Throwback Thursday: Random Photo February 2021

Hey there!

I hope you’re all having a lovely week!

For Throwback Thursday I decided to pick and comment on a random photo from last year:

21.02.2021 – 2.30 PM

By looking at my computer I can see that I was working but, most importantly, Rosa is looking at me like she wants to join me on the sofa but I haven’t asked her, so she’s giving me the sad puppy eyes.

2022 Update: She still begs to be on the sofa quite often and plans on keep doing it for years to come.



A bunch of Random: Plans for the weekend, Guest Room, Ikea, Oscars, Amazon, Reading, working out

Happy Friday Everyone!!

I just love Fridays. Same reasons as everyone else, obviously.

For many years, I worked weekends, for Fridays were just regular days for me. It’s different now. I can go to bed late on Friday night because I know I can sleep in on Saturday and on Sunday. We get two whole days just for ourselves, family and friends. I also love to think of the weekend as a “reset button”. You forget about the weekend, get your things together, organized, take care of the house and prepare for the week ahead. It’s kind of exciting, isn’t it? LOL Can you tell I love weekends?

Anyway, I have a few things I want to talk about today, I guess I should follow the order of the tittle? Maybe it’s less confusing for you guys.

  1. Plans for the weekend:

Things I must not forget:

  • To drink my 1.5 to 2 l of water;
  • To eat my fruits and veggies;
  • To take my pills on time;
  • To make sure I take at least 10.000 steps. (I only aim for 5.000 on the days when I work out)
  • Remember to insert all of this information in my health app (including meals), which is the best thing I’ve been using ever. Lifesum
  • Go and get my eyebrows done (for crying out loud)
  • Cut my hair, my ends are very dry and thin.
  • Shaving. I’m in a public pool several times a week, they don’t need to endure hairy legs, armpits and lady bits. (I rhymed)

Self-care things I would like to do:

  • A green clay mask, as I haven’t done one in God knows how long.
  • Take 2 big nature walks with the mister and the little four-legged lady. (Probably not gonna happen, being honest here)
  • Do my favorite yoga routine before bed, I’ve been waking up about 3 times each night.
  • Do some kind of foot scrub.
  • Apply some clear nail polish on my nails so I won’t bite them.

Things we actually need to do:

  • Finish tidying up the house. We have moved the furniture we intended to, which means Rui’s desk is in the living room and I have an office space in our bedroom. Our former office is now a “closet” (Our wardrobe, shoes, bags, coats are in there) and a guest bedroom. When you make such drastic changes, objects need to be moved as well, so there are lots of clothes and random objects that need to be put away.
  • Laundry. Besides our regular laundry, we have a few blankets, pillows and clothes for my pregnant friend that need to be washed, as well as a few sheets. We also have a ton to put away.
  • Clean the kitchen.
  • Do some general cleaning around the house. (I’ll tell you what we got done when I do my update on Sunday)
  • I need to move some of my plants inside because they don’t seem to like the cold and rain.
  • Rosa NEEDS to go to the vet.
  • We need to cook and prep for the week ahead.
  • I want to read some blogs.
  • I want to get my planner ready for the week (would you like to take a peek at my planner?)

  • 2. Guest Room/IKEA

  • So I’ve told you we decided we definitely needed to turn our office into a guest room, with an actual bed. Every time we had guests they had to sleep on the sofa or air mattress on the living room floor. I have nothing again the sofa or air mattress, except that the living room is the center of the house. If we need to go to the bathroom or kitchen we need to go through the living room. Our bedroom door leads directly to the living room, which means there’s no privacy.

We have this guest bed which is not so good but it’ll have to do for now:

It’s as shitty as it looks and too small for any sheets to properly fit. We’ll obviously keep it as an extra, as well as the air mattress, but I’m thinking we should get this one, which turns into a double bed if needed:

It’s pretty cheap too, only 169€. What do you think?

