Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Wish I Had Read Before Watching the Movie/TV Show

Hello and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

I’m linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl

Today I’m cheating and slightly altering the theme. We’re supposed to be talking about Movies and TV shows that would have made great books. I couldn’t really think of any so I decided to list 10 TV shows or movies that I watched before realizing they were based on a book which I would have loved to have read first.

1. The Color Purple

I watched the movie one late night while on school holidays, not knowing it was inspired by a book. I’m referring to the 1985 adaptation, as I have yet to watch the 2023 remake. I look forward to watching it.

2. Normal People

I ended up reading the book twice after watching the show (once for pleasure and once for a university class) and it has become one of my favorite books.

3. Sharp Objects

The limited series is absolutely fantastic and I wish I had read the book. I consider the ending to be one of the best plot twists ever written.

4. Anne With an E

Inspired by Anne of Green Gables. I have since read the book and loved it so much. The show is just so sweet and wholesome too.

5. Mindhunter

I’m still heartbroken this show was cancelled, it was just so good. The book is still on my TBR list, along with a few other John E. Douglas books.

6. The Haunting of Hill House

Sadly, I’ve only very recently realized this was based on a book. The show is brilliant so I’m sure I would have enjoyed the book.

7. Outlander

I have read a few of the books (not sure if up to book four or five) but I wish I had read them before watching the show.

8. Twilight

I have since read all the books (many times, actually) but would have preferred to read the first one before watching the movie, so I wouldn’t be forever stuck with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Bella and Edward.

9. Brokeback Mountain

I honestly had no idea the movie was based on a book. Would I love the book more? I’m not sure. Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger were just so good as Jack Twist (Jack fuckin’ Twist, ha!) and Ennis Del Mar. Apparently, it’s a short novel so I might give it a go.

10. Gone Girl

If the book is half as good as the film, I’m sure I would have loved it so much. Rosamund Pike is brilliant as Amy.

What is a book you wish you had read before watching the movie or show?

If We Were Having Coffee – Part I


If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I wear glasses now. Not always, but I need them to watch TV, go to the movies, drive (I don’t drive but if I did), etc. I’m short sighted and it’s not that bad but the glasses make a huge difference. First couple of times I wore them I keep taking them off and putting them on to see the difference. Literally. I think I began to see there was an issue, again literally, about 6 months ago. I could have been before that. I was at the movies and kept asking Rui if the screen was blurry or unfocused. It looked fine to him. Then it started to get worse while watching a movie or a TV show at home. Everything was blurry, even faces. And God help me if any letters or signs came on the screen. Then I was at work and it was hard to focus someone’s face at a distance. I could see them but their face was a blur. Same for street signs. I could go on. A couple of weeks ago I finally got tested and they confirmed I needed glasses. What a HUGE difference it makes. Do I think I look good wearing glasses? I mean, I don’t know yet. It’s weird. They keep getting dirty and I’m kind of obsessed with them being spotless. Rui thinks I’m crazy and that I’m going to end up scratching them from cleaning them too much.

Yes, I’m wearing pajamas. Don’t judge

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I quit sugar. I won’t eat anything with added sugar or add sugar to my coffee or tea. I do eat sweeteners because I’m not that good. I have a major sweet tooth. I’ve had a slip up or two but one of them was accidental. I had no idea my stevia had added sugar. WTF? It’s very hard to be sugar free, honestly. Not in the sense that I’m constantly craving it because it has been easier than I thought but it’s definitely harder to find food you can eat. Your options get pretty limited. EVERYTHING has sugar. Why does BREAD need sugar? We are lucky that our bread, Portuguese bread, is not that sweet so we can find a few varieties with no sugar added but in general, most bread contains sugar. I’ve been getting creative and trying to come up with sweets and desserts with no sugar, using vanilla extract, applesauce, ripe bananas, coconut milk and cinnamon to add flavor. Sometimes I do use some sweetener as a substitute for sugar because again, most recipes ask for sugar. I’ve actually been trying to cook a lot more lately. Would you like a list of recipes? Some of them I find online and adapt, others I kind of make up myself. I’ve discovered this very easy 2 ingredient pizza dough: Flour and plain Greek yogurt. The pizza (I made the sauce too) turned out pretty yummy.


If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I began having my eyebrows threaded and I’m never going back! It’s the perfect method for me. It’s relatively painless (definitely less painful than wax or tweezers), natural and they look so perfect and well defined. The lady I go to is awesome! She has being doing this for 10 years and she only charges 8€. I had never tried it before because I thought it would be too expensive but I’m so glad I did.

