April WordPress Prompts: Nervous

What makes you nervous?

Having anxiety, there’s plenty of things that make me nervous, to be honest.

Some of them include:

– Places where people swim without a lifeguard present. Private pools, river beaches, lakes, etc.

– Driving or being in a car.

– Making or taking phone calls.

– Plane takeoff and landing.

– Being on camera.

– My babies being sick, even if it’s just a cold.

– People possibly choking on their food (for some reason I’m always expecting to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver, even though no one has ever choked in front of me)

– My daughters crying or throwing a tantrum in public. I’m not bothering by anyone else’s kids being noisy but I’m always worried mine might be bothering someone.

– Alcohol. I don’t drink and I get a little nervous when people around me are drinking.

I’m sure there’s plenty more but this is what I managed to come up with right now.

What makes you nervous?

Extra Blog Post: Getting a Tattoo

What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?

If I were to get a tattoo it would definitely be the serotonin molecule and a semicolon which is the symbol of suicide awareness. I’m not sure about placement, though. Maybe my wrist or my ankle?

My sister and I have also been meaning to get a tattoo together: “Sisters by chance, friends by choice” but again, I’m not sure where I’d want it.

If I ever manage to transition from teaching to healthcare, I’d love to tattoo a tiny stethoscope somewhere too.

Finally, some book inspired tattoo would be cool too.

Here some examples of what I’d like.

All images via Google Images

Just Checking In

Good morning, everyone!

I’ve been getting quite a few concerned comments and messages, so I just wanted to put everyone’s mind at rest.

I am okay, just a bit on the burned out side.

I’m honestly fine, just trying to deal with getting my shite together, after having a rough week. I’m exhausted and a little overwhelmed (my damn autocorrect tried to change this to overweight, which is also true), which is quite normal for someone who’s parenting two kids under two with no help other than my overworked husband. I’m also worried because I have less than two months to get my driver’s license and anxious about getting back to work and what that will look like.

I’ve been working with a new therapist and, while very helpful, that can also be exhausting.

Right now, I’m focusing on planning my next few months, updating my to-do lists and making a few life changes. I’ll be back on Monday with all the updates.

Please don’t worry about me.

Thank you so much for your concern, it warms my heart.

Much love and many hugs,


When You Don’t Feel Like Writing – Mental Health Update

Good evening, everyone!

I’m in a bit of a funk, so that’s why there wasn’t a post today besides my answer to the daily WordPress prompt.

I’ve been having a difficult few days, for no particular reason. I’m probably just exhausted and a little burned out. My children demand my attention 24/7 and I don’t really have much time to relax and reset before I’m needed again.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on the blog for many years (if you’re a new subscriber you might not even know) but I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (type 2) a few years ago, which means I can go through periods of depression throughout the year, especially in the colder months. I don’t really have manic episodes, though. When I do, I’m super productive and that’s about it, nothing too hyper. I haven’t had a severe depressive episode since 2020 and the last mild one was in 2021, so my bipolar is pretty much under control and I don’t think I’m having an episode. I haven’t even taken mood stabilizers in years. I think I’m just really tired, as one tends to be when mothering small children.

Anyways, I just wanted to be honest about my struggles, as I’ve always been. Please, don’t worry about me at all. I have a very supportive husband who keeps a close eye on my mental health. This mom just needs a few hours to herself and a little self care.

I’ll be back tomorrow with True Crime Thursday.

See you soon.



Self-Improvement: Random Things I Need To Work On

I am constantly thinking about how I can make my life easier and my days more productive and enjoyable. I’ve come up with a list of things I need to work on or improve.

1. Getting up before the girls.

I go to bed very late and only get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, so I tend to stay in bed until the very last minute or until Dalila wakes up (usually after 10 am). Waking up has always been the worst part of my day because I’ve never been a good sleeper. I love being up early and never regret getting out of bed, but those first few minutes after waking up are always very hard. Still, I should make an effort because I would definitely benefit from a couple of hours head start. Ideally, I’d get up at about 6-7 am.

2. Going to bed earlier.

I spend a good portion of my day wishing I could go to bed, but when the time comes, I procrastinate. There’s always something else that needs to be done, I want to stay on the couch and do nothing, or my book is too good to put down. I need to eliminate distractions and focus on going to bed early.

3. Moving my body.

Besides walking around the house doing chores and taking care of the girls, I don’t really move much.

4. Meal planning and cooking.

Definitely the most disorganized area of my life. Both my husband and I are good cooks, but we often end up eating out or getting takeout because we don’t plan our meals in advance. With two young kids and a very busy life, planning ahead is essential.

5. Writing book reviews.

I’m a very lazy writer. I love writing but it takes work and I can’t always be bothered, to be honest. I read 78 books last year and I have so many opinions but didn’t write a single review.

6. Eating.

I need to start eating sit-down meals (impossible if I’m alone with both babies but otherwise), eat better, homemade food, and definitely cut back on the sugar. I tried to quit sugar a couple of weeks ago but then got sick, and things didn’t really work out (I really needed that hot milk with honey). I might have to go cold turkey on it as I think I might be a little addicted to it. I crave sweet things constantly and have a very hard time controlling myself, so I end up eating all kinds of sugary stuff that is not good for me. Am I compensating for something emotionally? Probably. Am I just used to eating like crap? Could be. All I know is that after two back-to-back pregnancies with gestational diabetes, I need to either quit sugar altogether or cut way back.

7. Drinking more water.

I actually like drinking water; I just like coffee more. Maybe I need to cut back on my caffeine intake too. Is 2-3 lattes a day too much? Probably too much milk, I guess. I wish green tea hit the same as a cup of coffee.

8. Taking time for myself.

I have a really hard time taking time for myself, even when my husband is available to take care of the girls. I’m a bit of a type A control freak, so I tend to think I need to do everything myself and never ask for help, which is not healthy at all. Also, I don’t know where it comes from, but there’s always some mom guilt that makes me think that I should be the one taking care of the girls. I don’t rationally think that, obviously. The responsibility of childcare belongs to both of us equally, and the girls are as much mine as they are his. Still, I don’t know if it’s the way I was raised or the patriarchy or whatever, but the truth is deep down I feel like I’m failing if I’m not taking care of the kids myself. Any other moms out there who might feel like this?

9. Scheduling therapy sessions.

I’ve been to a few therapists over the years, and I feel like I haven’t found the one. A therapist is like a partner; there needs to be chemistry, trust, and mutual respect. I’ve had really good therapists, but I have yet to find someone who I feel can really help me move forward and work on the right things.

10. Not using the dryer so much.

We live in a country where it’s sunny most days of the year, so we take advantage of that, and most people dry their clothes outside. I’d say the majority of the population doesn’t even own a dryer. We didn’t have one until just before Dalila was born, and now that we do, I feel like I use it too much. Sure, in this season of life, it’s easier to throw a load of laundry in the dryer instead of hanging everything out individually, but it’s not environmentally conscious nor budget-friendly. I’ll keep using the dryer for the girls’ laundry and when it’s raining, but I should really make an effort to use our clothesline for everything else.

11. Grocery budget.

We have a budget, but I haven’t been paying attention to it for the last couple of months. I need to pay more attention because groceries are getting so expensive, and I need to make sure we’re spending our grocery budget wisely.

12. Getting dressed and ready first thing

Lastly, I need to make an effort to get dressed (in sweatpants or leggings and a sweater, not actual going out clothes) as soon as I wake up.

What about you? Is there something you should be working on?

Are there any habits that bother you and that you’d like to change? I’d love to know if we share any.

I’ll be back tomorrow.