3. Oscars

So I had this crazy idea that we could all watch the Oscars together. What? I know. But hear me out: I would write a post named: Oscars 2018 and we’d all be watching the Oscars at the same time and commenting on said post, like we’re actually talking while watching it. So who’s with me? We can have a long distance, blogging, Oscar-viewing party!!

4. Amazon/Reading

This morning I heard on the radio that Amazon might finally come to Portugal. I was immediately excited and praying for it to happen. Every time I want to order something from Amazon, well, I can’t. For every 100 products, only about 1 ships to Portugal and the shipping cost is never lower than 20€. It’s really bad. Imagine having the option of Amazon Prime… Gosh, I need it.

I’ve been looking into getting a used kindle reader. You cannot really find kindles to buy here and when you do, they’re really expensive, so I’m looking for a used one. I might save about 100€ if I buy a used one.

I have been reading lots using kindle on my iPhone and Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited. My free-trial ended and I was pretty sad but then Rui surprised me by saying he wouldn’t mind if we paid the monthly subscription, so I’ll have it forever, woo-ooh.

Finally, I want to tell you I hadn’t worked out as much as I did this week in years!! I took two 2.3 km walks and I went to water aerobics twice and swimming class once! Just need to brag about it.

That’s it everyone!!

What are you plans for the weekend??

Love you all.


The incontinent mailman and the crazy taxi driver. Oh, and it’s cold!

Hey guys!!

It’s just so damn cold!!

It’s 8 degrees Celsius or about 46 Fahrenheit and raining. I guess that’s not so cold for some of you guys but it is here, especially because it was a sudden drop. I can’t wait to get home and cuddle my little space heater. My knees, feet, nose, hands and butt are freezing.

How’s the weather where you are?

Are you happy it’s Friday? Do you have big plans for the weekend?

We’re changing some things around the house (again, last time was in April) because we want to transfer my side of the office to our bedroom (which is pretty big), get Rui’s desk somewhere and turn our office into a closet/a place with a guest bed. We have a ton of shit to move around and organize. And clean. And I just want to sleep. Or read. Or watch the second season of The Crown, which I have yet to do. Have you watched it?

I’m tutoring 8th grade science and 10th grade Art History until 8 p.m. I have a headache and I really want to go home. Rui has this dinner to attend so I’m probably having sandwiches for dinner. Or cereal.

My favorite part when I get home is checking the mail to see if I’ve gotten any mail or delivery from my online shopping 😍 My second favorite part is changing into my pajamas (especially taking my bra (a.k.a boob prison).


So, I had to stop writing because the kids were done with their worksheets and we had to wrap things up for the weekend. I have to take the bus and a taxi because Rui is at that freakin dinner and it’s pretty freakin cold!! Like feeling the could under my coat and warm, turtleneck sweater and thick scarf. Gosh. I was waiting for the bus when I realized I had no money so I had to run to an ATM and then run because I literally saw the bus was coming, just as I was withdrawing the money. Man, I don’t like running, nor am I good at it. But I made it. At least I’m warm now. I just hope I don’t get the taxi driver that likes to talk and look back while talking. He’s pretty nosy and freaks me out because I can imagine us running into a tree very easily while he’s not looking at the road. Yes, there are only a handful of taxi drivers here and they’re from the same company and family so I know them all. I also know the mailman by name. Oh and we’re pretty intimate now since I caught him peeing against my garage wall when he thought I wasn’t home, like a fucking dog. He did apologize and say “I’m so sorry, I thought nobody was home” – “Oh, okay. Don’t worry”. What the fuck do you answer to that?

I did get the talkative taxi driver but he wasn’t in the mood to talk, thankfully. I’m already home, in bed, with my heater and Rosa. Why can’t she just lay a few centimeters away from me? She needs to be almost on top of me. So I have to bear the weight of at least half dog. She looks pretty cute, if I forget that she stalks me into the bathroom and comes to our room to throw up (just a few minutes ago). OMD. Oh my dog.

I guess this is the most random post ever, right? I’m going to post it anyway. Bye now, there’s a true crime podcast waiting for me.

Love you all.

Have a nice weekend!


I’m gonna post it anyway.