Perfect Party Series #14 – Nina

It’s time to feature my dear friend and fellow Portuguese girl, Nina.

Her blog is and she is just awesome.

She has the cutest header image:


Kitty + tea = Kittea

I’m guessing she loves her tea. And cats. She lives in a small town in Germany and loves to find fellow German bloggers. I imagine she loves to find fellow Portuguese bloggers as well? I know I do. She is very cute but taken, sorry about that. Her boyfriend lives in Switzerland. She is very tall at 1,78 cm. She’s 20 cm taller than poor me. Wow girl! You’re almost the same height as Giselle Bündchen, you could totally be a model 🙂 She says she’s in her late twenties, although she looks about 21. I’ll try to guess her age: 28?

She’s a very calm person (maybe because of the tea) and she is an only child. She loves to draw and game and Stranger Things. She’s not kidding when it comes to exercising and eating healthy. She works out 3-4 times a week and is pays close attention to what she eats. I guess I could learn from her.

It’s now time for my favorite posts of hers:

She has recently done “The Lottery Tag” created by dearest Natalie and, of course, I was curious to know what she would do with the money.

The Lottery Tag



She has started doing weekly recaps and I love those. I love any kind of personal post, actually but I’m addicted to know what other people are up to. Should I seek help?

Weekly Recap #1

Weekly Recap #2


She has just reached 100 followers!! Yay!! Congratulations Nina. That’s a such a big accomplishment. Many more will come, for sure.


Another favorite: 25 Random Facts About Me (That’s where I took some information about her from, actually). I just love to get to know other bloggers better.

10 Tips For Dealing With a Bad Day – Don’t we all need help with those? I know I do.

Stationary Haul – I love hauls. I love stationary. Do I need to say more?


It is now time for her answers to my party questions:

I live in a small town near Heidelberg, Germany and mostly blog about DIYs, travel, recipes and personal stuff. As you can tell by my blog name, two things that I really love are cats and tea! I’m a very calm person, so you’d rather find me in the garden reading a book than somewhere in the middle of a noisy city crowd.
My favorite thing about your blog party was the idea that you made us imagine really being there – and that everybody just went with it! Every answer was unique and it was so much fun reading through all the comments. I also gained new followers and found couple of interesting blogs to follow myself 🙂

Dear Nina,

I do hope you like this post. It was so great to write about you and to go through your blog choosing my favorite posts.

You need to tell me when you’re coming to Portugal so we can have some tea together 🙂

Lots of love…

e beijinhos.


14 thoughts on “Perfect Party Series #14 – Nina

  1. I just saw that the comment I wrote this afternoon wasn’t published!
    So Cheila, thank you so much for writing this lovely, lovely post about me! *v*
    I was smiling the whole time whole while reading it! You always put so much effort in your perfect party series posts ❤
    Love you my little Portuguese sister :****

    Liked by 2 people

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