Random Catch-up: Peeing on the Rug, Fighting Old Ladies and Eating Soup

Good morning, everyone! (it’s 11.48 am when I’m starting this post)

Honestly, it feels like afternoon to me because I started working at 7.30 this morning. Olívia wake up to eat somewhere around 3 am so I didn’t really get much sleep last night. I’ll try to sneak in a nap with the girls later.

I haven’t been blogging much, mostly because I’ve been busy and also because I haven’t really felt like it. These days, at 32 years old, I’m not big on making myself do things I don’t want to do, unless they’re an obligation, which blogging is not.

This is what’s been happening around here:

1. Postpartum Health Check

Last week I finally went for my postpartum bloodwork, which I should have gotten done back in January. Because I suffered from gestational diabetes in both pregnancies, I had to do a very thorough glucose test, where they took my blood (while fasting), made me drink this nasty sugary concoction and then drew some blood every 30 minutes for 2.5 hours. Thankfully, the test was negative for diabetes, which I’m still at high risk of developing after my pregnancies. My thyroid is also fine, after suffering from hypothyroidism in both pregnancies. My pregnancies sound like they were so much fun, don’t they?

Anyways, not all was well. It turned out that my iron levels are extremely low (they should be somewhere between 30 and 300 and they were at 5), which made me a little worried. I couldn’t get a hold of either my gynecologist/obstetrician or endocrinologist so I immediately scheduled an appointment with a general practitioner, who basically told me I was not dying, I just needed to take an iron supplement for a while. The next day, my gyno called and said she’d be more comfortable if I went to see a hematologist, so I scheduled an appointment with the one she recommended. Luckily, I got an appointment for a couple of days later. The blood doctor turned out to be quite the character and we spent most of the appointment talking about our kids, I absolutely loved her. She told me my iron levels were indeed very low but that, since my hemoglobin level was good, I wasn’t actually anemic, just needed to replenish my iron reserves by taking a daily pill. She also told me that I needed to get on the birth control pill, otherwise I’d keep having very abundant periods (apparently one of the causes for my low iron) so I’ll be starting it on my next period. I’m hoping it will also make me less bitchy as my hormones have been a little wacky lately. Finally, she told me my vitamin D levels are also extremely low, so I’m taking a monthly dose of it and was advised to go to the beach as much as possible in the Summer (I laughed because it made me think of Ken in the Barbie movie “my job is beach”).

TLDR: I don’t have diabetes, my iron levels and vitamin D are very low so I’m taking supplements and I need to get on the BCP so I don’t bleed like a pig when I have my period.

2. Redecorating

We’ve been taking advantage of my husband being on paternity leave to change a few things around the house. Our tiny house was more than enough for us when we first moved but it has since become too small for our family of 4 + medium sized dog.

Last month, we decided to start looking at houses to buy but ultimately decided we’d stay put for now, as the market is absolutely insane right now. Because we can’t really stretch this one house we’re finding ways to better utilize the space we do have. We ended up buying a bigger couch (which doubles as a guest bed) and new living room rug. We spend a lot of time in our living room and I wanted a bigger, more comfortable couch and a larger area rug so we can sit on the floor and play. Here’s some before and after pics:

Obvious, the living room was picked up and vacuumed before taking pictures. Things don’t usually look this tidy.

Now, I’m still looking for a couple more couch cushions, a nice throw and some new cabinets for the dinning room side but it’s already looking so much better and more spacious. It also helps that I decided to transfer all of the kids’ toys to their room and just bring out a little box of toys each day. Less clutter around.

I’m not sure how long we’ll keep the couch and rug in pristine condition, though. The whole family is currently forbidden from stepping on the rug with even slippers on, and food and drinks are absolutely not allowed on the couch, unless the kids are sleeping and can’t see us breaking the rules. Hopefully, no one will spill anything on it for at least a couple of weeks.

(As I type this, I just remembered someone had a diaper leak on my new rug just this morning. I won’t name names, I’ll just say it wasn’t me or my husband)

Days without peeing on the new rug: 8 0

Oh, we also have a new kitchen side table which we had to almost fight an old lady for. We were in the process of buying it (on our way to our first date night in months so picture us carrying it to the car while very overdressed) when an old lady approaches and says “oh, I was coming to buy that one!” to which my husband proceeded to ask “had you asked them to save it for you?” and to which I wanted to reply “mam, you’re not going to live long enough to enjoy it”. She hadn’t asked the store to hold it for her, so we ended up getting it, the last one, at 50% off. I honestly have never seen my husband so happy. Our wedding day and the birth of our daughters don’t compare to that moment of pure joy.

Here she is: (the table, not the old lady)

TLDR: We have a new couch and rug, someone already peed on the rug and we fought an old lady for a piece of furniture and won.

3. The New Therapist

Readers, I’ve changed therapists again. My ex-new therapist was lovely, but I wasn’t feeling 100% feeling it, so I decided to try someone new. I chose someone with more experience (30 more years, to be exact) and a male, for a change. We’ve had one session so far and I can honestly tell you that those 30 years of experience do make a difference. I have a little guilt about breaking up with my previous therapist but I feel like therapy doesn’t really work unless you find the right therapist for you.

