in the living room; – Done;
  • Air the bedroom and make everything fresh and clean; – Done;
  • Gather everything that we need from the bedroom so we don’t need to get in there once they are here; – Nope, I had to get in there to get a few things the next morning after breakfast but that’s not an issue for us;
  • Mop the bedroom floor; – Done;
  • Quick bathroom cleanup (new towels, toilet clean, spray and rinse shower, open window, make sure everything is clean and that they have enough soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) – Done;
  • Leave some tissues in the bedroom; – Totally forgot;
  • Make a shopping list so Rui can stop by the store later (we need some cheese, meats for the grill, drinks, ingredients for my Oreo mousse) – We went there together;
  • Make sure to take out the bags that have been in a corner of the bedroom for weeks (clothes to donate, toys to donate, picture frames to hang) – All in the storage room;
  • Tidy up the living room and office (very quickly) and air both; – Done;
  • Tidy up kitchen; – Done;
  • Wash dishes from breakfast; – Done;
  • Do some salad prep; – Did it just before dinner;
  • Pick outfits for both of us for tomorrow; – Nope, we chose them in the morning;
  • Buy graduation gift (I know, the day before. We had so many months to do it, but we choose to leave it for 12 hours before. We are really Portuguese. No question there. It’s a cultural thing.) – It hasn’t happened yet. How cool of us.

They got here a little after 6 p.m and we took them to our favorite coffee shop for a snack. We then went to the supermarket because we needed to pick up a few things for dinner and some fruit. We have a few supermarkets to choose from and I have an amazing app where we can check the pamphlets for each store and the discounts for that day or week. I love it. I had checked the store with the lowest prices for fruit and we went to that one. We don’t usually go there but it was good to get there because now I know they have a great supply of foods for those who don’t eat a regular diet and great supplements too, while most stores don’t.

My in-laws brought us SO MUCH STUFF. They are so amazing! Our fridge and freezer are full of goodies and I have no room left. They brought us 2 chickens they had killed that morning (sorry if this is TMI or offensive to you in any way but we are a farming family and this is normal for us, although I don’t kill any kind of animal, not even flies or spiders), so many eggs, a cake my MIL had made, 4 heads of lettuce, potatoes, olives, cheese, watercress, strawberries, bread, etc. They are really generous and kind.

For dinner, we had some grilled meat with brown rice (I made it too salty, sorry) and a salad. For dessert I made my Oreo mousse but it was too liquid. Some days you just can’t do shit right. We then watched TV and went to bed.

On Saturday morning we woke up, had breakfast, got ready and went to lunch hahaha. We met my brother-in-law, his best friend and one of our cousins and we had a delicious lunch at an amazing restaurant. We all ate way too much. Then we went to my brother-in-law’s school for the graduation ceremony. They were doing it in order, by course and his was number 6. It was a little hard because we had to wait a long, long time, standing, sometimes in the sun. It was super hot. 30ºC. Lisbon can be a nightmare if it is that hot and no breeze in sight. After such a big lunch, with such a high temperature and standing for such a long time, I began not feeling so well. Adding the fact that I hadn’t sleep a wink. My hands, legs and feet started to swell and I felt dizzy and super hot. I was feeling like shit until after dinner, when I finally cool down.

We went to one of our aunt’s home for dinner, which was delicious but I could barely touch it because I was feeling so bad.  It was really good because we got to spend time with family, have a very nice and civilized discussion about politics (of course I had to participate, you know me) and I got to hold our sweet 2-month-old cousin. I love me some baby cuddles!

We got home and went to bed. I couldn’t sleep again, at all. The air mattress is not comfortable at all, Rosa wanted to sleep with mommy and spent the whole night trying to get on top of us, etc. I was supposed to go to my other aunt’s house for lunch but after two sleepless nights and feeling so bad last night I just couldn’t go anywhere. Today I feel like shit, I thing I was in the sun for two long. My back hurts badly and my abs (that I haven’t seen in 20 years) hurt like crazy, I can’t even laugh. I have no idea why I feel so beat lol I guess the air mattress and the heat and the sleepless nights and the excess food did a number on me. I should be fine by tomorrow.

Friday was also a very special day because I hit 1000 followers! I have so many comments to answer. Many of you were so kind as to congratulate me and I need to thank you for being so sweet.

I’ll come back tomorrow with my health for days journey. Or maybe I should do a week of a detox journey, ha!


  1. What should I write about instead of the day 20 and 21 prompt?
  2. What have you been up to this weekend?

Miss you guys.


26 thoughts on “The MIA diaries

  1. What are the things that you like to do on a totally free weekend?

    My weekend has been used bookstore shopping, teaching my daughter to ride her bike, writing, reading and a few hours at the beach. A beautiful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “What should I write about instead of the day 20 and 21 prompt?” That’s a tough one. I think for day 20 maybe you could talk about what makes your blog unique. Although you’re not selling a product the most precious commodity you have is YOU. As for day 21, “Goals for my Etsy shop; I don’t have one so…” – maybe you could look at it from a futuristic perspective – if I had a Etsy shop what would it have on sale. Just a thought, hope that helps. I hope you’re feeling much better.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. What a fun weekend so far! I hope you recover soon 🙂
    As for the prompts, Maggie and I just made up random things 😄
    I talked about imaginary businesses, listed random songs from my iPod and then had a look at my typical grocery shopping. All exciting topics 😄
    I like Lyz’s suggestion too!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s so funny that you mentioned the chickens today because my mom and I were talking about that earlier. We’re not a farming family and her family lived in the city but they also had a house in a small town out in the country and she was telling me about it. Apparently her mom would lie to her and her siblings and tell them the chickens came from the store instead of the back yard so they would eat it. I thought it was a fun story! Although poor chickens… Maybe for one of the days you missed that you need to write about something else you could write about your future plans for your business if you do go back to it? I think I remember you were talking about slowly starting to work again. Unless that’s a future day’s post!


  5. The heat of Lisbon did get to me too. Especially when I was walking all over the place! Icy hugs 😛 That sounds like a wonderfully busy time. The air mattress does not sound comfortable indeed so I hope you get back to the comforts of your bed soon. You need a big bowl of ice cream to chill out with 😉 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think your product is teaching, blogging being the other one, so maybe you can talk about teaching in that aspect or what makes your blog unique. As for Day 21, maybe you can talk about a future business that you’ll like to have. Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maybe you could write about what makes your blog unique, why you think you were able to reach 1000 followers in the amount of time you’ve been blogging.
    And maybe you could write about , if you did have your own shop, any shop- what would you be selling, what would you name it.
    My weekend was pretty, strange and off lol. Made a post about it in today’s To Do.


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