A Whole New Life: A month later – How I feel about my new job.

Oh my God, it’s been the longest ever…

I don’t even know how to start this post, honestly.


How is everyone? I miss you all so much. I’m fine and happy and healthy.

I’ve finally managed to sit down and write a post. Or begin one, anyway. I have so much to tell you. That is, if you still remember me. I dropped the “I’m leaving my job that I love for somethings completely different” bomb about a month ago and have been pretty much MIA since. I wouldn’t blame you.

I went back and forth with the decision of changing jobs for many days, before I finally decided I would do it. I was so scared I would regret it and, while I do miss the kids, I am 100% sure I made the right decision. Thank God I took the job. I love it. I would have regretted it and I know it was exactly what I needed at that time. It has been a blessing.

It’s not a better job in a sense that I changed into a higher position. Quite the contrary, actually. Some people think I should be doing something else because my current job has nothing to do with what I’ve been doing for the past six years. I do not care. It is exactly what I need right now.

  • I have much less responsibility than I’ve had in the past.
  • There’s no work to take home.
  • I work 8 hours and I’m done, no more (I’ve done twelve for years and I almost lost my mind from overworking) and no less (I’ve done sixteen hours a week for a few months and saying I was bored is an understatement).
  • I work at an office full of people. I was self-employed, which literally means alone, for the longest time. I’m glad I get to see people every day.
  • I get to help people and solve problems which you know I love doing.
  • I have a fixed schedule. I work from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. You know I’m a planner and I like schedules. I have one hour for lunch and two very generous breaks throughout the day.  I take pleasure in being there early every single day. I like to get to work between 30 to 10 minutes before I have to be at my desk.
  • I wake up early, which I like. I have to wake up between 5 and 5.30 a.m every day. Although it doesn’t always feel pleasant, I like to be an early riser. And I sleep so much better.
  • I got to learn things I had never even thought about before. My brain was dying for some stimulation and its technical training has been it.

I feel like this deserves a whole post but I’ve met some wonderful people. I know so many amazing human beings that I keep forgetting that there are even more beautiful ones out there. I can say I’ve made friends. Mostly guys. There’s this three crazy dudes (they obviously know who they are) and this wonderful girl. There are obviously others but I won’t get into it too much, for privacy reasons. I’m all over the place but some people are very private.

It’s funny how these people you meet just change something in you. And you don’t even know how to explain that to them. That’s how special they are.

I think I’m done for today. I could be here for hours, you know that.

I hope everyone is okay and I’m looking forward to talking to you all soon.

So much love,


25 thoughts on “A Whole New Life: A month later – How I feel about my new job.

  1. I’ve been meaning to ask how things are going at the new job. It sounds like the perfect fit for you, and I’m so happy to read this. I used to wake up at 5- 5:30 every morning and have fallen off hard. It’s still something I’d love to get back to– so many more hours in the day!


    • I know, right? It’s summer so I get home by 6 pm and it’s still sunny and gorgeous outside. To be honest I’m still getting used to this schedule and I’m dead by 7 pm so I go to bed extremely early. I put some grandmas to shame with my early bedtime. I’ve been meaning to tell you girls more about it too but it’s so hard to keep up with everyone. I’m going to text you and we can catch up. Now that I’ve said it publicly I have to do it hahahaha. Love you, Lyz.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay! That’s awesome that the job is going so well 😀 I love routines too, so it’s nice to have a job that allows you to have that steady day to day routine 🙂


  3. Hi Cheila! I was so excited to see you appear on my reader, I missed reading your writing. ♡ It sounds like everything is going so well for you, yay! Who cares what those people are saying about your job, you sound happy & that’s what’s important! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Chey, I hope you still remember me. It’s so great to see you back. Glad to hear that you are happy. That’s all that matters. I’m so happy for you, dear. I have been MIA myself for quite a while and I am just getting back on track.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Cheila. It’s been so long since I checked anyone’s blog. Then I remembered yours! So happy to read such a wonderful positive update on your life 🙂 It sounds like you definitely made the right decision to change jobs!
    Take care, and sending you a smile 😊


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