Blogger Recognition Award #8, #9, #10, #11 and never again!!

Dear friends,

I have, once again, been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award, by dear bloggers:

  1. Mila
  2. Grace
  3. Angela
  4. Life as easy as… (I don’t think I know your name, my darling. Or if I do, memory fails me. I’m sorry!!)

They’re all amazing in their own way and I highly recommend their blogs, if you don’t know them already!! Check their blogs, will you? Pretty please? Thank you!

Thank you girls for nominating me!! It’s always an honor.

Unfortunately, I think I should leave these Awards for bloggers who don’t have as many, so I won’t be doing this one again! 11th time is the charm!!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Check)
  2. Write a post to show your award. (Check)
  3. Give a brief story about how your blog started. (Will do)
  4. Give two pieces of advise to new bloggers. (Since I was nominated 4 times, I will give 8 pieces of advice)
  5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to. (Not doing nominations the usual way)
  6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to the post you created. (This will not apply)

How my blog started:

I have told this story many times, but I don’t mind sharing it once again, at all! I have always wanted to be a blogger and to have a blog. I was following about 20 blogs on Bloglovin and I just wanted to have what they had. Little did I know I would love WordPress and the WordPress community even more (those bloggers I followed use Blogger)!! I had tried to start a blog many times before, but I would either lose interest, feel forced to write or just get bored. I guess the time and platform weren’t right. In the morning of January 24, I decided to create a blog, this time on WordPress. I fell in love with it and haven’t stopped since!! There hasn’t been a single day where I struggle about what to write! It’s a passion, and my joy! I love my blog, the fact that I am an actual blogger and the amazing people I have met through this hobby of mine. I’m really happy that I started this blog and I often say it was the best decision I’ve ever made!

Pieces of advice to new bloggers:

(I’m still a new blogger myself, and I don’t consider myself any kind of expert. I only share what has worked for me so far!)

  1. Be yourself and blog for yourself. Write about what you like, not worrying about pleasing others. People will eventually come and love your blog, if you love it first.
  2. Don’t worry about followers. They will also eventually come. You will get plenty of them. It might not be as fast as you’d like, but it will happen. Don’t give up because you think no one will ever read what you write.
  3. Be a part of the community. Follow other people,  read their blogs, support their work and participate in challenges, blog parties and Awards!
  4. Make yourself known. Don’t just follow people and do nothing. Actually read their posts, like, comment, be a part of the conversation. They will want to do the same for you! If a blogger finishes their post with a question, answer it. Comment on the content, be a true and active reader.
  5. Share your posts on social media. I haven’t figured out how much it helps, but I know that it does. Make sure you have specific accounts for your blog and engage with people and advertize your posts and your blog.
  6. Be nice to other bloggers. Support people, be kind, honest, and polite. Be careful when talking about other bloggers work. You can criticize without judging and disagree without starting an argument.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask other bloggers for help. Those of us who have been doing these for a while are usually very welcoming and willing to help new bloggers. You should do the same, once you have been doing this for a while. We all need each other.
  8. Write something you would like to read. Be creative, true to yourself but try to create good, interesting content at the same time. Dedicate yourself to your blog and your posts put in the work and it should pay-off!


I nominate anyone who reads this and has been following me for less than a week.

Just comment “nominated” and you are automatically so.

I would like to thank everyone once again, it’s always great to be nominated for an Award and I’m always proud and honored!!


37 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award #8, #9, #10, #11 and never again!!

  1. #2-4 are always big on my list of “advice to others” because it is just so friggin important. Followers happen if you provide content and interact with others in a genuine way. Posting once a year on your own blog and posting “cool” once on someone else’s blog is not the way to get followers. Real content, real commentary, real interaction. That is the way to build. Great post!

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