TLDR: I’m a therapy whore.

4. Olívia is eating solids now

And by eating, I mean making faces and spitting everything out. We tried to feed her rice cereal for the first time yesterday, and she basically told me to eat it myself. Today she’s having vegetable soup/purée (potato, carrot, lettuce and onion) for lunch so we’ll see how that goes. I didn’t really want to start solids until she’s 6 months old but her pediatrician advised us to replace two of her daily meals with vegetable purée (we call it soup and that’s how everyone mostly weans their babies here) and baby rice cereal to help with her spitting up. We’ll probably do what we did with Dalila which was a mix of purées and Baby led weaning, meaning we’ll mostly feed her purées for now and then give her fruits and veggies to eat by hand after she’s 6 months old.

TLDR: Babies don’t keep.

Update: Olívia has since eaten her lunch and absolutely loved her soup. She couldn’t get enough of it. I’m very pleased.

I’m sure I have more to update you on but this post is already too long. I’ll be back soon.



P.S. I’m writing this post on my phone, on 3 hours of sleep so there’s probably many spelling mistakes and grammar issues. I’m just saying this to defend my honor as an English teacher. Bye.

What’s Up Wednesday – March 2024

Today I’m linking up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To and sharing what’s up with us.

What we’re eating this week

On Monday, we had rotisserie chicken wings with rice. Yesterday, I made some Russian Salad and I’m not yet sure what we’re eating today, or tomorrow or Friday. It’s Easter weekend and my husband is off from tomorrow on so I’m not sure what our plans are.

What I’m reminiscing about

When Dalila was as tiny as Olívia is now.

What I’m loving

Spending time with my girls, Dalila is just so much fun to be around right now. Olívia is just the sweetest, most cuddly baby.

Baking! I’ve made bread 4 times now and it turned out pretty delicious. I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep making homemade bread. I also tried to make banana bread for the first time yesterday and it tasted pretty good but it didn’t rise because I insisted on using baking powder instead of baking soda. I only had the baking soda I use for cleaning and I wasn’t sure it’s the same one you use for baking. Does anyone know? Help!

What we’ve been up to

Nothing much, pretty much just taking care of the kids. The weather is awful right now and there’s nothing much we can do.

What I’m dreading

I have a driving lesson later today and another one tomorrow and the weather is awful, so I’m going to have to drive in the rain and crazy winds.

What I’m excited about

1. Easter. I’m not getting chocolate eggs or Easter baskets for the girls because they’re still too young, but hopefully I get to dress them up (and hopefully eat some chocolate eggs myself).

2. My husband’s month off on paternity leave.

3. Dalila’s second birthday party. I’ve already sent the invitations and am looking forward to organizing the party. The theme is: Cats!

What I’m watching/reading

I have just finished Ex in the City by Portia MacIntosh, one of my favorite authors. It was just the light, fun read I needed this week. I’m now reading a few books on cottagecore and finishing a few other books I’ve stated but haven’t finished.

What I’m listening to

Piano Covers for Sleep, a Spotify playlist I use for nap time.

What I’m wearing

Unfortunately, it’s 3 pm and I’m still in pajamas. The girls are dressed but I haven’t had time to get ready.

What I’m doing this weekend

Just celebrating Easter, spending time with family and friends and having my Mom’s Afternoon Off on Saturday.

What I’m looking forward to next month

1. My husband being off on paternity leave for the whole month.

2. Going back to work part time.

3. Dalila’s birthday party.

4. Hopefully, Spring weather.

What’s up with you?

I’m Back! Happy Monday + Plans for the Week + 10 Updates

Happy Monday, everyone!

I’m back after a break and feeling much better.

Before I dive into my plans for the week, I have a couple of updates for you.


I’m going back to work next month. I’m going to work only Saturdays and Sundays from early morning to about 2 pm. It’s very part time and I don’t plan on working more than 12-15 hours a week right now. Olívia is still very young and Dalila is not in daycare yet so they’re home with me all day, every day and I don’t think I can handle that plus working long hours.


I finally dyed my hair. I had been complaining about needing to do it for months and I finally found the time to do it. The color is called Pomegranate Red and I look HOT. Joking. Imagine if I had that level of self esteem. I look like myself with red hair and stained towels. Because I don’t have enough laundry already. In all seriousness, I think the color suits me and I feel much better about myself if my roots and grays are not on display.


I’ve been having weekly appointments with my new therapist and I definitely like her. I’m finally giving therapy and actual change and trying to be consistent with my weekly sessions. I know that I’m trying my best because I’ve even mentioned things I had never brought up with other therapists. It’s hard but hopefully worth it.


I finally made bread! I’ve made it twice now and it turned out much better the second time around. It’s crusty and so delicious. Would you like the recipe?


We (well, my husband) finally mowed our lawn and so I plan on spending our mornings outside with the girls if the weather is good. We’re thinking about buying a swing for Dalila’s birthday.