Awkward photo so I can show you my eyebrows…

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you I’ve been getting gel nails and it’s great. I bite my nails to the bone and they look so miserable all the time. Even when I paint them they still end up in my mouth. It’s a horrible habit and this seems to be the perfect solution for me. They last 3-4 weeks, they’re not terribly expensive and my hands look so much better. I instantly feel like a lady and more put together. I feel way more confident if my nails are done. It’s the third time I’ve got them done and they look more natural each time because my nails can grow freely since I’m not munching on them.

First time – I may or may not be sitting on the toilet here.
Second time – Looks kind of black but it is dark blue
Now – That’s my driver’s hand. I’m marrying him.
Now – The red is slightly sparkly but my shitty iPhone SE didn’t pick that up

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that we got our wedding bands last week. I absolutely love them!! I can’t wait to marry the love of my life so we can wear them together, even tough Rui has this phobia of getting a ring stuck on his finger and having to get his whole arm amputated. Or both arms. I’m serious, the guy can’t even try on a ring without asking “what if it doesn’t come off????” Now he’s gonna kill me because I’m sharing too much. Or maybe he won’t because if he tries I’ll put a very tight ring on each one of his fingers and watch him cry and call emergency services. Phobias are weird, aren’t they? I’m always afraid I’m gonna fall in the shower and die. I’m not 80 years old, but still. Don’t like to shower when I’m home alone.

I won’t show you our wedding rings yet so here, take a photo of our pupper begging for the hamburgers I was making for dinner.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that between November 27th and today, I’ve read 41 books. I’m currently reading book 42 and 43 (yes, at the same time). I’m so in love with reading right now. My goal for 2019 is 100 books and I’ve only read 24 so far. Better hurry. Do you follow me on Goodreads? 

A few favorites from the past couple of weeks:


My Sister's Intended SMALL



If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you about the movies I’ve watched lately and ask if  you’d seen any of them. If you’d like to check how I rated them you can follow me on Letterboxd: Chey23


If we were having coffee…

I’d ask you to tell me all about you. What’s happening, what you’ve been doing, how’s life, what’s making you happy or sad. I’d ask all the things. I’d love it if you’d share what you’ve been up to in the comments.

This post is now longer than I intended. Anyways, if you do get to finish it, thank you for coming by and putting up with my randomness.



***All book and movie covers were stolen from google images***

***Spelling mistakes may be present because I don’t have glasses for my brain***


Movies I watched recently

Good afternoon everyone!

If you’re American, I hope you’re having a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you’re not American, I hope you’re having a wonderful day.

I’ve been sick at home for three days so I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. There’s only so many videos you can watch before you die of boredom so I’ve been watching a few movies, even though I don’t really feel like it. I thought I might share the last five movies I’ve watched because one can always use movie suggestions, right?

A Star is Born

I had been looking forward to watching this one since I watched the trailer, a couple of months ago. I went to the cinema as soon as I had the chance and it was wonderful. It’s a beautiful film and I’m rooting for it to win a few Academy Awards. Lady Gaga’s performance is flawless and the same can be said for Bradley Cooper’s acting, singing (who knew?!) and directing. Their chemistry is out of this world. I cried my eyes out too because there’s so much to feel. It’s now a favorite.

Loved: The soundtrack. Rui and I listen to it in the car and I fall asleep to it often.

Liked: Lady Gaga looks beautiful with no makeup.

Didn’t like: The ending.

Crazy Rich Asians

I’m glad I didn’t go to the movies to watch this one because I didn’t like it as much as I was expecting. It’s fun and light but not a “spending money to go see it” movie. Is this a weird criteria?

Loved: A whole Asian cast

Liked: Their accent

Didn’t like: The crazy over the top rich people spending kind of bothers me


I’ve been in a 90’s movie kick lately and this one has been on my list for a while. I love movies about moms because I feel inspired by them. I really liked this one, despite the fact that you can spot very obvious 90’s movie cliches when it comes to plot and cinematography.

Loved: Mom love

Liked: Younger Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts and Jena Malone

Didn’t like: The ending

Baby Boom

Once again, moms. The 80’s. I love that this movie is fun while dealing with serious issues such as adoption, women’s careers, and the idea of “having it all”.

Loved: J.C. bonding with baby Elizabeth

Liked: 80’s work fashion

Didn’t like: How they portray the corporate world as being the wrong place for a mother

Green Card

I didn’t know anything about this movie until I actually saw it. I love Gerard Depardieu and his character. It’s a romantic comedy about two very different people that fall in love, after getting married.

Loved: Gerard Depardieu’s accent

Liked: The main female character’s name – Brontë

Didn’t like: The ending

So, yeah. This is it. Have you watched any of this films? Any opinions you’d like to share?

I’m also interested in what you’ve been watching and accepting suggestions.

Hugs, Chey.

My Oscar History – Getting Robbed Since 2015 #justiceforcheila + Share your opinions: Let’s Talk Cinema

Good morning everyone!

It’s 09.43 as I’m starting this post and I didn’t sleep at all last night. No, it wasn’t insomnia. It was OSCARS NIGHT. If you know me half well you know how much I live love The Oscars.

The first time any kind of movie award caught my attention was back in 2013. I had loved movies all my life, way before that, but I was taking cinema classes in college so I became interested in awards, actors and technical aspects. I’m not sure I actually watched the ceremony in 2013 but I know I was really happy thatArgowon.

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Now, 2014 was a turning point. I had done so much research for the whole of 2013 and was way more into the whole Oscar phenomenon. I had watched all the films and was rooting for 12 Years a Slave, which ended up winning Best Picture. I was very happy with the winners of Best Actor in a Leading Role and Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club. In my opinion, all of the movies were really good that year. Here’s the full list of nominees:

86th Academy Awards Nominees

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By 2015, I was addicted. It had become my thing. It was also the first time I felt deceived. Oh yes. I was rooting for either The Imitation Game, The Theory of Everything or Boyhood. Wonderful movies. I mean, I had three favorites, it’s not like I would be disappointed, would I? Wrong. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)took the Oscar for Best Picture. Okay. But why? I was happy that Eddie Redmayne won Best Actor for The Theory of Everything because, let’s face it, he played a damn good Stephen Hawking. Julliane Moore took the Award for Best Actress with Still Alice which was well deserved. Still, my heart broke a little.

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2016 came and my dreams were shattered once again. There were so many good movies. I mean, I did like Spotlight, the winner. But it’s not the one I would have picked. There was Room, The Revenant, The Martian, Brooklyn, Bridge of Spies, The Big Short. I felt like there were better choices for Best Picture. Thank God Leonardo DiCaprio won Best Actor in a Leading Role, FINALLY, otherwise I would have lost my shit! Although I do think Eddie Redmayne should have won again, for his brilliant performance in The Danish Girl. He would have won two years in a row, which would have been awesome. But Leo deserved that Oscar. He froze his ass in Canada to film The Revenant. I mean, he had been freezing his ass since Titanic and no Oscar. He got inside a friggin horse. It was his.

Resultado de imagem para the revenant

2017 was a weird year for me. I had seen all of the movies and was really excited but fell asleep before the ceremony. It was actually a blessing, otherwise I might have had a stroke because of the “La La Land… Fuck no… Moonlight” incident. I was obviously rooting for La La Land and the disappointment would be too hard to take after that false alarm. The other films were all really good, though, the best being Hacksaw Ridge, in my opinion.

Resultado de imagem para la la land

So you have probably realized by now how I’ve been robbed since 2015, haven’t you? So unfair. Well, this year was no different. I was feeling pretty confident that Timothée Chalamet would win Best Actor. Nope. That dude who played Churchill in The Darkest Hour (A.k.A Dunkirk number 2) took Oscar home. Well, that was sad. Fortunately, Best Picture was still to come and I was fine with either Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri or Call Me By Your Name. I was so wrong. The Shape of fuck a fish won instead. I mean… How? Why? I feel empty inside. How could they do this to me?? You do understand why I’m so upset don’t you? Thank you.

Resultado de imagem para call me by your name

Yeah, I just needed to vent and share this long, sad story. The Oscars are probably the reason I take so much medication. It’s too much too handle. Year after year. I guess I’ll just go and cry in a corner now, maybe listen to the La La Land soundtrack and try to feel better. There’s always 2019. No one is getting my Oscar next year.

Tell me guys,

Does anyone share my disappointment?

Are you a cinema lover?

What’s your favorite movie ever?

How do you feel about the Oscars?

Did you watch any of this year’s nominees?

Were you rooting for a film/actor?