For some reason, I’m on a declutterring and simplifying kick. I feel pushed towards making our life simpler, more organic and easier. I want to spend more time in nature, garden, use less chemicals, make things from scratch, bake more and just generally living a healthier and more sustainable life. I have an urge to throw away or sell whatever we don’t use or love and to just focus on the essentials. Is this postpartum nesting or am I changing as a person?


I’ve decided I’ll be taking an afternoon for myself every month. I’ll be having a few hours to do whatever I want while the girls spend time with their dad. Because I like to make plans in advance, I decided on the last Saturday of every month, so my first Mom’s Afternoon Out will be on the 30th. I’ll probably go to the movies since I haven’t gone in a long time.


Dalila had her first haircut and it went so much better than we expected. She had to sit on dad’s lap the whole time and watch the iPad thingy that they have but it wasn’t as bad as I was anticipating. She looks really cute and her hair is much healthier. She even got a little first haircut diploma and I got a bit of hair to gift both her grandmothers.


Olívia is now laughing. We were sitting on the floor watching Pupstruction (Dalila’s new obsession) and she must have found something really funny because she started laughing uncontrollably for the first time. I tried to make her do it again so I could film it but it didn’t work so I’ll wait for her to find something that funny again.


Just a minor update but I’ve started watching One Day, a new show. I loved the 2011 movie by the same name (with Anne Hathaway) and I’m enjoying the show.

Our plans for the week include:

Father’s Day (Rui’s first as a father of two)

First day of spring

Grandma Isabel (my mom) visiting.

An afternoon with grandma for Dalila while mom goes to the dentist (I move much faster with only one baby)

Vaccine for Olívia

A therapist appointment for me

Trying magic sand for the first time for Dalila

Drying out laundry outside because the weather is lovely

And that’s about it.

I’ll see you soon.



Just Checking In

Good morning, everyone!

I’ve been getting quite a few concerned comments and messages, so I just wanted to put everyone’s mind at rest.

I am okay, just a bit on the burned out side.

I’m honestly fine, just trying to deal with getting my shite together, after having a rough week. I’m exhausted and a little overwhelmed (my damn autocorrect tried to change this to overweight, which is also true), which is quite normal for someone who’s parenting two kids under two with no help other than my overworked husband. I’m also worried because I have less than two months to get my driver’s license and anxious about getting back to work and what that will look like.

I’ve been working with a new therapist and, while very helpful, that can also be exhausting.

Right now, I’m focusing on planning my next few months, updating my to-do lists and making a few life changes. I’ll be back on Monday with all the updates.

Please don’t worry about me.

Thank you so much for your concern, it warms my heart.

Much love and many hugs,


February Blog Stats + My New Favorite Blogs

February is over and it’s time to reflect on this month of blogging. Let’s first look at numbers because, even if everyone says they don’t pay attention to them, that’s probably not really true is it? We all write to be read and interacted with, otherwise we’d make our blogs private.

February 2024 Blog Stats

Number of posts: 59 (average of 2 posts per day)

Number of views: 3920

Number of visitors: 1857

Number of likes: 1637

Number of comments: 341

Number of new followers: 109

February 2024 Top Posts

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 23.02.2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – Our Budget

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 16.02.2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – My To-Do List

Friday Favorites 02.02.2024

Friday Favorites and Weekend Plans 09.02.2024

Let’s Look At: Little Things We Do Every Day

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had

What’s Up Wednesday – February 2024

Extra Blog Post: February WordPress Prompts – Mom Break Needed

2024 Blogging Goals: Update

1. My number one goal is to keep writing every day. Even if I’m just answering some random blog prompt or telling you how my day went, it’s important that I keep my writing flowing.

Yes, I have been blogging every day!

2. I’d like to get to 3000 followers. I’ve been at 2700ish for a long time and would love to grow my audience.

I’m getting there. Currently at 2,866.

3. I’ll probably go self hosted at some point. I’ve been wondering if I should do it for years and it seems like the right thing for my blog. I’m just waiting on a specific domain to become available again.

Still waiting for my domain to become available.

4. I mean to start taking my own photos. I use a mix of stock photos and photos taken by me and I intend to use only photos I take myself.

Not really. I need to focus on this.

5. Back in 2017, I had 80.000 views. I really want to top that in 2024

Not sure I’ll be able to top that but we’ll see.

6. I want to go through all my posts, delete the ones I no longer want out there, reorganize my categories and add appropriate tags to all of them. Maybe I’ll repost my favorites.

Slowly going through all my posts.

7. I want to come up with a set blogging schedule.


8. I would love to find new blogs to follow and to connect with other bloggers. We used to be such a community and I truly miss it. Unfortunately, most of my favorite bloggers are no longer active and we’ve lost contact, which makes me really sad.

Yes! Which leads me to…

My New Favorite Blogs

Mama On The Move

Vegan Book Blogger

Frigg And Frog Crochet

Curiosity – Start Something

Baby Blue Rascals

Leah’s Books

One Reading Nurse

This was my blog’s month of February.

How was yours?

I encourage you to share your favorite blogs in the comments so we can all check them out and find new favorites.

Thank you for being here!
